Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3394 Cut the mess quickly, don't hesitate

Chapter 3394 Cut the mess quickly, don't hesitate
Zhao Yili's meaning is very simple, that is, let's talk about learning from each other and making progress together.

Don't be blind and follow blindly, that's enough.

Don't look at him as reckless, but, he is rough but subtle.

Don't be fooled by his appearance and behavior style, in this case, what you get is a wrong result.

It was before.

It wasn't until this time that Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun really got to know Zhao Yili.

Otherwise, according to their previous analysis, Zhao Yili would not have this ability at all.

It is a pity that Zhao Yili had the experience of screening traitors and spies before, which led to Zhao Yili being better than them in this respect.

So, Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun need to learn from Zhao Yili.

To be a fighter is to progress through learning.

Otherwise, once you regress, it will be very difficult to catch up.

Perhaps, if you learn this today, then you will be able to go further in your future life on the battlefield.

But, if you haven't learned this point, then after encountering this situation, you don't have this experience, and what awaits you is another result.

Obviously, Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun both understand this point very well.

If the two of them didn't understand this point, they wouldn't have such a good attitude at this time and made this decision.

time flies.

"Probably that's it. I've said everything I need to say. If you think about it later, you'll know what the experience is!"

Zhao Yili explained the matter directly.

What he said is also detailed enough. Under such circumstances, as long as Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun write it down, when they are free in the future, they will think about it carefully, study and study frequently, and the two of them will be able to.

Zhao Yili was not stingy at all, and explained everything clearly to the two of them.

So, whether Staff Chen and Liu Zhiyun can master this experience in the future depends on whether they are serious or not, dedicated or not.

Zhao Yili believes that everyone has their own chances, and as for the final result and what they can get, it depends on the individual and themselves.

Relying on others is useless.

If you don't work hard, even if someone builds a platform for you to reach the sky, you will not be able to grasp it at all.

"Well, I remember, Lao Zhao, I will learn this when I have time!"

Staff Officer Chen responded directly, looking at Zhao Yili with gratitude.

Staff Officer Chen knew very well that if no one taught him this kind of experience, he might waste a lot of time trying to figure it out by himself.

"Me too, Old Zhao, thank you this time, I am short-sighted and watching the sky from the bottom of a well. I don't know that there are so many ways and so many reasons for targeting traitors and spies!"

At this time, Liu Zhiyun also expressed his gratitude to Zhao Yili.

And, he bravely admitted his mistakes.

If you are wrong, then you are wrong, there is nothing to say about it.

So, looking at it now, Liu Zhiyun is still very good.

At the very least, he is a person who can accept experience and lessons.

If he is a person who cannot accept experience and lessons, then his path will come to an end, the kind that will not go far at all!
"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about these words, these are all nonsense."

Zhao Yili waved his hand directly, he didn't want to waste time on this matter.

He said directly: "Now, let's hurry up and integrate all the fighters of the [-]th Brigade that were intercepted."

"As for the worry in your heart, you don't need to worry about these things now, and now the reorganization is the main thing!"

"After the reorganization is completed, worry about these things!"

"At that time, don't worry, if there are really traitors and spies mixed in, they will be screened out by us!"

"Besides, even if traitors and spies sneak in now, it's nothing!"

"They don't know what our plan is. Under such circumstances, even if they want to report and pass information back, there is no information to pass on!"

"You have to understand that it is also written in Lao Yang's plan. As long as our disinformation plan is successful this time, even if there are traitors and spies, it doesn't matter."

"Victory belongs to us, and the people under our command will be arranged by us. In this case, these people who hide in the dark will not be able to withstand any storms at all!"

"Don't forget, there is still Lao Yang, there is such a capable guy, these things, maybe Lao Yang, who is in the office at this time, has already thought of how to do it?"

"So, now, let's not worry about it first!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili is different from before, just like a machine gun, talking a lot suddenly.

Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun were dumbfounded.

Looking at the way the two of them looked at Zhao Yili, it was like looking at a stranger.

After all, Zhao Yili was in front of them before, but he had never said so many words at one time, and he was so experienced.

This really surprised them.

"Old Zhao, you are right, the most important thing is to integrate now!"

Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun responded directly.

They knew that what Zhao Yili said was right, and their worry was really a bit big at this moment.

With Yang Fei around, they might not have to worry about this matter at all.

Even, there is no need to worry about this.

Now their task is to do a good job in the immediate matter.

Besides, what Zhao Yili said was right, traitors and spies were just their guesses.

Or maybe not at all.

After all, although the [-]th Brigade is very big, it is not very big.

After such an accident, if there are more unfamiliar faces and want to fish in troubled waters, it will be very difficult.

After going through this situation, the soldiers who were dispersed were also very vigilant.

Unfamiliar faces can't get into their team at all.

Staff Chen and Liu Zhiyun, after hearing Zhao Yili's words, thought, maybe they really thought too much, and they were just worrying blindly!

"Then just call someone, hold a meeting, and announce the order for integration?"

Liu Zhiyun asked suspiciously.

Because of what happened before, he seemed to have lost all the confidence he had before when he spoke now.

"Well, it can be like this, don't waste time!"

For this, Zhao Yili has no opinion.

Anyway, his idea is that for these defeated comrades of the [-]th Brigade, it is better to directly announce the order of integration and integration without wasting time.

After all, the broken soldiers of the [-]th brigade at this time were also without organization.

Under the current situation of being surrounded by devils, even if they want to restore the establishment of the [-]th Brigade, there is no hope.

So, it's better to be direct!

"Well, then do this, don't waste your time."

Staff Officer Chen also had no objection and made a decision directly.

In this way, the order was conveyed to the temporary station in the tent of the temporary headquarters!
(End of this chapter)

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