Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3386? Illusory military exploits

Chapter 3386 Illusory military exploits

The development of the Ninth Wing was extremely smooth.

And Yang Fei is also preparing for the upcoming battle.

In fact, Yang Fei didn't have any worries about the battle here.

After all, under his plan, it is impossible for accidents to happen.

Because, when planning, he had already thought through all possible accidents.

And, based on these accidents that can happen, we have made a countermeasure. As long as we can grasp this point, then there will be no accidents.

As for the accident, it is not an accident.

Yang Fei still has this confidence.

Don't forget what he does. For such a long time, under the guidance of Lei Zhan, Yang Fei's growth can be said to be all in adversity.

No matter what the task is, it is all very difficult for others.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Yang Fei who has grown up to be defeated.

So, under such circumstances, every time he makes a plan and conceives a plan, he will take all these possible accidents into consideration, as long as he takes all the accidents into consideration.

And, what is the way to deal with the unexpected that is marked in the plan?
Then, after an accident, the soldiers can immediately respond according to the methods he gave.

Nip the upcoming accident in the bud, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the battle victory plan, etc. That is to say, why is the accident not an accident?

In fact, this method was carried out immediately after Yang Fei realized it at the beginning.

He strengthened this idea in his heart, that is to say, if the accident is nipped in the bud, then there will be no accident.

It is the method that has been consistently implemented. Therefore, Yang Fei's growth has been very smooth, and no major accidents have occurred. As long as he presides over battles, planned tasks, etc., no major accidents have occurred. , all successfully completed.

This is the best effect he has achieved by insisting on this point.

Otherwise, the result can only be the opposite.

But at this time, there is no opposite result, which means that Yang Fei is right to do so, and his persistence is right, which also means that Lei Zhan has a good vision.

At that time, Lei Zhan said that as long as Yang Fei can grow up, then he is a qualified fighter, commander, and team leader.

Looking at it now, these have completely become facts.

Yang Fei grew up in adversity, and people who grow up in adversity are all talents, as long as they abide by their original intentions and do not go astray, they are all talents.

What is the plan for the Devil's Ninth Wing at this moment?

The plan has been fully implemented, and it is now in preparation for battle, but what about Yang Fei?

In the headquarters, he is also planning a new plan. This is how he is. Before the first plan has been completed, he has already started to work on the second plan, or even the third plan.

This is also the insistence in Yang Fei's heart. He always thinks that if he keeps enough backup players, then there will be no failure. He also does this to save more time.

Make time, set aside time for unexpected situations.

This is also his most successful place in such a long time. Anyway, under his approach, all accidents are truly stifled in the bud.

In fact, the benefits of his doing so are great, and the soldiers or other officers who follow him have made great progress.

They have all been influenced by Yang Fei's personality, and their progress has been enormous. Compared with the previous ones, they are completely different.

If you compare the officers and soldiers of the 359th brigade, they were not in this state before they met Yang Fei, or they would never reach this state in their entire lives.

After meeting Yang Fei, they quickly reached a height that they would never reach before.

This is the benefit of being by Yang Fei's side.

This point, in fact, all the people in their 359 also felt it, which is why they firmly followed Yang Fei.

There are great benefits to being by Yang Fei's side, it can make you improve quickly, and you can also fight and kill more devils with Yang Fei, and you can even win the battle!
Under such circumstances, even if someone drives them away, they will not leave.

They want to improve, don't forget that they are soldiers and fighters.

And what do soldiers and soldiers do? They defend their homes and the country, especially at this time when the country is breaking down, when the Japanese invaded and trampled, and killed the Chinese people.

Their mission, their mission is to fight the Japanese to the end and kill more devils, and to do this, they must improve their combat effectiveness, improve their commanding skills, and so on.

They had no chance before, but now that they met Yang Fei, they got this chance, so under such circumstances, even if they were driven away, they would not leave.

At this time, once they lose Yang Fei and lose this progressive existence and plan, then they will probably fall into mediocrity in the struggle against the little devil in their future military career.

As a result, the victory and the chance to annihilate more little devils were lost.

Under such circumstances, they all knew what they should choose, so this was the reason why they carried out Yang Fei's orders to the end.

In fact, good people, they just make the right choices.

Make the right choice at the right time.

As long as they do it to the end and persevere, their achievements will be great.

And the people in the 359 brigade at this time are like this. They all know themselves and know what they should do. That's why they are so steadfast and follow Yang Fei's side unswervingly, learning everything about Yang Fei.Improve all your combat effectiveness as much as possible.

As long as you can improve yourself, nothing else matters.

Combat strength, command ability, etc., represent that they can kill more devils.

In the little devil's battle, achieving more victories is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary.

At this time, in Jiuping Town, under Yang Fei's order, all the soldiers were preparing for battle.

They are all waiting there to show their best condition, to exert their greatest combat effectiveness at the beginning of the battle, and to win the battle.

They also didn't want to disappoint Yang Fei.

As for the little devils who had surrendered, they also made preparations for battle under the leadership of these three officers.

For the three surrendered devil officers, they wanted a chance to survive.

Because, only by carrying out Yang Fei's order to the end, can they get this chance to survive.

So, their order to Yang Fei was carried out to the end.

And what about these little devil soldiers under their hands?
But he didn't know this situation.

In the eyes of these little devil soldiers, their officers did not betray.

They didn't even know that their captain, His Excellency, was dead and had been killed by Yang Fei and the others.

Even the identities of Yang Fei and the soldiers, the soldiers of these brats, didn't even find out.

Of course, this is also the credit of the three devil officers who surrendered.

If it wasn't for the three of them to help hide, Yang Fei and the others wouldn't be able to disguise well.

Therefore, under such circumstances, these little devils can only be kept in the dark, fantasizing about the illusory credits and illusory military achievements in the picture drawn by their three officers.

(End of this chapter)

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