Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3384 Think Boldly, Say Boldly

Chapter 3384 Think Boldly, Say Boldly

Nabeshima Nanakon's speed is very fast.

In a hurry, he wrote his opinion on the plan.

Finish it soon.

Nabeshima Nanakon looked at Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, and said with a smile: "Nagasaki, you follow my opinion and combine your actions. I believe that this time's plan to lure the enemy in disguise is absolutely foolproof!"

Yes, camouflage lures the enemy plan.

It is now determined.

That's the plan.

After disguising, the people from the [-]th brigade were lured over and wiped out.

Completely end the battle in the Liude War Zone, and completely take this credit.

At this moment, Chief Nabeshima Qihong felt a faint anticipation in his heart when he thought of this.

As long as the plan this time is completed, the members of the [-]th brigade in the area he is in charge of will be wiped out.

With this amount of credit, plus his previous accumulated credits, even if he can't be promoted to the major general of the empire, then he can take a big step forward and almost reach the critical point of being promoted to the major general of the empire!

That's enough.

As long as it can reach the critical point, then it can be seen and touched.

Under such circumstances, after that, it is almost enough to make some credits.
Of course, it is still necessary to get through the relationship with the Ministry of the Army.

Fortunately, he has been the chief officer for so long.

There are also many good things that can be restrained, and there is absolutely no problem in getting through the relationship with the Ministry of War.

Thinking of this, the smile on Nabeshima Nanakon's face became even stronger.

"Hey, Your Excellency, Captain, just rest assured!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu immediately responded with a smile, and his attitude was very respectful.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu was even more clear in his heart that his status and everything were given by Nabeshima Nanhong, so he had to be obedient and obey any order of Nabeshima Nanhong.

Only in this way, his future will be longer.

Otherwise, the result can only be the opposite.

"Well, but, I still want to ask you, take a test, what do you think, after this camouflage lure plan is launched, under smooth conditions, can we get rid of the scattered [-]th brigade? Huaxia soldiers, will they all be wiped out?"

"Above this point, you can talk about your opinion at this time!"

The plan to camouflage and lure the enemy has been completed, and at this time, Colonel Nanajima Nabeshima is not in a hurry.

So, he wanted to ask Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu to see what this guy thinks about this?
Anyway, it's still important.

Sometimes, the thoughts of the people below may represent the results of the plan, and no one can say for sure.


Hearing Nabeshima Nanakon's words, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu pondered for a moment.

He is not a fool, he has to think carefully about the answer to such a question.

Otherwise, if you say some answers casually, the result will definitely be bad.

In the exam, you have to answer well.

Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong looked at the contemplative Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, and nodded with satisfaction.

He thought in his heart that it was a good thing if the kid didn't answer immediately.

It shows that he is calm, calm, and he is a person who can accomplish things and has self-knowledge.

Such a person is good, he likes it!
What he wants to cultivate is this kind of talent.

Otherwise, no matter how smart other people are, he won't be able to cultivate them.

Time passed in contemplation.

Ten minutes later, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu took a deep breath, raised his head, and said seriously:
"Your Excellency, Captain, in my opinion, there is no perfect, truly perfect plan."

"Even if the plan we have made now is close to perfection, it is still impossible to reach the level of perfection!"

"After all, what we have experienced is war and battle. Under such circumstances, there are many accidents involved!"

"Even if we can strategize, accidents still exist. We can only find a way to solve this when the plan starts and unfolds!"

"I feel that if the task of pretending to lure the enemy is carried out this time, even if we can't wipe out all the hateful Chinese soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, then more than half of them can be solved!"

"After all, at this time they have fallen into despair. If there is no hope of foreign aid and so on, then there is only one result waiting for them, and that is death. All of them are given by my Ninth Wing and the Independent Brigade. Annihilation!"

"At this time, once our plan to lure the enemy in disguise is launched, then for these defeated soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, these desperate defeated soldiers, this is hope, and it can break through the current desperate situation hope!"

"At that time, anyone in their hearts who wants to get out of this desperate situation will come to us like moths to a flame!"

"Once this happens, our plan to lure the enemy in disguise will be a real success!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, this is my analysis and my thoughts, please advise!"

After the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant finished speaking, he bowed his head and waited for Nabeshima Qihong's opinion!

What he said was completely his true thoughts.

You are also right.

From this point, it can be seen that Nagasaki Shibu Zhongzuo is also a real capable person.

Of course, if he didn't have the real ability, he wouldn't be able to get to the present stage, and Nabeshima Nanakono wouldn't train him either.

It's just that Nabeshima Nanakon-san just wants to train this guy to be the kind of person he likes!
"Well, your analysis is good!"

Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong smiled and nodded, he was very satisfied.

"Anyway, at this time, for the people of the [-]th Brigade, they don't have any choice."

"After our bait is thrown out, they can only choose in this way, otherwise, these people from the [-]th brigade will have no hope!"

"Besides, according to the analysis of human nature, if you see hope and don't pursue it, you are a fool!"

"Hehe, Nagasaki, I believe that our harvest this time is definitely bigger than ever before, bigger than what we thought before!"

Nabeshima Qihong said this, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

Harvest, everyone wants.

However, what he thinks in his heart is how to maximize the harvest this time.

This is what he wants.

"Haha, Your Excellency, Captain, don't worry, the matter and the result will definitely go where we want to develop, there is no doubt about it!"

Hearing Nabeshima Nanakon's words, the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant at this time also laughed heartily.

Everyone wants to develop in a good way.

But this time, will things really develop as planned and envisioned by Nagasaki Shibu Zhongzuo and Nabeshima Qihong Dazuo?

(End of this chapter)

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