Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3403 The vicious and vicious 3 Chun Xiao Mazi Shaozuo

Chapter 3403 The vicious and vicious Miharu Xiao Mazi
In fact, even if Major Miharu Xiao Mazi didn't order Jingpin Jiuye and Qian Yu, they would not dare to cause any accidents in this matter.

Anyway, for this opportunity, they cannot relax in the slightest!
Once they are slack and this opportunity is lost, then they have no place to cry.

If their fate remains unchanged, even if they betray the empire and surrender to Yang Fei, it will not end well.

This point is very clear in their hearts.

None of them are fools, and they know what the most correct choice is at this time.

"Well, then let's get ready!"

After Miharu Xiao Mazi gave all the instructions that should be ordered, he did not hesitate, and directly took Jingpin Jiuye and Qianyu Shaozuo to the station where their imperial soldiers were stationed.

In fact, there are still quite a few little devils left in the independent brigade.

In the past few days, after receiving orders to stop the encirclement and suppression, there are more than one squadron of troops returning.

Adding it all up, there are more than three squadrons, which is close to the strength of four squadrons.

At this moment, the devil soldiers of the four squadrons were all waiting in the garrison.

At the beginning, these little devil soldiers didn't know what they were called back for.

However, not long after they came back, they knew why the command had recalled them.

After knowing the reason, these little devil soldiers were very excited.

After all, they would like to get the chance to get more credit directly on their heads.

No, this time it finally landed on the head.

In this way, these little devil soldiers, while waiting, waited for Sanchun Xiaomazi and three major assistants.

During this period of time, the three officers who often came forward, these little devil soldiers, had no doubts.

After all, the transfer of the headquarters is frequent, and they feel that this should be the transfer of the headquarters.

Besides, their captain did not say anything, and under such circumstances, these little devil soldiers would not have any opinions.

However, what they don't know is that the captain of their independent brigade, at this moment, has already returned to hell and received the punishment he deserved!
Accompanied by the arrival of Miharu Xiao Mazi and the other three, these little devils in the garrison completed the assembly as quickly as possible.

The gathered little devils all looked at Michun Xiao Mazi and the other three standing on the high platform with burning eyes.

What these little devil soldiers want to hear most now is just one sentence, that is: "The battle can begin!"

Only in this way can they have a chance to gain more military merits.

After all, after waiting for such a long time, the preparation time is not short, and it should be time for the harvest of the battle.

"The warriors of the empire!"

"The opportunity has arrived!"

"Your chance to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds has come!"

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi got to the point when he came up, without even the slightest nonsense.


"Ha ha!"



After hearing Major Miharu Xiao Mazi's words, the little devils below didn't make any noise, and some of them just nodded in satisfaction and excitement.

Because, these little devil soldiers knew in their hearts that they couldn't make any noise at this time.

You can't interrupt the chief's speech, and you can't interrupt the chief's order.

"In the next battle, I have only one request for you!"

"That is, carry out the battle order to the end!"

"You have to remember what I said, this time we discovered the temporary garrison of the [-]th Brigade. Among them, there are many broken soldiers of the [-]th Brigade gathered together!"

"The most important thing is that among them, there are reinforcements from outside the Liude theater, and these reinforcements are fully armed!"

"They carry complete weapons, guns and ammunition, etc., and they pose a great threat to the Imperial Army!"

"The most important thing is that, according to the information sent back from our inside control, among the reinforcements of the [-]th Brigade, there are actually many people who can speak the language of the empire, and there are also people who wear the uniform of the imperial army. Become the imperial army and fight back against the imperial army!"

When Major Miharu Xiao Mazi said this, he immediately caused an uproar among the little devils below.

After all, for these little devils, there are too few Chinese soldiers who can control their language.

Moreover, they believe that the language of the empire is so difficult and profound that it is impossible for these Chinese people to master it.

But now, among the intelligence controlled by their officers, these Chinese people really controlled it.

This fact really made them unbelievable.

However, facts are facts, and since this happened, they have no objection, the only objection is to fight.

Go and kill all these Chinese soldiers who have mastered the language of the empire, leaving no one behind.

These little devils believe that Chinese soldiers have controlled their imperial language, which is blasphemy, and they firmly do not allow this to happen!
"I have seen your anger and killing intent from your eyes!"

"very good!"

"very good!"

"What I want to tell you is that once the battle starts, the reinforcements from the [-]th Brigade will probably use the language of the empire to anesthetize you and deceive you."

"They will shout misunderstanding, they are all their own people, don't let your own people beat your own people!"

"At that time, you must strengthen your confidence and kill all these Chinese soldiers who blaspheme the language of the empire, leaving no one behind!"

"Remember, don't leave one, don't be deceived by them!"

"You know, these Chinese soldiers who have mastered the language of the empire are very cunning!"

"Soldiers of my mighty empire, do you all understand?"

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi, this time, he has done everything right.

His words sent chills down the backs of Major Jingpin Jiuye and Major Qianyu.

In my heart, it was even more icy cold.

If Major Miharu Takako Asako hadn't said this, once the battle started, the devils in the Ninth Regiment's garrison would definitely be yelling in Japanese.

Under such circumstances, the imperial soldiers who heard these words would definitely hesitate and even stop fighting.

At that time, once the fighting is stopped, their plan this time will also fail.

So, this situation is a risk.

It was something they were worried about before.

But at this moment, Sanchun Xiao Mazi's words directly killed this situation in the bud.

At that time, once the members of the Ninth Regiment yelled in the language of the empire, it would only arouse the killing intent and ferocity in the hearts of the soldiers of the empire in front of them.

It is absolutely impossible to stop fighting.

So, in the eyes of the two of them, this Sanchun Xiaomazi is really terrific and poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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