Chapter 3390

"Think about our time before, even if the [-]th Brigade hadn't been broken up by the little devils, when we were defeated, although we often fought against the devils, there was no chance of winning!"

"Yeah, that's true. The regiment I was in had many battles with devils before. Every time, not to mention the heavy losses, the losses were quite large. Not many devils were wiped out, and the gains were not great! "

"Oh, there's no way, we're still no match for the little devil in the comparison of all parties. In the end, we can only lose!"

"Yes, as for defeating the little devils, in the past, we didn't even dare to think about it. It's all about fighting and fighting. We can fight as many little devils as we can. As for whether we can win or not, it all depends on God's will. Little victories are rare!"

"Let's not talk about you, even if the battle was personally commanded by the brigade headquarters, so what? It was just annihilated a devil's squadron before, and we, a regiment of troops, were encircled and suppressed with heavy losses. , killed a squadron of devils!"

"Oh, there is no way. According to what you said, our combat power is indeed too low, and we can't compare to the little devil in every aspect!"

"Not to mention far away, just a few of us before, went to investigate the movement of the devil, and what we saw, the equipment of the little devil is really excellent, infantry artillery, mortar, heavy machine gun, light machine gun , wait, and the individual configuration of the little devils, etc., we can't match it at all!"

"Well, this is indeed the case. In terms of the equipment of the little devils, we are no match at all. We have to admit this. However, we have one thing that the little devils can't match in any way. That is our will, our iron-blooded will, blood, and the determination to fight the devils to the end, this point is absolutely incomparable to these little devils!"

"Haha, yes, this is indeed the case. Haha, the bloodiness of our Chinese people is like this. Facing these little devils, fuck your mother. Anyway, you are not afraid of them, kill them, fight to the end!"

"Don't say these things anymore. What we say now, apart from our blood and will, other things, if I think about it, it's embarrassing enough!"

"Well, that's true too!"


At this moment, the soldiers of the [-]th brigade in the temporary station, a few groups, and so on, were all talking.

It's nothing more than the situation of fighting the little devil before.

Now the little devil wants to trick them and so on.

However, they are also telling the truth.

Although, before their [-]th Brigade, they fought with little devils a lot.

But, basically, you lose more than you win, and the chances of winning are very few.

No way, the soldiers of the [-]th brigade also told the reason.

In the past, no matter how many little devils they met, the equipment of these little devils was really good.

No matter what the configuration is, it is far beyond their [-] brigade.

As long as the battle starts, these little devils will really transform into beasts. No matter what kind of battle it is, they will be suppressed with heavy firepower, so that they can't even raise their heads.

Under such circumstances, how should they fight? The final result was that after killing a small number of little devils under heavy losses, they immediately began to retreat.

After all, you have to preserve your vitality, continue to develop, and fight against the little devils. Otherwise, you will lose everyone, so how can you continue to fight.

Of course, there are also unlucky teams. After encountering the little devil, they did not evacuate in time and were wiped out by the little devil.

These are all things that have happened, and they are still the kind that happen often.

So, under such circumstances, the hearts of these soldiers are actually numb.

However, in the face of these little devils, you still have to fight. Therefore, with the support of will and blood, the soldiers are still fighting bravely with the little devils, even if they die on the battlefield, they will not hesitate. of.

This is what these fighters are facing.

It is too difficult and tragic to fight against the Japanese aggression!
Of course, even so, the confidence of the soldiers was still not broken by the little devil.

No matter how difficult the situation is, there is only one thought in the hearts of the soldiers, that is, to kill the devils.

No matter how difficult it is, even if it is a desperate situation, we must kill devils.

In the end, if it really doesn't work, it's enough to fight one and kill one.

If you are lucky, if you kill two, you will earn one.

In fact, many anti-Japanese fighters thought so when weapons and ammunition were not as good as little devils.

Killing one is enough money, killing two makes money.

It would be even better if luck broke out and killed a few more.

Weapons are not as good as yours, so we will go crazy and fight desperately, and we can always consume our opponents.

In fact, under such circumstances, the bloodiness aroused by the soldiers became stronger and stronger, like refined steel, blessing them, so that they could only focus on killing devils.

They have no other conditions. They are facing the little devil at this moment, and the only thing they can use to fight the little devil is their own life.

"You said, if we stay, will Commander Yang want us?"

At this time, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade brought up the topic again.

At this moment, the thoughts of the surrounding soldiers were all pulled back.


"Let's put it this way, I feel that as long as we are willing to stay, then Captain Yang will definitely want us!"

"I feel the same way. After all, our combat effectiveness is not bad. As long as we have guns, we can immediately go to the battlefield to fight devils. Unlike recruits, we have experience and don't need training. I think we have This advantage, Captain Yang will definitely keep us!"

"I feel the same way. After all, Commander Yang has gathered people from our [-]th Brigade before. The officers around him are also from the previous [-]th Brigade. Under such circumstances, I believe we don't need to Said, maybe at this time, Captain Yang has already made arrangements and will leave us behind!"

"Well, I feel the same way, otherwise, it's impossible for Commander Yang to be surrounded by people from our [-]th Brigade!"

"Hey, if this is really the case, then it would be really great. We can fight devils with Captain Yang, and we can still win. Just thinking about it makes me excited!"

"Didn't Staff Officer Chen say before that, let us stay at ease, and there will be arrangements later. Under such circumstances, I feel that he has clearly stated that he wants to keep us, hehe, you say, Isn't it like this!"

"I feel like this is the case!"

"Hey, if that's the case, that would be great!"

"Ha ha!"



Thinking of this, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade all became excited.

The opportunity is right in front of them, and they must seize it.

Otherwise, they are the real fools, really useless!
(End of this chapter)

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