Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3383 Nabeshima 7 Hong's opinions and advice

Chapter 3383 Nabeshima Qihong's opinion and guidance
After leaving these officers, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu discussed with them and made the final plan for the next step.

As for the rest of the devil officers, they can only go back and wait for the order mission to participate in the battle.

In terms of making a plan, they are already not qualified, and they have been completely eliminated during the making of the plan.

Time passed, and the afternoon passed again.

In the evening, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibe, who was full of satisfaction and smiling, came outside Nabeshima Nanakon's office with the newly formulated plan.

At this time, he wants to tell Colonel Nabeshima Qihong about this matter. In this case, the credit will fall on his head.

This is the most important.

As for the people below, those who helped him perfect the plan, he will not report it at this moment.

After all, he wants to hold the great credit in his hands.

This is not to say that the credit does not go to the following people.

The credit will definitely be given to them, but it is he who distributes it, there is not so much.

This is why Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu is so happy at this time.

Next, he will report to Chief Nabeshima Qihong to fully implement this contribution.

Only in this way can he fully grasp this contribution in his hands, so that his heart can be completely let go.

Otherwise, there will still be surprises.

"Boom boom boom!"

Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibe came to Nabeshima Nanakon's office door, and slowly knocked on the office door.

It's gone, like last night, I knocked hard on the door on purpose.

Last night was a good opportunity, he dared to do it.

And now, if he still does this, don't look at him being trained by Nabeshima Nanakon, it's useless, and he will definitely be severely punished.

He didn't want such a punishment.

You must know that every punishment is accompanied by risks.

If Nabeshima Qihong really angered Colonel Nabeshima, then he would really be finished.

For his own future, he would not do this either!

If it weren't for the existence of an intelligence plan yesterday, he would never have dared to do that.

Now, without this opportunity, even if Nabeshima Nanakon gave him the courage, he would not dare.

"Come in!"

After a while, Nabeshima Nanakon's voice came from the office.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu pushed open the wooden door and entered Nabeshima Nanakon's office.


Seeing Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, Nabeshima Nanakon asked with a smile, "How is it? Have you thought about what to do?"

However, after Nabeshima Nanakon saw the satisfied expression on the face of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibe, he actually knew it in his heart.

However, he still had to ask.

The purpose is to satisfy the vanity of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant.

For the subordinate he trained by himself, he still understands in his heart how to continue to get along so that the relationship is always in the best state.

This is also the art of imperial power.

For this, he has a good grasp.


Hearing what Nabeshima Nanhong said, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu suddenly laughed.

"Your Excellency, Captain, you are really good at predicting things. Hehe, I have already made a plan. No, after I make it, I will come here to find you immediately."

"At the same time, I also want you to see if there are any loopholes and deficiencies in the plan I made. You can point it out and let me improve!"

The Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant is also very good at talking, so he started flattering directly.

After all, after getting along for such a long time, he can also figure out the context of Nabeshima Qihong.

How to speak and how to do things will make Nanaji Nabeshima happy, and he has already figured out everything.

Now, he is on his way to say good things and make Colonel Nabeshima Qihong happy.

"Nagasaki, you, you, haha!"

Sure enough, Nabeshima Nanakon, who heard Nagasaki Shibu Nagasaki's words, suddenly laughed happily.

"Bring it here and let me see!"

Colonel Nabeshima Nanami waved.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain, please take a look!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu smiled on his face, bowed his head, and handed the plan in his hand respectfully to Chief Nabeshima Nanhong.

His attitude towards doing things at this time is like a slave dog.

"Ha ha!"

For this, Nabeshima Nanakon took it with a smile.

In my heart, I must be happy.

After all, no matter who it is, everyone is willing to listen to good words.

People who don't want to listen to good words, are they still normal people?

Definitely not!
Therefore, no matter what you do, or when you meet anyone, you must first say good things.

It makes perfect sense not to hit the Laughing Man.

In this way, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu sat aside and waited patiently.

As for Chief Nabeshima Nanakon, he looked at the proposal in his hand seriously, with satisfaction in his eyes.

What's more, his subconscious nod already represented the level of satisfaction in his heart with Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

Otherwise, Colonel Nabeshima Nanakon would not have behaved like she is now.

time flies.

Two 10 minutes later.

After reading and analyzing Nabeshima Nanakon, Colonel Nabeshima put the plan in his hand on the desk.

And, rubbing his temples with both hands, he looked at Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu who was waiting with a smile on his face.

He could completely see that the Lieutenant Assistant of Nagasaki Shibu at the moment didn't show it on his face.

But in my heart, I was still a little apprehensive about this point.

"Nagasaki, this plan is very good. I am very satisfied. You did a good job and did not disappoint me. For the next time, you should do things according to this plan. Of course, I will send my For your opinions and your deficiencies, I will write it for you, wait a moment, and I will continue to talk about this for you!"

After Nabeshima Nanakon finished speaking, he picked up the pen next to him, and at the back of the plan, he began to write his own opinions and the shortcomings of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant on it.

"Hi Yi, thank you, Your Majesty, for your guidance!"

Regarding this, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu expressed his excited attitude.

This is also normal.

A few Zhongzuo officers and a group of Shaozuo officers, even if they can beat Zhuge Liang with three cobblers.

However, in terms of height and vision, they are still not as good as Colonel Nanajima Nabeshima.

Don't underestimate Officer Dazuo.

His knowledge is definitely much more than that of the lieutenant and major officers.

Just from the height he was standing on, after seeing these things of the people below, he could find the shortcomings of the plans made by these people.

So, don't underestimate any officer who has a higher rank than you and holds real power.

There is no such thing as an easy one.

(End of this chapter)

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