Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3408 Lao Zhao Lao Liu reprimanded Staff Chen

Chapter 3408 Lao Zhao Lao Liu reprimanded Staff Chen
The imprisonment of old thoughts is so powerful.

It is still difficult to break the shackles of old thoughts and rebirth from the cocoon.

At this time, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun were in this situation.

After all, they have been soldiers since the beginning, and they have been in the [-]th Brigade.

The education and knowledge received are all old ideas of the [-]th Brigade.

Under such circumstances, it wasn't long after they left the [-]th Brigade. In this short period of time, it was as difficult as heaven to break the confinement!

Of course, as long as the three of them can break the shackles of this old thought, then they will be able to usher in a new life, complete the transformation of Nirvana, and take a big step forward.

In fact, Yang Fei also had this idea, so he gave them this test.

If you want to make an officer improve, and improve within a period of time, the only way is to do this.

Of course, he gave the choice. As for Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili, if they choose not to choose, that's up to them.

If you want to fight devils with him, you have to go through trials and improve.

Otherwise, he, Yang Fei, doesn't want such a coward.

After completing the task here, hand over the person to Lei Zhan, and he doesn't care about it.

This is Yang Fei's idea.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun were not bad either.

I have thought of everything I should think of.

"That's what you say, but, if we don't work hard, what future do we have in the future?"

Zhao Yili did not agree with Staff Officer Chen's idea.

Failure, accident, responsibility, these things, can't think so much at this time.

If it is really counted, no matter how good the plan is, no matter how perfect the plan is, it may be destroyed by accident and lead to failure.

Because of this, you can't just stand still and be satisfied with the status quo.

Anyway, he is not reconciled, he wants to kill devils, kill a lot of devils!
He would not be reconciled if the little devils were not driven out of the land of China.

He has to fight hard, as for failing the test, this is not within his consideration.

"Old Chen, don't think about it. We only have one belief, and that is to kill devils. Do your best to kill as many devils as possible. Don't think about the rest. If you think too much at this time, you won't It doesn't make any sense!"

Zhao Yili said to Staff Officer Chen with a serious face.

"Yeah, Old Chen, weren't you quite courageous before, why are you timid now!"

Liu Zhiyun was also puzzled: "Could it be that this time the [-]th Brigade was hit, even you were hit, are you afraid?"

Liu Zhiyun's words meant to provoke General Chen.

He knew that Staff Officer Chen was not a timid person, he just thought too much!

"You bullshit!"

"I'm so scared!"

"I'm just a little worried!"

"Fuck, you actually said I would be afraid!"


Staff Officer Chen was a little angry.

He just thought about some things too much. The two guys in front of him actually said that he was afraid.

Isn't this nonsense!
This is insulting him.

"Old Chen, we didn't say you were scared!"

Zhao Yili said again: "Think about it, how much effort Lao Yang has spent on this plan!"

"The battle against the Devil's Ninth Regiment is not for us to fight, but for the devil's independent brigade to attack!"

"We are not needed at all. Think about it, we also stayed in Jiuping Town for a few days before to understand the combat effectiveness, firepower equipment, etc. of the devil's independent brigade, which are very powerful!"

"Under such circumstances, there is no need for us to do our best. Our task is just to finish!"

"As for the ending, with the soldiers who are now recruiting these [-] brigades, it's just fine, it can be finished perfectly!"

"As for the accident, I thought, it was nothing more than some casualties!"

"However, casualties, how can there be no deaths in a war!"

"Is it still a war if there are no dead people?"

"That's a joke, that's a play!"

"So, you are thinking too much, and things are not what you think at all!"

"Besides, even if there is an accident, the broken soldiers of the [-]th Brigade we just recruited will suffer more losses and die more, so what's the matter?"

"It's not that we haven't stayed in the [-]th Brigade, we all know what the situation in the [-]th Brigade is like!"

"Although the soldiers don't slack off in normal times, their combat effectiveness is simply not enough!"

"Not to mention anything else, if you compare us people with those fighters brought by Lao Yang, their combat effectiveness cannot even keep up with flattery!"

"This is the truth, so I only have one sentence. If you want good soldiers and soldiers with strong combat effectiveness, you need to experience them, throw them into the furnace, and train them in fire."

"During this process, don't be afraid of sacrifice, don't be afraid of war damage!"

"Once it succeeds, the fighters of the [-]th Brigade we recruited will complete their transformation and become experienced and powerful fighters!"

"You said, isn't that so?"

"One more thing, what Lao Yang needs is the real elite, not the quantity!"

"This point can be fully seen from the plans made by Lao Yang. The plans he made are wild and unconstrained, and there is no simple one every time!"

"Under such circumstances, if the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade are not capable of combat and execution, do you think they will succeed!"

"If you fail once or twice, Lao Yang may not say anything, but after a long time, if the combat effectiveness of these [-] brigades gathered can't keep up, then what's the use of us?"

"You don't need Lao Yang to talk about it, we have to find a hole and bury ourselves!"

"So, Old Chen, don't think so much!"

"Look, I am so stupid, I can say so much, you, don't think too much, hurry up and give orders!"

I have to say that in this matter, Zhao Yili seemed to be enlightened, and said so many things that he couldn't say for a long time before.

Today, when facing Staff Officer Chen, he said everything.

"Yes, Lao Chen, what Lao Zhao said makes sense. I also think this is the case. Don't think too much about it. It's useless to burden yourself!"

Liu Zhiyun also said: "We are a group of children without a home, children without parents!"

"From the moment the brigade headquarters of the [-]th Brigade was bombed and the organization of the [-]th Brigade was dismantled, we were wild children no one wanted!"

"If you don't forge ahead, you can only fend for yourself. As for us going to fight devils alone, do you think it is realistic?"

"One more thing, if it weren't for Lao Yang's appearance like a magic soldier descending from the sky, do you think we are still alive now?"

"It's gone!"

"Besieged and suppressed by the little devils a long time ago, they were killed!"

"Anyway, it's a child with a bad life and no one wants it. Why don't we fight hard?"

What Liu Zhiyun said is also very reasonable.

Anyway, at this moment, after what Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun said, Staff Officer Chen looked like an idiot.

"You two!"


"The good things are for you two to say!"

"Emotions, I have become a waste now!"


"is this correct?"

"Am I really that useless in your hearts?"

"Is there really such a mud that can't support the wall?"


At this time, Staff Officer Chen was very angry.

Reason, he understands everything.

He just hesitated a little and thought about it a bit.

And expressed his concerns.

Just let Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun spray so much like machine guns.

What the hell, these two guys are not human stuff!

(End of this chapter)

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