Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3401 The real opportunity has come

Chapter 3401 The real opportunity has come
His tone was cold, and his eyes were even colder than Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu's, making his second deputy's scalp numb and his whole body icy cold.

For his own chief, he knows a lot.

If nothing disturbs him, then he will be really miserable.

Even if something disturbed him in front of him, it would depend on the mood of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu.

However, thinking of the consequences of the failure of the disguise plan, he could only suppress the fear in his heart and bite the bullet and said, "Your Excellency, something went wrong."

"what is the problem?"

Hearing this, the coldness in the eyes of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu disappeared a lot.

As long as there is nothing to bother him, it is excusable.

Otherwise, he couldn't spare this reckless guy.

How dare he disturb his dream.

What the hell, he still wants to enjoy himself in his dream and experience the power of the imperial general.

Who knew, before enjoying it, I was woken up directly, and my dream was shattered.

After waking up from the dream and returning to reality, this gap made his heart cold and angry.

However, since there is something going on now, he can only suppress this anger in his heart.

"According to the original plan to lure the enemy by camouflage, after the battle in the second half of the night, this morning, there should be almost [-] Brigade's rout troops coming!"

The deputy of the major immediately reported: "But, it's almost afternoon, but no one from the [-]th Brigade has come. Your Excellency, if this continues, if a person from the [-]th Brigade today If you don't come, then our plan to lure the enemy in disguise will fail!"

The deputy didn't hide anything, and directly told the worries of the officers of the Zhong Shaozuo.


And Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu's eyes shrank suddenly when he heard this.

This is indeed the case. According to the plan, it should not be the current situation.


"Failure is impossible to fail!"

Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Sergeant said with a serious face: "It's just a matter of time, and now there is no one from the [-]th Brigade. This is indeed abnormal!"

"Among them, there must be something. Something must have happened that we don't know about. You should immediately send a message to the Independent Brigade and ask them to see how they are doing?"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu thought of this.

Since this is the plan on both sides, and this happened on their side, it must have happened on the side of the Imperial Independent Brigade.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for him to have this problem with the Ninth Wing alone? It's impossible.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, I'll go right away!"

The deputy, Shao Zuo, immediately gave orders, not daring to hesitate, turned around and walked quickly outside the office.

For him, this order from Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu is nothing more than a kind of amnesty.

The heart that made him nervous and worried was instantly relieved.

He knows Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, as long as Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant doesn't ask you immediately and settle accounts for you, then nothing will happen in the future.

At most, he was reprimanded.


"It's not normal!"

"What the hell is going wrong!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu frowned and murmured as he looked at the plan in his hand.

His head turned quickly, thinking about what happened in it that he didn't know.

Otherwise, how could this situation happen now?

"Could it be that because the battle of this camouflage plan started too abruptly, the defeated soldiers of the [-]th Brigade who were hiding in the dark did not dare to come out?"

"These broken soldiers of the [-]th Brigade are still waiting and watching?"

"Is this the reason?"

"If it's just like this, it's still within the normal range!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu thought of this.

This reason is also a comfort to him.

"It should be like this!"

"If I were the rout of the [-]th Brigade, I should be skeptical about the sudden appearance of the downed garrison in the face of such a sudden situation!"

"Otherwise, come directly, that is impossible!"

"According to this analysis, what the imperial soldiers and I need to do now is to wait!"

"Just wait patiently, don't worry!"

"As for the development of everything, it didn't come up according to the plan!"

"Ha ha!"

"How could everything follow the plan step by step? It's normal for other things to happen during the period!"

"Besides, no one can speculate and deduce everything about the other party, ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, who was also nervous in his heart, relaxed instantly.

He felt that his analysis was too normal.

No one is a fool.

It happened so suddenly, so abruptly.

As long as he is a vigilant soldier, he will lie dormant patiently and wait for a while.

Otherwise, it is self-inflicted.

"Now, let's take a look at the Imperial Independent Brigade, what's the situation like?"

"If this is the case with the Imperial Independent Brigade, it means that my guess is correct!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu finished his murmur, looked at the plan in his hand, and smiled with satisfaction.

He thought of the sweet dream he had before.

Because of this plan, he has been promoted all the way, the middle officer was promoted to the chief officer, and the chief officer was promoted to the major general, lieutenant general, etc. of the empire, holding the encyclopedia of the empire in his hand.

"Could it be that this is a hint!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu couldn't help thinking: "This dream is instructing me in advance to do it well, because this plan indicates a beginning. In the following time, will I be promoted step by step?"

"Ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Nagasaki Shibu Zhongzuo suddenly laughed excitedly.

If this is the case, it is really exciting for him.


at the same time.

Jiuping Town.


Xiao Mazi Miharu, Major Jiuye Jingpin, and Major Qianyu gathered in the office again.

"Look, this is an inquiry message from the Ninth Wing just now!"

Major Qianyu handed the translated paper in his hand to Major Sanchunxiao Mazi.


After receiving the translation paper, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi read it directly.

As for Major Ipina Kyuha, he also stretched out his head, and quickly read the content on the translated paper.

"Ha ha!"

After seeing it, Major Kuye Ipin immediately laughed.

And said: "The time is up. Since they asked that question, it means that they are in a hurry, and they have successfully implemented the plan to lure the enemy in disguise. The gunshots last night were intense enough!"

"Well, that's it, it's time to act!"

Sanchun Xiao Mazi put down the electronic translation paper, and said with a smile: "After waiting for so long, I finally waited for this moment, Qian Yu-jun!"

"Qian Yu-jun, this is within my expectation. I understand the two guys Nagasaki Shibe and Nabeshima Nanhong. They are extremely eager for merit and military achievements. After all, one of them is now a lieutenant. One is Officer Dazuo!"

"In addition, the promotion of the alliance is much easier than the promotion of our independent team. Under such circumstances, as long as they see an opportunity, they will act immediately!"

"Haha, no, the opportunity is here!"

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi burst out laughing immediately after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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