Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3399 It seems different from the plan

Chapter 3399 It seems different from the plan

At this time, Nabeshima Qihong is the last person who does not want accidents to happen.

After all, the plan to pretend to lure the enemy has already started, and it is progressing so smoothly. If there is an accident at this juncture, it will lead to failure.

Once it fails, all their hard work will be in vain.

So, under such circumstances, Nabeshima Nanakon will tell the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant.

Seeing that the credit was about to be obtained, he really didn't want any accidents in this plan.

He also wanted to rely on this plan to lure the enemy into depth, and push him a step further on his way to the rank of chief officer and promotion to major general of the empire.

Failed, but gone.

"Hi Yi!"

Looking at Nabeshima Nanakon with a serious face, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu immediately gave orders with a serious face:
"Don't worry, Your Excellency, Captain, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully. There will be no accidents!"

Regarding this, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu also hurriedly promised at this time.

After all, this matter is the most important to him at the moment.

Colonel Nabeshima Nanami handed over all this matter to him.

Therefore, if he fails to handle this matter, the impact on him will be huge.

At the very least, Nabeshima Nanakon's trust in him will be greatly affected.

Don't forget, he was trained by Nabeshima Nanakon himself. If something like that happened, he who lost trust in front of Nabeshima Nanakon would lose his previous position in the Ninth Regiment.

Including Nabeshima Qihong will not hand over the burden to him again. On this point, it can be said that in the Ninth Regiment, he can be sentenced to death and his future.

This is also the reason why Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu expressed his position so seriously at this time.

At the very least, at this time, he wanted to let Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong see his serious attitude.

After that, it's time to do things seriously!
Regarding these matters, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu knew the door clearly.

"Well, it's good that you can keep this in mind!"

At this time, Nabeshima Nanakon is also very satisfied with the performance of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant.

That's the attitude he wanted.
Never mind how you do things?
Never mind the result?
Look at the attitude before doing it.

If the attitude is not good at the beginning, then don't think about this person, he can do well in the future.

It's that simple.

It is impossible for someone not to be serious at the beginning, but to be able to do things well afterwards.

This is simply not possible.

"Remember, the mission plan this time is very important to us, very important, do you know?"

Colonel Nabeshima Nanakon continued to instruct:

"As long as the plan to lure the enemy by pretending to be successful this time, it will push you a step further on your promotion to the rank of Colonel, do you understand?"

"Conversely, if the plan to lure the enemy in disguise fails, it will also block your promotion to Colonel for a long, long time, and even make you return to the original point. Do you understand, Nagasaki!"

Nabeshima Nanakon at this time, his words, the way he speaks, etc., really treat Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant as his own child.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so serious and responsible to Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu.

Anyway, there are plenty of Zhongzuo officers, and he is not short of such one.

The most important point is here.

If he hadn't regarded Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu as his right-hand man and trained his successor, he wouldn't have wasted so much time.

If you are disobedient and can't do things, just replace it with another one.

It's a pity that I can't do this for my successor.

"Hey, Your Excellency, Captain, don't worry about this. Even if it's for my own future, I won't let any accidents happen to this camouflage lure plan!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu once again assured: "If there is an accident and failure in this mission, then I will apologize to His Majesty the Emperor and commit suicide!"

At this time, the Lieutenant Assistant of Nagasaki Shibu had already carried out his attitude to the end.

In terms of guarantees, there is nothing to guarantee.

"Well, just keep it in your mind, go do something, I'm going to rest too, staying up late is really uncomfortable!"

Chief Nabeshima Nanami didn't want to say any more, he stayed up all night, after all he was tired.

Now I still need to take a good rest and sleep.

He hoped that by the time he woke up, he would have seen the results.

In that way, he will be very happy.

"Hey, Your Excellency, Captain, I'm going to do something!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu once again bowed his head to Colonel Nabeshima Nanhong very seriously.


Chief Nabeshima Nanami closed her eyes and waved her hands casually.

In this way, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant turned and walked out of the office.

After returning to his office, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant directly called his deputy.

"Your Excellency, you order!"

The devil Shao Zuo who was called directly bowed and asked.

"According to the plan, don't expose it, understand? Otherwise, you can apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The Lieutenant of the Nagasaki History Department just froze, and warned his deputy, the Major.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"

The deputy major officer also immediately guaranteed this.

His attitude is as if Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu was in front of Nabeshima Qihong.

It really is the old saying.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps.

Level one restraint level one.

"Well, I'll leave the rest of the matter to you. I'll take a break first. Don't make decisions without authorization. Come and report to me immediately!"

After the Lieutenant Assistant of Nagasaki Shibu finished speaking, he didn't say any more, and waved his hand directly to his deputy.

"Hi Yi!"

The devil major officer took the order directly, turned around and walked out of the office.

Seeing his deputy leave, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant also got up and walked towards the room inside the office.

Last night, he was above the gate of the resident city, and he didn't even close his eyes.

Very tired.

Colonel Nabeshima Nanakon went to rest.

Then he doesn't need to continue to suffer.

He also has his own confidants, and his ability to handle affairs is not bad.

He is very relieved to entrust this task to his confidant.

Besides, under the threat of death, this confidant of mine will definitely be extremely serious to complete the task he entrusted.

With this, it is completely enough. ,

In this way, Nagasaki Shibu Nakamami went to sleep.

And the Ninth Wing's garrison also fell into a state of calm.

A little devil wearing the military uniform of the [-]th Brigade is imitating everything from the [-]th Brigade according to the plan and according to your script.

Not to mention, if you look at it from the outside, this is exactly the [-]th brigade's resident, not the little devil's resident at all.

These little devils, the ability to act and pretend is still okay.


time flies.

Three poles in the sun.

Some little devil officers found out.

This matter is different from what they thought.

Moreover, it is completely different from the script.

According to the plan and script to lure the enemy, after dawn, in the Liude theater, the broken soldiers of the [-]th Brigade who heard the movement would definitely come to their disguised station to check.

In this case, after seeing the disguised station, it belongs to their [-]th brigade, so they will definitely enter, Guijian.

After all, in the current situation, the residence represents hope, and Guijian is the real hope.

But this time, the situation is different.

It's been a long morning.

Why hasn't any broken soldier from the [-]th Brigade come here yet?

This made the little devil officer who was on duty during the day suddenly have an inexplicable, bad premonition in his heart!
The reality, as if it was planned by them, is not the same!
(End of this chapter)

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