Chapter 3387
Of course, don't underestimate this one. The three of their officers, especially Major Miharu Xiao Mazi, are very smart and cunning.

If it weren't for Yang Fei, ordinary people would really not be able to surrender to this guy.

It was too clever, too cunning for him.

But at this time, the three of them really deceived these little devil soldiers.

And, still use the way of drawing big cakes to tell these little devil soldiers that if they want to gain military merit, they can participate in the next plan in the next time.

Under such circumstances, you can get the military merit that you have always wanted but could not get.

So, under such a temptation, all these little devil soldiers fell into the trap.

Actually, this is quite normal.

Although it is not a herd mentality.

But, they didn't get these credits before, because of what?

Because they didn't get the chance to go out to destroy the enemy and fight, but stayed in the headquarters of the army.

Staying at the headquarters does have a credit, but what?If this share of military merit is shared by all the devil soldiers who stayed behind, then very few of them will be distributed to themselves.

So, under such circumstances, if they want to accumulate military merits and promote their ranks, it will be very difficult.

It can be said that it is out of reach, and there is no hope at all.

And at this time?

Under the plan of the three officers who surrendered, they drew a big pie.

They saw hope.

I saw the hope that I could be promoted.

So, seeing hope, these little devil soldiers are like flies that smell blood.

It was impossible for them to give up, and they were directly blinded by this illusory military industry. They only had one thought in their hearts, which was to fight the next battle well and win this military merit.

Didn't even think that this military merit is real?
Is the intelligence true?

They didn't think about it at all.

At this time, if these little devils can calm down and think about it, and make a good judgment and investigation on their three officers, Yang Fei and others.

Then they can completely see that all these things are wrong.

After all, there were quite a few soldiers from the 359th Brigade brought by Yang Fei. As long as these little devil soldiers observed carefully, they would definitely be able to spot the soldiers who showed their feet.

It's just that, at this time, they have been blinded by their own eyes, and they don't realize this at all. ,

Even, he didn't realize that the most dangerous accident was coming.

Under the situation in front of them, after they realize this, what they get is not the illusory credit at all, but the harvest of their own lives.

At the same time, they never thought that Yang Fei would let them beat their own people, which is what the saying goes, "dog eats dog."

Let alone these little devils, Yang Fei's idea was that when he first planned, even these people around him couldn't believe it.

Even, I think Yang Fei is a bit of a fantasy, his idea has no possibility of success at all.

Let the little devil beat the little devil, how is this possible?

These little devils are not fools, how could they beat their own people and kill their own people?

So, under such circumstances, the people around him didn't believe it at first, and they all thought that Yang Fei was messing around.

If they do this, if they fail, then their previous efforts are likely to be in vain.

But, they couldn't imagine that after Yang Fei made the plan and told them, they really didn't expect that Yang Fei's Arabian Nights idea turned out to be true.

Moreover, according to Yang Fei's plan, they also deduced it, and the result they got in their hearts can be successful, and no accidents will happen.

This completely surprised them, even horrified them.

Yang Fei is really not an ordinary person. Anyway, in their eyes, it is indeed the case. He can formulate such a plan, and the plan is so perfect that you can feel successful after reading the plan.

They had never met them before, even the brigade commander of their 359th brigade didn't have this ability.

But Yang Fei did it, so they will follow Yang Fei unswervingly.

Yang Fei knew all about these situations, but he didn't say anything. After all, some things don't need to be mentioned like this, and there is no benefit in calling names.

Yang Fei, who was in the headquarters office at the moment, was holding a pen, looking at the plan in front of him, thinking.

His new plan is actually a plan for his future life, although he has positioned himself to fight devils and kill devils, and will never let these little devils go.

Still need a detailed plan.

After completing the mission here, Lei Zhan didn't tell him what his next plan was?
What is his mission?
He can make a plan for himself, and if he can, he will also take it from Lei Zhan.

Although the hope of success is not great, but, he will not give up.

In fact, Yang Fei knew in his heart that now it was the most critical time of the war of resistance, and there were many very difficult tasks.

So while he was making a plan, he also made himself mentally prepared, that is, after this mission is over, Lei Zhan will definitely give him a more difficult mission for him to complete.

This happened a lot in the past, and he was used to it.

And if he makes a plan in advance, although it will not change this point, it is also an opportunity for him to improve himself.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a knock on Yang Fei's office door.

"Come in!"

Putting down the pen in his hand, Yang Fei said directly.


It was Zhao Yili who pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing this carefree guy, Yang Fei wanted to laugh in his heart.

Because when he saw him, he thought of his former comrades-in-arms, his former comrades-in-arms, but many of them were so careless.

But Yang Fei thought of this.His eyes slowly dimmed.

Not many of his comrades-in-arms are alive now. After many difficult battles with the little devil, his comrades sacrificed a lot. Even the familiar faces of Lei Zhan's subordinates, he rarely sees them. There are recruits all over the place, etc. The battle with the little devils is really cruel, and not many of their group have survived until now.

This point is clear in Yang Fei's heart, and it is inevitable, after all, guns are ruthless, even a grenade flying over may kill you.

So even if it is Yang Fei, I am not sure how long he can live. It is very likely that in the next battle, if he goes to the battlefield and flies over, a bullet may kill him. No one can guarantee.

Because on the battlefield, there are many, many soldiers who died like this. Sometimes you don’t think that the battle is over. You are safe when you clean the battlefield. It is very likely that you will fly by and a bullet will pierce your chest. Or blow your brains out.

There were examples of these in the past.

After letting go of this thought, Yang Fei looked at Zhao Yili.

"Didn't you already give you a mission? Why are you here at this time?"

Yang Fei was a little puzzled about this point, after all, they all had their own tasks, and they should be busy now.

"Ha ha!"

It's just that Zhao Yili burst out laughing when he heard Yang Fei's question.

He said: "I have basically completed the task you entrusted to me, and the rest will be handed over to the soldiers. I'm here to find you now, just to tell you that those little devils are now as if they have been beaten with chicken blood." It’s the same, they are all barking like mad dogs, wanting to fight, I just want to laugh when I see this, I can’t help but laugh.”

"You don't even know that I was watching the three devil officers who surrendered to us. When I was lecturing those devil soldiers, the kind of eyes reflected in the hearts of those little devils, the desire for military industry, the desire for fighting The longing is real, I, especially after seeing this, I feel that Lao Yang, you are really amazing, you can actually do this step, and turn these little devils around. I just couldn't help being happy and wanting to laugh."

The situation that Zhao Yili mentioned was not only his own, but also the rest of the soldiers. However, after seeing this scene, the rest of the soldiers could only hold back their laughter. Or it shows that there are too many movements, otherwise it will be bad for the little ghosts to find out.

After Yang Fei heard Zhao Yili's words, he also laughed.

And laughed and scolded: "Just because of this, you came to bother me and waste my time? Lao Zhao, you have disappointed me too much. If you are happy, you will be happy. Go back to your own office and be happy. Come on What am I doing here? You didn't see how calm Lao Chen and the others are, they didn't come to me at all, your mind still needs to be tempered."

Also don't look at Yang Fei saying that, but this is also the reason why he likes Lao Zhao, why?Because his comrades-in-arms were so happy before, they would not hide their excitement and happiness, but directly expressed it, and found their comrades-in-arms to share the excitement in their hearts, their joy, and made their comrades happy too , and Zhao Yili's actions at this time obviously entered Yang Fei's heart, he just scolded a few times, but he was actually very happy in his heart.

"Hey, can't I help it, hahaha!"

Having said that, Zhao Yili laughed again, but still couldn't hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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