chapter 3385

At this time, the words of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, can be said to have reached Nabeshima Qihong's heart.

"Okay, Nagasaki, go and prepare, tell the people below, let them do it well, after it is done, the benefits will be great!"

At this point in the conversation, Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong didn't want to waste time, and directly issued an order to Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain, I will arrange it immediately!"

The Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Commander immediately gave the order, with a serious face, turned and walked out of the office.

The Nagasaki Shibu lieutenant who returned back arranged the plan to lure the enemy in disguise as quickly as possible.

The other little devil officers who received the order immediately became excited.

After all, it is very rare to have such a task of getting credit when staying at the headquarters.

Now that they have such an opportunity, they must seize it.

Under the order of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, all the devil officers stationed in the headquarters of the Ninth Regiment, the little devils, all started to move.

time flies.

It took two days, under the order of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, the devils tried to catch up, confiscated, etc., and got a batch of uniforms for the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

Nagasaki History Department Lieutenant Assistant Office.

"Your Excellency, according to your instructions, everything is ready. The military uniforms of the [-]th Brigade and the soldiers in disguise are all ready!"

"It's up to you to order now!"

The devil officer who came to report reported the prepared situation to Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

The current situation is indeed the case, and the action is only a matter of orders from Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu.

As long as the order of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu is issued, they will be able to start immediately and thoroughly implement this time's plan to lure the enemy!

At that time, if the plan is successful, they will be able to take the credit for this time.

Thinking of this, the devil officer who came to report was very happy, excited, and looking forward to it.

In fact, not only him, but all the devils in the headquarters have such a mentality!
"That's good!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu nodded with a smile, and directly ordered: "Notify, take a day off, launch an operation tomorrow evening, and the plan to lure the enemy will officially begin!"

Although, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu also wanted to start planning immediately.

However, he felt that he still needed to give the imperial soldiers below some time to prepare.

Only in this way, there will be no surprises.

If you are not prepared, an accident will happen.

The plan has come to this time, and he will never allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, he gave the officers below, as well as the Imperial Army, one day of preparation time.

Doing so will ensure that the plan is foolproof.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, I will immediately give your order!"

The devil officer who heard the order was immediately overjoyed, and his heart relaxed a lot, as long as he has time.

Having time to prepare can greatly increase their success rate.


Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu nodded.

The devil officer immediately turned around and walked out of the office.

"Hehe, this time, it will definitely succeed!"

Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant murmured, looked at the map in front of him, and began to think.

And in his eyes, at this moment, the tumbling, tumbling is the light of ambition, the fire of ambition!

At the same time, all the little devils who received the battle order immediately began to relax and made final preparations.

They are all looking forward to the start of the battle at night.

Although, the battle at night was just acting.

But, don't care what they are doing, for them, as long as they have merit.

As long as there is military merit and acting, it doesn't matter.

As long as they have military merits, let them dig up dung, these little devils don't have any opinions.

Everything, as long as you have military merits.

Military merit is everything for these little devils to do anything, and it is also the motivation.

They wouldn't do it without military merit.

very real problem.


After Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu in the office calmed down, he came outside Nabeshima Nanakon's office again.

Although, Colonel Nabeshima Nanami has given him the order of full responsibility.

But, the plan is about to start, he still has to report.

This even more represents that he respects Nabeshima Qihong.

He believed that Colonel Nabeshima Nanakon must be happy with what he did.

I have given the rights, but I can't make up my own mind, so I have to report it.

This way of doing things is liked by many military officers.

This is especially true for the little devil.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was another knock on Nabeshima Nanami's office door.

"Come in!"

Soon, Nabeshima Nanami's voice came.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu opened the door with a smile on his face and entered the office.

"Nagasaki, what's wrong?"

Nabeshima Nanakon was somewhat surprised to see Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu come in.

After all, he has already handed over the plan to lure the enemy in disguise this time to Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

In the implementation and execution of the plan, he does not need to report at all, he can make up his own mind.

But at this moment, the Lieutenant Assistant of the Nagasaki History Department came to report, which surprised him a bit.

He wanted to hear, what does this guy want to do when he comes here at this time?
Could it be that there were difficulties in the implementation of the plan?
Or did you say that there was an accident?
"Your Excellency, Captain, this is the case!"

The Lieutenant Assistant of the Nagasaki History Department stepped forward with a smile and reported directly:
"Everything is ready for the plan, and everything is going smoothly. Look, can it be implemented? I'm here to ask for your opinion!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu had a smile on his face.

The eyes are full of flattery.

"Ha ha!"

"Nagasaki, Nagasaki!"

"You ah you!"

Colonel Nabeshima Nanakon smiled and shook her head, pointing at Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, not knowing what to say.

This guy has really figured out his mind.

However, he was happy in his heart.

Because he likes the way Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu does things.

Make him comfortable.

Let him feel at ease, this is very good, very good!
"Your Excellency, Captain, this is what I should do!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu said with a serious face:
"You handed over the rights to me, representing your trust in me, but, I can't let down your new position!"

"So, this time the camouflage lure plan is fully launched, and after the preparations are completed, it's better for you to give the order!"

I have to say that Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant's way of flattering is almost at its peak.

You see, what you say is not what ordinary people can say.

"Haha, good, good!"

Sure enough, Chief Nabeshima Nanakon laughed and said directly: "The operation officially begins tonight!"

In fact, Nabeshima Qihong has already figured out what the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant means.

However, what he wants is also very simple, which is the attitude of the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant at this time.

Very good, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu gave him this attitude, which is very good.

He is satisfied.

I am very relieved for Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu in my heart!
"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

Lieutenant Assistant of Nagasaki Shibu immediately took orders.

In my heart, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, what he gave was the order to act at night.

If Nabeshima Qihong gave him different orders at this time, it would be a bit difficult for him.

This is not a good sign.

At the very least, in front of the following officers, it still has a lot of influence on him!
Fortunately, nothing like this happened!
(End of this chapter)

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