Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3406 Be patient

Chapter 3406 Be patient
The news must be delivered as soon as possible, otherwise, if there is a delay in the middle, who knows what accidents will happen?

You know, many accidents happen under such circumstances.

After the Deputy Major left, Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu, who was in the office, was free again.

All the things that should be solved have been solved, and there is nothing more to do with him.

This is the benefit of being an officer, an officer officer.

As long as the matter that needs to be solved is resolved, then you can relax.

"Take advantage of the time now, and sleep again!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu murmured.

It's just that, when he thought of his previous sweet dream, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

He still thought, it would be great if he hadn't woken up from his dream.

The sweet dream I had before was really good.

Well, he really didn't want to wake up.

Just immerse yourself in a dream.

The damn deputy came to disturb him, this damn bastard.

In the future, he is looking for an opportunity to deal with this guy.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu thought of this, no longer thought about it, got up directly, yawned, and walked towards the office suite.

He, it's the right way to catch up on sleep again while he has nothing to do now.

Maybe, taking advantage of the short time since the last time he woke up, he can re-enter the previous dream and link up.

If so, it would be truly beautiful.


At the same time, Nagasaki Shibu's deputy, Major, has returned to his office.

Moreover, he asked people to call all the officers who had come to look for him before.

It didn't take long before all the officers who came to see him before came to his office.

This time, the deputy Major didn't give these people a good look, but directly said with a cold face:
"This news, as well as the circumstances contained in it, etc., His Excellency Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, has already asked the Imperial Independent Brigade, and their situation is also the same!"

"However, the Imperial Independent Brigade sent people to investigate, and they have discovered the members of the [-]th Brigade who were watching outside."

"It won't be long before these people from the [-]th Brigade will come and enter our urn!"

"So, in the next time, you have to be patient, don't do anything, just wait patiently!"

"When they wait and see, they can't help it, and our plan will be successful!"

"Let me tell you, Nagasaki Zhongzuo told me that if at this juncture, you have no patience to wait and an accident occurs, which leads to the failure of this plan, then all of you will commit suicide and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor." !"

"That's all, I've said everything I need to say!"

After the deputy Major finished speaking, he waved his hand directly, and he didn't want to talk to these people in front of him.

If these guys in front of him hadn't come to look for him, there would be no such thing as this time.

It's nothing more than waiting. If you have to follow the plan and look for trouble here impatiently, it's simply idle.

It's strange that he can give these people a good face now.


"This, please rest assured, we know what to do!"

"Yeah, with Nagasaki-kun's words, we all understand!"

"Haha, be patient, we are still patient, haha!"


In fact, at this time, the officers of the middle and major officers were also very embarrassed to see the appearance of the deputy major.

After all, they were the ones who asked their deputy, Major, to ask.

Something must have happened that they didn't know about.

Otherwise, the deputy Major's complexion would definitely not be so ugly at this moment.

Very embarrassing.

If it were them, they would definitely not be happy when they encountered such a thing.

They still know Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant.

Rebuking his subordinates is just a normal operation.

If you bump into him and make him really angry, it is possible to shoot you to death!

"Well, is Nagasaki Nakasa unhappy now?"

At this time, a thin and thin devil, Major, didn't hold back and asked directly.

He didn't hold back, after all, his curiosity was still very heavy.

When the rest of the devil officers heard this, they immediately set their sights on the devil major.


After being watched by these people, the major officer who asked the question was also taken aback for a moment.

"Hmph, what do you say?"

However, the deputy, Major, snorted coldly with an ugly expression:

"His Excellency Nagasaki Zhongzuo didn't rest all night. He finally fell asleep, and I woke him up. Tell me, what happened to me?"

Speaking of this, the Deputy Major felt very wronged.

After all, this is why Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu did not hold him accountable.

Otherwise, according to Nagasaki Shibu's character in the past, it is unknown whether he can return to his office today.

It's all the group of scourges in front of him, who specifically tricked him.



Now, it is even more embarrassing to hear these officers here.

They can completely imagine the scene that the deputy major said.

If it were them, I'm afraid they would be quite frightened.

After all, Lieutenant Zuo of Nagasaki Shibu is just a Lieutenant Officer.

However, his status, in the Ninth Regiment, was second only to their Regiment Captain Nabeshima Qihong.

He is also the celebrity in front of Nabeshima Qihong, the captain of the alliance, and he is also the heir he has cultivated and so on.

Let alone a major officer.

It is the captain of the Lieutenant Commander of the Ninth Regiment, the one with real power. In the Ninth Regiment, facing the Lieutenant Commander of Nagasaki Shibu, he has to lie cross-legged.

Otherwise, once he offended Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, although it was impossible to have any problems at that time.

But then, maybe.

Now, they felt sympathy for the deputy major of Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant in front of them.

The person in front of the celebrity is indeed of high status.

But fate is out of your control.

They might as well be a little more comfortable.

"Okay, okay, don't say anything now!"

At this time, the deputy Major didn't want to hear anything:
"Your task now is to return to your posts immediately, bring your own people, and do things according to the plan!"

"No accident, if you successfully complete this camouflage lure plan, then nothing will happen."

"Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, what will be the consequences? You can figure it out for yourself, okay, I won't send it away!"

After the deputy major finished speaking, he ignored the officers who felt embarrassed.

Instead, he put his eyes on the book in his hand.

Now, the only thing that can give him comfort is the book in his hand.

As for the people in front of them, they just read his jokes.

Others, as for compassion or something?

It's all fake!
"Okay, then you rest and calm down!"

"Let's go to work first!"


Seeing the stinky face of the deputy major, the major officers among these devils didn't want to feel uncomfortable here. After speaking, they turned and walked out of the office.

They still have to go back to their posts and wait.

As for patience, hehe, they have plenty of patience!

(End of this chapter)

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