Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3392 The confrontation between Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili

Chapter 3392 The confrontation between Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili
Staff Officer Chen's meaning was very clear and obvious.

There should be some temptations, otherwise, in the face of desperation, no one knows if there are people with ulterior motives among these people.

Testing and waiting is a must.

Yang Fei handed over this task and right to them, and they will be responsible to the end, and they cannot let down Yang Fei's commitment to their new position.

What's more, after the temptation is over, the three of them still have to continue to do things.

To complete Yang Fei's plan together, this is what they will do after the trial is over.

Otherwise, without the link of Zhao Yili, they would not be able to handle it well, and they would not be able to complete it well.

"I understand all these things!"

Zhao Yili nodded and said no more.

Although he is straightforward, he understands everything.

Not a fool.

It's just that they don't support the previous actions of Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun.

Others, nothing.

Anyway, he feels that these practices are a waste of time at this time.

Otherwise, if it had been compiled from the beginning, it might have been completed by now.

So, this was what Zhao Yili had in mind. Anyway, no matter what Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun said, he just didn't approve of their previous actions.

Regardless of whether it's for safety or what, in his opinion, such a temptation is useless at all.

Otherwise, I would have underestimated the kind of person who can pretend.

You know, the kind of person who is determined to betray, if he pretends to be, can't be tested without professional testing time and time again.

Zhao Yili has a deep understanding of this.

But at this time, these two guys are just using such a simple method to test, so what's the use?
According to his past experience, it is of no use at all.

You know, his previous company was responsible for such tasks.

His door is clear.

At that time, in order to test the traitors in the regiment, their company paid a huge price. It was not as simple as Chen Staff and Liu Zhiyun thought.

He also had no way to discuss these matters with Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun.

After all, the tasks they were responsible for before were all different.

Staff Officer Chen was at the regiment headquarters and didn't understand this kind of thing.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no understanding at all, it is just that the understanding is superficial and there is no experience.

As for Liu Zhiyun, he was in charge of the combat company, so he didn't have to worry about such things and waste time.

So, he didn't understand, not even superficially.

Under such circumstances, what should he tell Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun.

You know, for someone who doesn't understand, say what you understand, maybe he often understands better than you.

This is self-righteousness.

Anyway, Zhao Yili didn't want to waste time on this matter.

These two guys tried what they should try.

Right now, we still focus on reorganization and collection.

Everything else, put aside first, is secondary.

"Old Zhao, I think you still don't understand the good intentions of me and Lao Chen!"

However, Zhao Yili didn't want to talk about it anymore, but Liu Zhiyun didn't want to let it go, and brought it up directly.

After all, Liu Zhiyun also worked hard on this matter, and he didn't want to be looked down upon by Zhao Yili.

Otherwise, once the news is spread and other fighters know about it, it will only appear that Liu Zhiyun is incompetent.

This will not work.

Liu Zhiyun believes that his own ability is still acceptable.

Otherwise, Yang Fei wouldn't use him so much.

As for Staff Officer Chen next to him, he smiled and shook his head.

He said it all, and this matter is over. He didn't expect Liu Zhiyun to hold on to him.

This was beyond his expectations.

After all, when he was with Yang Fei before, Liu Zhiyun was very sensible and obeyed orders.

At this moment, leaving Yang Fei's side, this is a bit of letting go of myself.

However, there is still time now, don't worry, he also wants to see what the outcome of the confrontation between Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili will be.

In his opinion, such discussions and discussions are also a way to increase military experience.

Discussing and arguing about such things is not a waste of time.

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, and seeing that Staff Officer Chen didn't say anything, Zhao Yili also felt angry. He looked at Liu Zhiyun and said:

"Why, you are not convinced, you think what I said is wrong!?"

Zhao Yili sneered in his heart, he planned to let Liu Zhiyun go, but this guy came here by himself, so he can't be blamed.

"Yes, I don't think there is anything wrong with the way I think. You have to give me an explanation and an explanation, otherwise, what you said to me will be the greatest insult!"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun's eyes were a little red.

He was in charge of combat before, and he had never done such a plan or anything.

This time with Staff Officer Chen, it was also his opinion. He felt that it was okay and good.

Therefore, this is also the reason why he was so emotional when he saw that Zhao Yili did not support him.


After all, there are many, many examples of this.

"Ha ha!"

When Zhao Yili heard this, he immediately laughed.

And said: "Then let me ask you, what were you in charge of before?"

Hearing Zhao Yili's words, Liu Zhiyun was obviously taken aback, and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

He didn't understand what Zhao Yili meant by saying this at this time?
"What I'm talking about is, what tasks were you responsible for in your regiment of the [-]th Brigade!"

Zhao Yili continued: "Tell me about the main tasks and the places you are specifically responsible for!"

When Zhao Yili said this, it became clear in an instant.

Staff Officer Chen understood what Zhao Yili meant.

It's just that, Staff Officer Chen is just an audience now, so it's better for him to just listen.

"I'm in my regiment and I'm in charge of fighting, what's wrong?"

When Liu Zhiyun said this, his face was very proud.

After all, in a regiment organization, it is very honorable to be a company-level organization of a combat battalion and also be responsible for the main battle.

The general company-level organization simply cannot do this step.

Therefore, Liu Zhiyun was very proud.

He knew that although Zhao Yili's previous company was also responsible for combat missions, it was not the main combat mission.

This is also the reason why he thinks that Zhao Yili is not as good as himself.

It's ridiculous that this guy still looks down on his plans and practices.

Liu Zhiyun just smiled and looked at Zhao Yili.

He wanted to see what Zhao Yili would say in the next time.
Not only Liu Zhiyun, but also Staff Officer Chen couldn't understand what Zhao Yili wanted to say.

Why ask this question?
After all, if it is true, Liu Zhiyun is responsible, but it is really better than him.

In the group level organization, it is even more important.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Yili smiled again, and said directly: "You are in charge of the battle, you are in charge of the battle, it is indeed very honorable, it is of great importance, and it is a huge contribution to the formation of the regiment!"

Zhao Yili's words resounded in the tent.

Hearing what Zhao Yili said, the smile on Liu Zhiyun's face became even more intense.

Because, that's what it is.

He believes that this is also where Zhao Yili is inferior to him.

As for Staff Officer Chen, it was not as Liu Zhiyun thought. He believed that the next point was the key point.

as predicted.


Zhao Yili changed his subject at this moment.

This made Liu Zhiyun suddenly have a bad feeling in his heart.

You must know that no matter when or where, a change in the topic of conversation often means that it is not a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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