Chapter 3400

In any case, seeing this situation, the devil officer on duty was really anxious at this moment.

If none of the rout soldiers from the [-]th Brigade come today, it means that their plan to lure the enemy in disguise has failed.

Failure also means that they have lost a lot.

You know, they spent a lot of guns and ammunition for acting last night.

If it fails, all these things will be wasted.

If this news reaches the theater command, what will be the consequences?
Thinking of this, the devil officer on duty at the moment felt cold in his heart.

You know, once something like this happens, the officers below them will all be held accountable.

What's more ruthless is that if the officers above, that is, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Commander and their co-leader Nabeshima Nanhong, don't want to take any responsibility, then it will be the Lieutenant Major officers below them who will take responsibility ah.

Thinking of this, these devil officers on duty directly found the deputy major of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant.

They have to tell the importance and seriousness of this matter, otherwise, they will be the ones who will be unlucky at that time.

At this moment, the Major, the deputy of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, returned to his office after the patrol, looking at the camouflage plan in his hand.

He also wanted to improve, and he also wanted to be promoted to become a lieutenant officer.

So, whenever he has time, he will analyze and study these things.

If you are familiar with and learned these things in advance, then in the next time, once you have the opportunity.

That's different, he can use this knowledge to directly seize this opportunity.

Otherwise, even if the opportunity came, he would not be able to grasp it.

He has always believed that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

"Tap Tap!"


Just then, there was the sound of rapid footsteps.


And, immediately after, the door of the deputy officer's office was pushed open.

"what happened?"

Looking at the officers of Zhong Shaozuo who filed in with anxious faces, the deputy asked in doubt, "Did something happen?"

Thinking of this, there was a sudden pause in his heart, and he became a little frightened.

After all, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu entrusted him with the task.

If there is an accident, he will be the first to bear the responsibility.

Under such circumstances, he is not afraid of anyone.

"There are no accidents yet, but, in the next time, accidents are likely to happen!"

"Yeah, it's been a whole morning, and it's almost afternoon, but none of the broken soldiers from the [-]th Brigade has arrived. What does this mean?"

"This is completely inconsistent with our previous plan. In the previous plan, even if there are few routs from the [-]th Brigade, they will come. Coming here means that our plan to lure the enemy in disguise has succeeded!"

"that is!"

"What about now? No one came, and a broken soldier from the [-]th Brigade didn't come. Under such circumstances, it means that the camouflage lure plan we are in charge of this time has failed. It has failed!"

"Once it fails, we have to take responsibility, and we are the first to take responsibility!"



At this moment, among these little devils, the major officer, if you say what I say, you will tell the deputy of Nagasaki Shibu's lieutenant all about the power of it.

After all, it was the deputy major officer who was in charge of this matter at this time.

They have to report the matter and situation to the deputy first.

Otherwise, if you go directly to Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant and Nabeshima Nanakon Colonel, they will be punished regardless of success or failure.

Therefore, at this time, they can only find the deputy of the major.

There is no other way.

"It turned out to be so!"

Now, after the words of the officers in front of him, the lieutenants of the major became worried.

When he thought about it, this really was the case.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu had already told him before.

During his rest period, regardless of any accidents, his deputy is responsible for them all.

"Then I will report to Nagasaki-kun immediately. You go back first. If Nagasaki-kun has an order, I will send it to you immediately!"

The deputy officer made a decision without hesitation.

"Okay, please!"

"Let's go back to everyone now, waiting for your news!"

"Please, Your Excellency!"


Seeing this, these Zhong Shaozuo officers immediately felt relieved.

After all, they had already reported the matter anyway.

If they had to bear the main responsibility under the circumstances of their report, then they would also admit it.

However, they believed that such a thing would not happen.

After all, this time the plan to lure the enemy in disguise was passed on from the Imperial Independent Brigade.

Even if it fails, there will be someone in charge of the Imperial Independent Brigade.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to bear this responsibility alone.

Things are now very realistic.

Everyone takes the credit together.

On time, when there is a penalty, sorry, I will not bear it.

This is the case for the major officers among the little devils in front of them.

"Well, you go back first!"

After the deputy major nodded, he also got up, with a serious face, and walked out of the office.

After coming outside, he walked straight to the office of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu.





At this time, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant in the office suite was soundly asleep, sleeping soundly and soundly.

In his dream, he dreamed of this time's plan to lure the enemy in disguise and won a complete victory.

And he, by virtue of this credit, was promoted to the rank and file officer, and he was promoted all the way.

This sweet dream he had was a fragrance.

"Bang bang bang!"


However, at this moment, a knock on the door directly shattered his dream and woke him up.


Looking at the familiar room in front of him, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu looked ugly and cursed.

He wanted to continue to immerse himself in a beautiful dream, instead of waking up.

Under normal circumstances, as long as it is an individual, it will be angry when encountering such a situation.


Just like that, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu came to the office with anger, and said in a cold tone: "Come in!"


And the Major's deputy officer outside the office sighed helplessly after hearing the cold tone in Nagasaki Shibu's Lieutenant Commander's tone.

I quarreled with my dream, and I was angered.

However, he pushed the door open and walked in.

After all, this matter is very important. Once it really happens, the consequences will be very serious.

He can't bear this responsibility!

"whats the matter?"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu looked at his deputy coldly, and asked with a look on his face!
(End of this chapter)

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