Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3405 Reassuring Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant

Chapter 3405 Reassuring Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant

Although what Shao Zuo Miharu Xiao Mazi said makes sense.

However, their hearts were not relaxed at all.

There was even more fear, and a bone-chilling chill deepened.

However, the most important thing at hand is the combat mission.

They cannot waste their time thinking about this.

In this way, after suppressing the coldness in my heart.

Major Ipina Kuye and Major Asayu, followed by Major Miharu Takako Asako, walked towards their special truck, waiting for the little devil soldiers to finish their preparations.

Not only the little devils were preparing and staying in Jiuping Town, but the soldiers belonging to Yang Fei also assembled at the fastest speed and galloped towards the temporary station where Staff Officer Chen and the others were located.

In Jiuping Town, there was only one company left.

The remaining troops of this company are not yet full-staffed.

There are only more than 60 fighters.

In fact, if it weren't for Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun's insistence when formulating the action plan, let alone these troops, Yang Fei wouldn't want to stay alone.

However, Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili were worried about Yang Fei's safety, fearing that the little devils who surrendered would dive into the water and strike back.

Not to mention, there are nearly four squadrons of little devils who have not surrendered.

The three of them were worried that if the three guys like Sanchun Xiaomazi had bad thoughts and small thoughts, Yang Fei would be in real danger.

In order to let Zhao Yili and the three of them work outside with peace of mind, Yang Fei finally agreed to keep this nominal guard company.

This made Yang Fei have to sigh, he believed in himself and had this ability.

Unfortunately, these people under his command didn't believe him.

However, this is also a good thing.

After all, it is a good thing to have a few warriors at your disposal.




An hour later, the little devils in Jiuping Town were all armed and prepared their guns and ammunition.

Mortars are loaded onto trucks, and infantry guns are towed on top of trucks.

In this way, under the orders of Major Miharu Xiao Mazi, the troops of the four devil squadrons marched towards the Ninth Regiment's station.

The current time is more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

The action time for the start of the battle is set to start the battle in the evening or in the middle of the night.

According to their time, they would be able to reach the defense zone of the Ninth Regiment in the evening.

In the first half of the night, it was possible to reach outside the station of the Ninth Wing.

Take a rest and prepare, the time is just right, and the battle will be launched directly in the second half of the night.

At that time, the ill-prepared Ninth Regiment must have suffered heavy losses from this sudden blow.


at the same time.

Ninth Wing station.

The offices of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu were rang again by his Deputy Major.

"Come in!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who had calmed down, responded directly.


The deputy of Shao Zuo directly took the translation paper, opened the door and entered the office.

"Your Excellency, the Imperial Independent Brigade has sent a message!"

While talking, the Major's deputy came to the desk of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, and handed over the electronic translation paper in his hand very respectfully.


Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu nodded, and took the translation paper over.

Seeing Kamiman's content, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu finally showed a smile on his face.

"Haha, it's exactly as I guessed, it's true, it's true!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu said loudly with a smile.

Translating the content on the electronic paper is very simple.

The general meaning is:
"This is a normal situation, don't worry, I have already sent imperial soldiers to go out to investigate, and found the hidden members of the [-]th Brigade. They are waiting and watching, and they dare not come. Worry is a trap!"

"It won't take long. When they can't bear it, they're hungry and other circumstances, it won't be long before these Huaxia soldiers from the [-]th Brigade will enter the game!"

"Remember, remember, the more you are at this time, the more you have to be patient, otherwise, once you are in a hurry and startle the enemy, it will be very difficult, very difficult to continue the plan of pretending to lure the enemy !"

"Be patient, be patient!"

This telegram was also produced by Miharu Xiao Mazi.

It can be seen from the above that this guy is just fooling around.

Fooled the little devil on his side, and then continued to fool the Ninth Regiment.

Major Miharu Xiao Mazi is very smart in general.

He knows that in the current situation, he can only succeed after he has fooled both sides.

Otherwise, if one side can't be fooled, there will be a huge loophole for their actions this time.

At that time, once it fails, it will all be over.

So, on his telegram to Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, he also took great pains and wasted a lot of effort.

"Hehe, I'm still watching!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu murmured, and said with a sneer: "I'll give you time to wait and see, anyway, I have a lot of patience. After you have had enough of watching and can't help it, I will see if you can get in. Once you come in, hum! "

His two hums, at this moment, all contained in them are extremely strong murderous intent!
From this point, it can actually be seen that this guy also hates the members of the [-]th Brigade who are secretly watching.

Either way, it's a waste of time.

To waste his time is to waste his time for obtaining other military merits, it would be strange not to be angry.

In fact, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu still thought in his heart that he could complete this task as soon as possible and give Nabeshima Nanhong a job.

In this way, he can once again gain a sense of presence in front of Chief Nabeshima Nanami and improve his status.

If the delay is long, it will also affect him.

This is also one of the reasons why Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu was angry at this time.

"Okay, you go, tell them, don't think too much about things, just stand on your own post, be patient, this is normal!"

"The plan we made before is just our guess. It's not what we think in the position of three-five-nine travelers. It's normal to have discrepancies!"

"Tell them that this is also the case with the Imperial Independent Brigade!"

"Also, the Imperial Independent Brigade has already dispatched imperial soldiers to investigate. There are quite a few people from the [-]th Brigade who are waiting and watching. When they finish watching, they will fall into the trap!"


Having said this, Nagasaki Shibu's Lieutenant Assistant's face became serious again:

"I warn you, don't be anxious, don't send people out to investigate, if someone from the [-]th Brigade outside sees the flaw and leaks it, then you will all blame me and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor, None of them can escape, understand?"

He must be told about this matter.

"Hi Yi, sir, don't worry, I understand this, I'll tell them right away, let them wait at ease, don't worry!"

The Major's deputy also shuddered in his heart, and immediately promised that there would be no problem, and immediately sent a letter!

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu waved his hand casually and ignored this guy.

As for his deputy, Major, after bowing his head and pausing, he turned around and left quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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