Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3402 The groveling Major

Chapter 3402 The groveling Major

No wonder Major Miharu Xiao Mazi laughed.

Didn't they wait for such a long time just to wait for this opportunity?

Now, the opportunity finally came.

You know, for them, this opportunity can directly change their fate.

It's the kind of thing you can never give up on.

As long as they take this opportunity in their hands, they will not have to worry about their lives in the future.

"Haha, this is an opportunity, the opportunity to change our destiny, finally came!"

Major Ipina Kuye thought so too, and laughed.

Looking at Shao Zuo Qian Yu's expression, the uncontrollable smile on his face obviously meant the same thing.

Indeed, as long as they seize this opportunity, the fate of the three of them can be rewritten.

"Just wait now!"

After Major Miharu Xiao Mazi calmed down, he continued:
"Regimental Commander Yang also knows about this telegram. Let's just wait for Commander Yang to issue a battle order. The rest is not something we can care about, understand?"

Miharu Xiao Mazi's meaning is very simple, that is, the opportunity is already in his hands, so don't have other thoughts, don't worry, let go of all other thoughts, and just wait at this moment, quietly.

Otherwise, you may do something else, which will cause other uncontrollable accidents.

If such an accident really happened, the three of them would be finished, and there would be nowhere to cry.

Once the opportunity is lost, then they just die.

"Don't worry, Sanchun-jun, we understand!"

Major Jiuye Jingpin and Major Qianyu immediately began to guarantee.

The two of them are not idiots, and they know what to do at this time.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get to where they are today.


at the same time.

In the office on the third floor.

Yang Fei also saw this telegram in the office.

"Hehe, it's time!"

The telegram came just in time.

Also in his plan.

After all, the disinformation program, it is fake.

Under such circumstances, it's no wonder that the Ninth Devil's Regiment, which carried out this task, succeeded.

Don't forget, he sent Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, Liu Zhiyun and others to intercept the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade who heard the movement.

Under such circumstances, it would be impossible for anyone to go to the disguised station of the Ninth Wing.

On the contrary, in Yang Fei's plan, the appearance of this message means that the time to fight has come.

It's a battle signal.

Yang Fei had already planned this point.

"Little Zhao!"

Putting down the translation paper in his hand, Yang Fei shouted directly to the outside of the office.

"Captain, you call me!"

Xiao Zhao, with a gun on his back, walked in directly after hearing Yang Fei's shout.


Yang Fei nodded, and said directly: "Go tell the three devil officers and let them arrange it. The battle time is this evening. Go!"

When the time comes, there is no need to wait.

Waiting any longer is a waste of time.

"Yes, Captain, I'm going right now!"

After Xiao Zhao saluted Yang Fei, he took orders and turned around to leave.

"Ninth Regiment, devils, hehe, tonight, I will make your Ninth Regiment a joke!"

Yang Fei murmured coldly and murderously in his eyes.

Afterwards, Yang Fei started to pick up the new plan and got busy.

This time, for the mission of the Ninth Regiment, Yang Fei handed it over to Miharu Xiao Mazi, three major assistants, as well as Staff Officer Chen and others.

As long as it goes according to plan, it's fine.

So, now he can relax and continue to perfect his new plan.

This is the benefit of having someone under your command.

Similarly, it was Lei Zhan who taught him.

Small things, planned things, should be handed over to the competent people below.

Don't have to do everything yourself, do it.

Otherwise, you will not have any time and opportunity to learn and make new plans.

So, Yang Fei has been doing this since he followed Lei Zhan's teaching.

Now, you can see the results.

He just needs to work out a perfect plan.

For others, just look at the following people!

Xiao Zhao's speed was very fast, and he ran directly outside the office of Sanchun Xiaomazi and Shao Zuo.


He wasn't polite at all, just pushed the door open and entered.

Just in time, I saw the smiling faces of Miharu Xiao Mazi and the three major assistants who said this.

"Ah, Mr. Zhao!"

Seeing Xiao Zhao push the door in, Michun Xiao Mazi and the other three immediately got up and became polite to Xiao Zhao.

There are several soldiers on duty beside Yang Fei, and the three of them are very clear about this.

No, when I saw Xiao Zhao, I immediately called Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao.

"The order given to you by the head of the group, let you act immediately!"

However, Xiao Zhao didn't give much favor to the three little devils, Sanchun Xiaomazi Shaozuo.

You know, Xiao Zhao's family members were all killed by devils.

If it wasn't for the usefulness of Sanchun Xiaomazi and the other three, he would have killed Sanchun Xiaomazi and the other three right now.

It's impossible to have a good face.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Zhao!"

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi immediately bowed to accept the order.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, please tell Commander Yang that this mission, we swear, there will be absolutely no accidents. The Ninth Regiment, they are finished!"

Shao Zuo Qianyu will express his opinion even more.

As for Shao Zuo Jingpin Jiuye, he kept nodding his head, expressing his meaning.


Hearing this, Xiao Zhao nodded, ignored Sanchun Xiaomazi, Major and Major, and the other three, turned around and walked out of the office.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the task Yang Fei gave him, he wouldn't want to stay here for a second, watching the three little devils.

He wanted to leave here immediately. He was afraid that he would stay here for too long, so he couldn't help but kill these three little devils and bastards directly.

He is a fighter, a fighter beside Yang Fei, he can't act impulsively, and he can't ruin Yang Fei's plan.

"Mr. Zhao, go slowly!"

"Mr. Zhao, go slowly!"

Looking at Xiao Zhao's back, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi, Jingpin Jiuye Major, and Qianyu Major bowed to see each other off, that was a polite gesture.

If this scene is seen by other little devils, they will probably go crazy.

They absolutely couldn't believe that the imperial soldiers and officers, who they thought were superior, were so humble in front of the Chinese people.

If this scene was really discovered by the other little devils, it would definitely be the case.

It's just that the rest of the little devils couldn't see this scene.

"Qianyu-jun, Jingpin-jun, let's go. We must be serious this time. The more serious we are at this time, the more we must be serious. There must be no accidents!"

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi stood up, and once again exhorted Major Jiuye and Major Qianyu with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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