Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3391 Zhao Yili's straight forward

Chapter 3391 Zhao Yili's straight forward
With such an opportunity, can they give up?


So, they are not fools or idiots, they have to seize such an opportunity before them.

They don't want to be the same as before. Every time they fight with little devils, they will lose and lose.

They also want to kill devils, kill a large number of devils, and win greater victories in the battle of devils.

Of course, victory is not the most important thing for them, what is important is that they can kill more little devils with their own hands.

Killing more little devils is the most important thing.

Everything else is secondary.

Of course, being able to kill more little devils also means that they have won the battle, otherwise, it would be impossible to kill more little devils.

Regarding this situation, Staff Officer Chen, who was in the tent of the temporary headquarters of the station at this time, knew about it.

After all, he was also from the [-]th Brigade.

Although he has already surrendered to Yang Fei's command, this does not change his background as an officer of the [-]th Brigade.

Not only him, but also Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili. They were both from the [-]th Brigade and members of the [-]th Brigade.

Under such circumstances, they need to be responsible for the broken troops of the [-]th Brigade in front of them.

Otherwise, it would be a real waste of the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

In the plan, Yang Fei also mentioned that all the members of the [-]th Brigade who were blocked would be directly adapted on the spot to become members of their new regiment.

This is why Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili are so relieved.

The three of them didn't tell the news to the people from the [-]th Brigade who were intercepted by them in the first place.

The purpose is to test these guys and see what the guys from the [-]th brigade think.

Only after clarifying this point, they will tell these people the order of Yang Fei's on-the-spot reorganization.

The three of them will not tell this in advance before clarifying these situations.

If it was said in advance, it would have no effect at all.

While waiting, the soldiers outside the headquarters also passed on the news all the time.

The people from the [-]th Brigade outside, what they talked about, what opinions and ideas, etc., were reported to Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili.

In the temporary headquarters.

Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili sat inside, especially Zhao Yili, with a smile on his face.

The idea in Zhao Yili's mind is actually very simple.

What he thought was that there should be more and more fighters under his command.

Of course, it is also under Yang Fei's command.

The more soldiers there are, the more devils they will kill, and under the leadership of Yang Fei, they will win more victories.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to implement a good plan without anyone under his command.

Therefore, if you want to implement a big plan, you can't do it without people and soldiers.

Under such circumstances, it is completely reasonable and correct for Zhao Yili to have such an idea.

Staff Chen and Liu Zhiyun are actually the same.

They also think so. To fight against the Japanese aggression, there are many people and strength, but there are no people and no strength in your hands. It is absolutely impossible.

"Tell me, what do you think?"

Staff Officer Chen put down the water glass in his hand and looked at Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili.

"What else is there to think about?"

Zhao Yili answered directly: "Isn't the answer already out? The outside is full of people from our [-]th Brigade. Their conversations and so on all represent them. They want to join us. In such a situation Under such circumstances, what else can we do, just let them join!"

"After all, there are more people and more strength. Now Lao Yang's subordinates, together with us, don't look like there is a regiment, but there are not so many soldiers below. Under such circumstances, we just need these three soldiers." The brothers from the Fifth Ninth Brigade joined in!"

"Besides, we know the brothers of the [-]th Brigade very well. We are all members of the [-]th Brigade. In the past, although our [-]th Brigade was in battle, we did not get any big results. Victory, and even being crushed by the little devils in the end, but none of our brothers from the [-]th brigade is a coward!"

"Only relying on this, we can now directly pull these brothers from the [-]th Brigade into our current team. You two, if you have to come to some kind of test, listen to the hearts of these brothers. What do you think, I see, you just took off your pants and farted, it’s superfluous, idle, wasting time, huh!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yili cast a glance at Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun.

Anyway, at the beginning, he didn't agree.

It's just that he can't screw these two guys, so he can only agree.

Now, this guy asked him what was on his mind?
What thoughts did he have? All he thought in his mind was to quickly pull the intercepted members of the [-]th Brigade into the team.

That's what he thought.

It's that simple.

He didn't have any other miscellaneous ideas.

In Zhao Yili's own words, that is, he is a very pure person, a very pure and simple person.

"Old Zhao, you see that you are still angry."

Liu Zhiyun shook his head with a smile: "We did this for the purpose of reviewing. You also know that after the [-]th Brigade was defeated during this period, the people of the [-]th Brigade can be said to have fallen into a predicament, or even a hopeless situation. Among them, under such circumstances, no one knows what will happen. That's why the current practice is here. Now you know, this is very important , we do this to prevent accidents from happening, you have to understand and understand."

Regarding this point, what Liu Zhiyun said at this time is also very clear.

He really wanted to tell Zhao Yili directly, things are not as simple as you think.

Anything can happen to a person in a desperate situation, and any choice is possible.

So, their current preliminary screening is very important.

It's just that Zhao Yili just doesn't understand him and Staff Officer Chen.

Of course, he didn't take it to heart, because Zhao Yili's temper was like this, straight to the point, without so many twists and turns.

"OK OK!"

Staff Officer Chen waved his hand directly, and looked at Zhao Yili: "You can figure it out for yourself, but I know you understand it in your heart, so let's stop talking about this nonsense now , the most important thing right now is how to incorporate the intercepted members of the [-]th Brigade."

"You know, this is just the beginning, and there are still a large number of soldiers from the [-]th Brigade who are coming here."

"With such a large number of people, it is difficult to recruit. Although Lao Yang gave us the charter, the specific operation still depends on the three of us. Do you understand, Lao Zhao?"

(End of this chapter)

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