Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3409 After halftime battle, evacuate immediately

Chapter 3409 After halftime battle, evacuate immediately

At this time, the words of Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun really stimulated Staff Officer Chen.

He really just thought a little more, and didn't want to back down at all.

These two guys, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun, are really not human beings.

To say that about him.

What a jerk.


No, at this moment, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun, who heard Staff Officer Chen's words, immediately burst out laughing.

In fact, they don't know clearly in their hearts, don't they know?
Impossible, they also know a lot about Staff Officer Chen.

He knew what kind of person Staff Officer Chen was.

It's just that they would be fools if they didn't seize the opportunity to speak up and reprimand Staff Officer Chen severely.

"Okay, old Chen, let's stop talking nonsense, let's hurry up and arrange the business now!"

Zhao Yili didn't want to waste time, so he waved his hand directly to Staff Officer Chen, indicating that this matter, this topic, can be covered.

"Yeah, old Chen, now is not the time to talk about this, the three of us are all thinking of going together now, so let's hurry up and make arrangements according to what we think!"

Liu Zhiyun also hoped that Staff Officer Chen would quickly bring up this topic, so he hurriedly said, "Perhaps, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade that we have recruited at the moment are all waiting impatiently. I believe that as long as we tell them this, Then they will definitely be excited!"

"After all, this is a very good opportunity to avenge the [-]th Brigade, don't you think so? Old Chen!"

Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun are singing together at the moment.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Staff Officer Chen, who saw the expressions of the two, sneered.

However, he also knows what is the most important thing in front of him.

So, this matter is temporarily revealed.

When he has time in the future, he will go to these two bastards to settle accounts.

Really pissed him off!

Now, the most important thing is the task.

"Since it's all decided, let the people from the [-]th Brigade that has just been gathered and integrated go to the battle!"

"In this way, it just happens to let them see how powerful Lao Yang's plan is, and they will give us a braid in the future!"

Staff Officer Chen no longer hesitated, and began to make arrangements.

And half an hour later, after receiving the order from Staff Officer Chen, the defeated soldiers of the newly reorganized [-]th Brigade became excited in an instant.

After all, they have no other wishes at all right now.

It is a kind of luck that they survived the devil's siege this time.

But now, the person who met Yang Fei was the second luckiest.


They didn't dare to hope for anything else. At this moment, the only thing they dared to think about was one thing.

That is revenge.


Go kill the devil.

Originally, they thought they had just been reorganized and collected, and they had no chance to fight for the time being.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Fleeing, hiding, desperate, helpless for so long.

The hearts of the soldiers of the [-]th brigade were all on fire.

This gang, accumulated, is like a volcano that is about to erupt.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen's order was like an opportunity, hitting the igniting point of the volcano that was about to erupt.


Extremely excited.

These soldiers of the [-]th Brigade cherish this opportunity very much, and they all promise that they will not lose face of the [-]th Brigade, and will definitely play up the prestige of the [-]th Brigade and show their blood as a Chinese soldier ah!

In this way, after receiving their weapons and ammunition, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, who were fully armed, were all standing in battle, waiting for the order to be issued.


time flies.

The time of day passes quickly.

In the evening, the convoy led by Miharu Xiao Mazi and three majors officially entered the edge of the Ninth Regiment's defense zone.

Because of the people arranged by Yang Fei, the convoy did not stop after the advance investigation, and continued to move forward quickly according to the scheduled route.

According to the current speed, the convoy will reach the Ninth Regiment's station outside Liude City in less than midnight.

In this case, the battle will start in the second half of the night, and the battle will almost come to an end at dawn.

Everything was going according to Yang Fei's plan, without any accidents.

At this moment, in the truck headquarters of the convoy, Major Miharu Takako Asako, Major Ipina Kuye and Major Qian Yu were all taking a rest with their eyes closed to cultivate their spirits.

The three of them will not participate in the next battle.

However, they must participate in the command battle in the early stage.

After that, it was time for the three of them to evacuate.

Otherwise, once the three of them are trapped here, they may end up like these imperial soldiers.

All die here.

Therefore, under such circumstances, they cannot persist until the end of the battle.


At this moment, the truck seemed to pass through a pothole, and the noise made woke up Major Miharu Takako Asako, Major Kuye Ipara, and Major Qianyu who were taking a nap with their eyes closed.


Major Miharu Xiao Asako opened his eyes, let out a breath, and looked at Major Kuye and Major Asagi who also opened their eyes and sat up straight.

"Jingpin-jun, Qianyu-jun, I have to say, I still like to sleep on the truck that the empire is moving forward. This feeling is much more enjoyable than sleeping in an office room!"

At this moment, Major Miharu Xiao Mazi's eyes were full of embarrassment.

He is reminiscing and remembering.

Because, once the task this time is over, he will not have such a day in the future.

It is simply impossible to continue to move forward with the imperial team.

At that time, if you want this feeling first, you can only pass through memories.

"I can't help it, Sanchun-kun!"

Major Ipin Kuye smiled wryly and shook his head: "Why don't I like the feeling of marching, but there will be no chance in the future. Our fate is destined to be unable to go on with the imperial army!"


When Shao Zuo Qianyu heard this, he also sighed helplessly.

Now, they're just trying to survive.

Shao Zuo Qianyu said: "However, I believe that as long as we can do well this time, then we will be able to survive in the next time. Compared to liking this feeling, I think, The most important thing is to survive!"

In Shao Zuo Qianyu's heart, although he also likes that feeling, it's just that what they are facing now is whether they can survive.

Everything else is secondary.

"Qian Yu-jun is right, for us now, living is the most important thing!"

Major Sanchunxiao Mazi put away his emotions, and said directly: "After arriving at the destination, take a rest immediately, and the battle begins. After you calculate the time and arrange the final battle, let's leave immediately and go to the commander Yang to designate for us. Waiting at the place, understand?"

As for their whereabouts, Yang Fei had planned for them before.

"Well, don't worry, Sanchun-kun, we understand!"

Shao Zuo Qianyu and Major Jiuye Jingpin immediately promised.

In fact, Major Miharu Takako Asako, Major Ipina Kuye, and Major Asayu were very clear about the next battle process, planning process, and so on.

It's just that they are very strict and careful now.

That's right, be careful sailing for thousands of years!
Otherwise, who knows when the accident will come?

(End of this chapter)

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