Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3393 Staff Chen and Liu Zhiyun Facing Reality

Chapter 3393 Staff Chen and Liu Zhiyun Facing Reality
The change of Zhao Yili's topic made Liu Zhiyun's heart skip a beat in an instant.

He felt that things were about to change, and Zhao Yili must be holding back some good shit.

Otherwise, just say something if you have something to say, why talk halfway and finally change the subject.

Liu Zhiyun's complexion became a little unnatural at this moment.

He didn't know what Zhao Yili would say when he changed the subject.

But, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing for him.

At the side, Staff Officer Chen also wanted to know what Zhao Yili would say next, and he was also faintly looking forward to it at this moment.


Zhao Yili said with a half-smile: "You are in charge of combat, and my company is responsible for spy screening and other tasks in the regiment headquarters. Now, do you understand what I mean?"

Although Zhao Yili is straightforward, he is also a reckless guy.

However, it cannot be denied that some reckless people are rough and fine.

They can do one thing to the point that even very careful people can't do it.

Obviously, Zhao Yili is this kind of person.

Thick but fine, bold and careful.


Liu Zhiyun was stunned when he heard what Zhao Yili said.

He is not a fool.

He knew exactly what Zhao Yili's words meant.

He really didn't expect that Zhao Yili would say such a thing.

More importantly, how could Zhao Yili's regiment assign such an important task to a reckless guy like Zhao Yili.

Having said that, Zhao Yili is much more experienced than him.

Oh shit.

He really didn't expect that Zhao Yili still had this experience.

In this case, his previous plans and practices may be really useless.

In Liu Zhiyun's heart, he was not reconciled.

After all, this is the first time he has made such a small plan.

This is a failure from the very beginning.

Liu Zhiyun is a smart person, and he knows very well in his heart that since Zhao Yili said so, it is useless for him to say anything else, he can only admit defeat on this matter.

Sophistry, for them, is useless and meaningless.

It can only damage the relationship between them.

He didn't want to pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon just because he was so poor.

Besides, if you fail, you fail, and if you lose, you lose.

Liu Zhiyun is not someone who can't afford to lose.

Not this time, but he will work hard in the future.

However, he still can't admit defeat directly. He wants Zhao Yili to share his experience. In this way, he can also learn from experience and improve himself.

Liu Zhiyun knew in his heart that this was also a good opportunity for him.

Since it is a good opportunity to improve, then he must seize this opportunity.

If he gave up this opportunity, he would be a real fool.

Staff Officer Chen on the side also nodded at this moment.

His thinking was actually the same as Liu Zhiyun's.

Since Zhao Yili has experience in this field, he should listen to it, so that he can improve himself.

Anyway, it's good to make progress.

Being able to improve means greater ability and stronger combat effectiveness. In this way, they can kill more devils.

It's that simple.

Seeing Liu Zhiyun's reluctance and Staff Officer Chen's expectation, Zhao Yili immediately laughed.

He thought, didn't these two guys not pay attention to what he said before?
Now, hehe!
Of course, they are all comrades-in-arms, and Zhao Yili is not stingy with his own experience for his comrades-in-arms.

If he was so stingy with his comrades-in-arms, then Zhao Yili would not be able to get to where he is today.

Zhao Yili said directly: "The matter is very simple. For example, after I took the company to receive this mission, I made a lot of preparations."

"Of course, it's a secret preparation. Except for our company, no one else knows about it!"

"After all, you all know that this kind of mission must be kept secret. If it is not kept secret, it will fail if it can't even start!"

"So, you understand the confidentiality of such a mission!"

As Zhao Yili said, Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun nodded.

Express understanding and agreement.

"That's true. For this kind of mission, if you want to screen traitors and spies, etc., you must keep it secret. If you don't keep it secret, this screening will also have no effect!"

After Staff Officer Chen finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Yili: "Go ahead, Old Zhao!"

Liu Zhiyun didn't speak, but, from his expression, we can tell that this guy also agrees with this point, and also wants to hear what Zhao Yili continues to say.

"You have to know that what our regiment leader meant at the time was to find a company that was not at the regiment headquarters to complete this task!"

"However, there was no company suitable for this mission at that time!"

"It just so happens that after I finished a mission, I brought the soldiers back. Before I got back to the regiment headquarters, someone secretly arranged by the regiment leader intercepted me!"

"Afterwards, I took this mission. After making arrangements, I took the company back to the regiment headquarters, and began to carry out the mission assigned by the regiment leader to screen traitors and spies!"

"Among them, after going through a lot of difficulties, accidents, etc., it is considered that the traitors and spies were successfully caught out."

"At that time, there were still many soldiers who were wronged."

"Now, you know how difficult it is to do this!"

"So, when I said that you wanted to be obedient, investigate, etc., it was completely useless, it was just wasting time, you know!"

"If I didn't have experience in this field, I wouldn't tell you this!"

"Now, it is because I have experience in this field that I am telling you this!"

"It's just that you don't listen to me at all, so you have to waste this time!"

"Besides, even if there are really spies and traitors, according to their intelligence, they will be able to see your intentions directly, so they can scare the snake, you know!"

Zhao Yili said the words directly.

Now, Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun stopped talking.

After all, Zhao Yili was telling the truth.

Not only the truth, but also the kind of experience, it will not work if the two of them are not convinced.

Even if they deliberately find fault now, there is no reason.

"Oh, I suffered from inexperience!"

Staff Officer Chen shook his head and sighed.


As for Liu Zhiyun, he rubbed his head and gave a dry laugh in embarrassment.

At this moment, he was unable to say a word.

After all, he was the one who didn't believe Zhao Yili just now.

I think Zhao Yili did it on purpose.

Looking at it now, it was entirely his own thinking.

He's the one who's really doing the tricks.

"Old Chen, it's understandable!"

Zhao Yili looked at Staff Officer Chen who was sighing, and his face was not very good-looking, and said: "After all, you were in the regiment headquarters before, and you were in charge of combat matters, and you were the staff officer for combat. of!"

"Besides, isn't this a very good opportunity? Knowing what I told you, you will know what to do when you encounter such a situation in the future!"

Zhao Yili's character is straightforward, and has always been like this. Whatever is in his mind, he will say it directly.

"And you, Old Liu, don't take it to heart! Don't listen to me, don't look at me with a reckless look, and act recklessly. I'm rough but fine, you know?"

"There is something I can learn from you!"

"However, there is also a place for you to learn from me. You know, let's learn from each other in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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