Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3404 Scary Guy

Chapter 3404 Scary Guy
When the two of them were in the past, why didn't they find out that Michun Xiao Mazi was so poisonous in his words?

It's terrifying.

The two of them had never thought of this countermeasure before.

That's why the two of them have worries in their hearts.

But at this time, through what Major Miharu Xiao Mazi said, they had no such worries at all.

There was no worry about the battle in their hearts, but for Major Miharu Xiao Mazi, the two of them had some precautions in their hearts.

Too toxic this guy.

If you don't take precautions, who knows if the two of them will be betrayed by Shao Zuo Miharu Xiao Mazi in the next moment.

Thinking of this, Shaozuo Jingpin Jiuye and Shaozuo Qianyu were filled with fear.

Of course, the most important thing right now is to end this battle perfectly, take precautions, and just focus on it in the future.

At this moment, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi seemed to be unaware of the situation, and he was still talking to these little devil soldiers.

Anyway, it is emphasized over and over again that you must not be deceived by those people in the Ninth Wing's garrison.

All the Ninth Wing's garrisons were disguised by cunning Huaxia soldiers.

They pretended to be imperial soldiers. As long as you start fighting, just concentrate on fighting, fight bravely, don't care about anything, don't ask anything, just kill.

As long as all the people in it are killed, that huge credit will be in their hands.

Under such a cycle of brainwashing, these little devil soldiers gradually had only one idea in their hearts, which was to wipe out everyone in the Ninth Wing's garrison, leaving no one behind.

Regardless of what will happen in the Ninth Wing's garrison?Who will appear and wait?

There is only one task for them, and that is to kill all the people among them, leaving no one behind!
Don't be fooled into a ceasefire.

In this way, the strength of the nearly four devil squadrons were all successfully brainwashed by Major Miharu Xiao Mazi.

In their minds, there are only two goals left.

Fight and annihilate the enemy.

Take the credit.

Everything else was driven out of my mind.

"Masters, the credit is in front of you, I hope you can grasp it in your hands, that's what I say!"

Major Michun Xiao Mazi smiled and said: "In the next time, you all go to prepare. Bring the strongest firepower and try to directly crush all the enemies in the temporary garrison of the [-]th Brigade!"

At this moment, Miharu Xiao Mazi's words were completely finished.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


At this moment, these little devils are excitedly taking orders.

Go straight to get ready.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi raised the corners of his mouth, showing a hint of sarcasm.

"Jingpin-jun, Qianyu-jun, you two, don't be afraid of me!"

He was very clear in his heart about the consequences of what he said just now.

It will make Shao Zuo Qianyu and Shao Zuo Jingpin Jiuye jealous of him and generate suspicion.

Began to guard against him.

This was known when he said these words and when he had a draft before.

However, regarding this point, he was not worried at all.

He was sure that Jingpin Jiuye Shaozuo and Qianyu Shaozuo would not fear him or suspect him.

"how come?"

Hearing what Major Miharu Xiao Mazi said, Major Ipina Kyuha was taken aback, and immediately said.

Although he said so, his expression was a little unnatural.

"No, no, absolutely not, Mr. Sanchun, we all know that you are here for the plan and for our own good!"

Shao Zuo Qianyu waved his hand immediately.

What he showed was much better than Shaozuo Jingpin Jiuye, with a normal complexion.

"Hehe, if you really think so in your heart, that would be great!"

The corners of Michun Xiao Mazi's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile, "Actually, you don't need to worry about me. The reason I count these imperial soldiers is because they can't survive at all!"

"Under such circumstances, I will count them!"

"It's also for our chance. Only by fooling them, can we completely grasp this opportunity from Captain Yang's hands!"

"Otherwise, if these imperial soldiers hear that all the language spoken in the Ninth Regiment is in the language of the empire, they will definitely stop fighting. You will also be very clear about the result at that time. !"

"Under such circumstances, once the plan fails, the chance for the three of us will be gone!"

"Even, Commander Yang who is in anger, no, even if Commander Yang is not angry, we lose this role, and the people around Commander Yang will never let us go!"

"At that time, our result will only be one, and that is death!"

"This point, you should understand in your heart!"

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi looked at Major Jiuye and Major Qianyu with a smile.

"Mr. Sanchun, we know this!"

"Yes, Sanchun-jun, we understand this, you are all for our own good!"

"Once the situation you mentioned really happens, then we will really be finished!"

"We understand, understand!"

Major Jiuye Jingpin and Major Qianyu said immediately.

No matter whether the two of them admit it or not, in their hearts at this moment, deep down in their hearts, they already have fear for Major Miharu Xiao Mazi.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have the performance they are doing now!
"Well, it's good that you can understand this point. In Chinese language, we are now grasshoppers on a rope. If one person dies, all three of us will die. Just remember this!"

At this moment, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi really has the three of them decided.

He knew very well in his heart that the two guys, Major Jiuye Jingpin and Major Qianyu, were not as smart as he was.

In the following time, especially when doing things in front of Yang Fei, he is simply inseparable from him.

He can now explain to Shaozuo Jingpin Jiuye and Shaozuo Qianyu just to prevent these two guys from messing with him in the next time.

Save wasted time.

Of course, in the next time, if these two guys really don't open their eyes, then he doesn't mind killing these two guys.

In this case, in front of Yang Fei, he is the only one. If he does a lot of things, the chances will be much greater.

Of course, looking at it now, the matter has not been completed, and he can't do it.

However, in the future, once this opportunity is given to him.

If Major Jingpin Jiuye and Major Qianyu were really ignorant, he wouldn't mind letting them disappear.

This is not too difficult for him.

In the next time, it will be seen whether Jingpin Jiuye Shaozuo and Qianyu Shaozuo are obedient or not.


Originally, Shao Zuo Jingpin Jiuye and Shao Zuo Qianyu were afraid of Shao Zuo Miharu Xiao Mazi in their hearts.

Now hearing what Major Miharu Xiao Mazi said, the two of them felt even colder and more frightened!
(End of this chapter)

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