Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3398 Excited Nagasaki and Nabeshima

Chapter 3398 Excited Nagasaki and Nabeshima
Just when the soldiers in the temporary station began to rest.

The direction of the Ninth Wing's station is still so lively.

The dense and intense gunfire was still the same as before, with no intention of stopping at all.

From this point, it can be seen that the little devils of the Ninth Regiment, this time in order to pretend to lure the enemy, have spent a lot of money and put in real effort.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to maintain such a dense and violent firepower output from the beginning to the present.

From this point, another problem can be seen.

That is, these little devils are still very rich in terms of guns and ammunition.

The wealth of guns and ammunition means that they can last longer in this war of aggression against China.

After all, if these little devils could not persist in the war, the first problem would be guns and ammunition.

Once there is a shortage of guns and ammunition, it means that these little devils will die.

After all, the manufacture of guns and ammunition, shells, guns and other military supplies consumes a lot of resources such as steel.

Once these resources can't keep up, then the guns and ammunition will not be so sufficient. At that time, the little devils on the battlefield will not have such ample guns and ammunition to fight.

At that time, it also means that these little devils will be defeated.

So, based on these situations, we can analyze what kind of situation these little devils are in at this time.

Do they still have resources, can they continue to fight, and so on.

These are very important information.

As long as you can understand and analyze with your heart, after a long time, the various analysis results will be integrated, and you will be able to get the information and results you want.

Yang Fei has been analyzing this point.

At this moment, he arranged for people to observe the situation where the little devils of the Ninth Regiment beat themselves up by themselves.

The purpose, in fact, is this, in order to analyze how long these little devils can persist on the Chinese battlefield.

Yang Fei knew, and knew in his heart, that it was very difficult to complete the analysis of this matter and obtain information.

But, he won't give up.

He believed that as long as he analyzed it by himself, he would definitely be able to get the information he wanted.

As long as this result can be achieved, then what he has gained will definitely not disappoint him!
Some things are like this, and when you first start doing it, it is very difficult.

Even, there is no clue, no hope of making it, so that you can't see the hope of making it.

It was like this at the beginning, but as long as you can not give up and continue to do it, if you persevere, you will see hope.

You must know that successful people, many major events, major events that change their destiny, etc., are all successful without giving up.

Otherwise, the situation is reversed.


At this moment, the gunfire in the Ninth Wing's garrison began to slowly weaken and gradually subside.

It seems that these little devils can't hold on at this moment.

After all, is it just acting? One must fail.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these little devils to continue acting.

Therefore, at this moment, the little devils of the Ninth Regiment directly followed the script plan and began to stop fighting. A 'soldier' ​​wearing the military uniform of the [-]th Brigade appeared in the regiment's garrison.

Of course, these soldiers of the [-]th Brigade were just little devils in disguise.

However, if people who don't know the situation outside see this, they won't doubt it, and they will only regard the station of the Ninth Regiment as the station of the [-]th Brigade!
Once this really happens, then for these little devils, their plan to lure the enemy in disguise will be a success.

According to the script, when the time comes, the little devils of the Ninth Regiment can just sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman. Soldiers of the Fifth and Ninth Brigade.

They just need to wait in the garrison, and the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade will take the initiative to send them to their door.

Of course, this is according to the direction of the script Yang Fei gave them, that's right.

It also needs Yang Fei not to participate, and it will succeed if it does not count. '

It's a pity that this is a big plan led by Yang Fei.

It is the little devils of the Ninth Regiment who are calculating.


As time passed, the sky gradually became brighter.

The east is pale.

The darkness covering the earth began to slowly fade away.

Ninth Wing station.

At this moment, except for the garrison, there are people wearing military uniforms of the [-]th Brigade everywhere.

As for the Lieutenant Assistant of the Nagasaki History Department, he didn't change his clothes, he was still a Japanese officer uniform.

With a smile on his face, he came outside Nabeshima Nanakon's office.

"Boom boom boom!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly knocked on the door of Nabeshima Nanakon's office.

"Come in!"

Soon, Nabeshima Nanami's voice came out.


Hearing this, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu directly opened the door and entered Nabeshima Nanakon's office.

Because of the planned operation last night, there were loud gunshots, so Nabeshima Nanakon didn't rest, and just waited for the result in his office.

It's normal, with the gunshot last night, even if he wanted to sleep, he couldn't sleep at all.

After staying up all night, Nabeshima Nanakon at this moment is still very energetic.

This also corresponds to the saying: "People are in good spirits on happy occasions!"

Even if you stay up late, you stay up very energetic.

"Nagasaki, what's going on?"

Nabeshima Nanakon saw Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu enter the office and asked directly with a smile.

"Haha, Your Excellency, Captain, there is no problem. It was very successful. After the performance last night, all of our people have changed into the uniforms of the [-]th Brigade!"

Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant directly laughed, and said confidently: "The camouflage of the imperial army is very good and powerful, and there are no mistakes at all. In the next time, we will wait in the garrison." Already!"

"The movement last night definitely alarmed the hidden people of the [-]th Brigade. I believe that it won't be long before they will come to our station and fall into the trap of themselves, haha!"

Thinking of the scene that was about to happen, Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu's heart exploded with excitement uncontrollably.

Indeed, according to the normal development, it is indeed the case.

Therefore, it is normal for Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu to be excited at this time.

Don't say it's him, Nabeshima Nanakon, at this moment, when he heard what Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu said, he was all smiles, his eyes were shining and he nodded his head.

He also imagined in his mind the scene where the soldiers of the [-]th brigade threw themselves into the trap.

This is a credit.

As long as it is completed, this great contribution will be firmly in his hands.

"Very good, Nagasaki-kun!"

Chief Nabeshima Qihong said with satisfaction: "However, don't relax. Don't relax until the plan is completed, so as to avoid accidents. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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