Chapter 3415 Nabeshima Qihong's method

For Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu at this time, the most important thing is hope.

Without hope, there is nothing.

And all he has is to be able to live, and in the next time, he will be promoted to the rank of Imperial Commander, or even to the rank of Major General of the Empire.

In this case, if he lived until the end of the war and returned to his native land, he would really become a master.

This is what he has always thought, and it is also his wish and goal.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have just followed Nabeshima Qihong's side like this.

The feeling of despair and helplessness just now was actually like death to him.

But now, Nabeshima Nanakon's words are like lighting up a beacon again in his dark world.

Once again, it brought a glimmer of hope to his desperate dark world!

At this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, with burning eyes and excitement, stared at Colonel Nanajima Nabeshima.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Nabeshima Nanakon nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Yes, there is a glimmer of hope. As for whether this glimmer of hope will succeed, I'm not sure, but we can give it a shot!"

"If it succeeds, we will succeed, and the Imperial Army of these brainwashed independent brigades will be able to stop the attack!"

"After that, it will be easier for us to do other things!"

"As for the failure, then there is no future. After we die, where is there any future?"

At this moment, Chief Nabeshima Nanami explained the matter very clearly.

If you dare to fight, you are lucky and you can survive.

If you are unlucky, you will die.

Nothing can be done.

Because the current situation is like this, it is not under their control at all.

So, under such circumstances, they have no choice but to do this.

no matter what the result is?Take a gamble!
"Your Excellency, Captain, tell me the truth, hope, is it big?"

On this point, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu at this moment still wants to ask for certainty.

Because this is the motivation for him to move forward, struggle, and change his own destiny.

You know, 50.00% hope is not the same as [-]% hope.

The style of doing things and the direction of efforts are also different.

Same goes for 50.00% hope and 30.00% hope.

30.00% hope and ten percent hope, even more so.

As for the hope of less than [-]%, in the mind of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, there is no hope.

Since the success rate of this hope is not even [-]%, then he is not hope.

Instead, after it appeared, it pushed you into a more desperate situation again.

This is the result.

So, at this time, he wants to ask Colonel Nanajima about this, and wants to know where is the real hope?
"this one?"

Nabeshima Nanakon pondered for a while, and replied directly: "To be honest, the success rate of this hope is still very high, probably more than half, about 60.00%!"

"Let me tell you now, you calculate the chance of success yourself, isn't that true!"

At this moment, Chief Nabeshima Nanakon has completely calmed down, and wants to explain all the analysis in his mind to Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

In this case, he can just listen to the opinions of the Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant.

"Okay, Your Excellency, Captain, please tell me!"

Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant, is even more eager for this.

Only when he knew this, did he know how big the hope was.

In his heart, talent is more reasonable.

"It's like this, I hope it's very simple, that is, the plan is very simple, that is, the two of us, go directly to the place where the front refers to the battle, find a safer place, and then reveal the identity of the two of us. I believe that these independent brigades The Imperial Army of the Empire, if they see you and I go out in person, maybe they will stop fighting!"

"After all, you and I, the chief and lieutenant officers, are real and real officers!"

"As long as we can let them know our identities, then we have hope!"

"Besides, we and the Imperial Independent Brigade are both in the Liude War Zone. I believe that everyone in the Imperial Independent Brigade knows our names!"

"Otherwise, if the members of the Imperial Independent Brigade don't know about the two of us, they deserve it. We are destined to die here!"

"However, I believe that the chance of this happening is not very high!"

"That's all, Nagasaki, tell me your own opinion!"

Colonel Nabeshima Nanakon, at this moment, said all that was in her heart.

Now, he wanted to hear the opinions of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu.

At the same time, he also wanted to see if he could be inspired by the opinions of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, and maybe there might be a better way.

"Your Excellency, Captain, let's not talk about this!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu thought of another point. Although he knew that there was little hope, he still wanted to say something:
"If you ask for help now, is it too late? There are quite a few imperial troops stationed on the edge of the Liude theater!"

He thought of asking for help.

But, this question is related to whether they can continue to fight now.


So, when I heard Nabeshima Qihong here, I just shook my head and refused:
"Nagasaki, it is indeed a good way to ask for help, but if we ask for help, the most important thing is that we will not last until the arrival of the imperial reinforcements!"

"Since we can't make it to that time, what awaits us is also death!"

"And what is the situation we're in now?"

"Our general conventional weapons are okay, we have them, and we have enough guns and ammunition!"

"But, we don't have artillery support!"

"Once the imperial soldiers of our Ninth Regiment continue to resist, they will be able to resist for more time!"

"And when the people from the independent brigade on the opposite side find out about this situation, they will retreat violently and cover them with artillery fire!"

"Nagasaki-kun, now you understand, after all, the empire's fighting style is stored here!"


Nabeshima Qihong who said here sighed again.

Actually it is.

It is difficult to ask for help, and the difficulty lies in how to resist the attack and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

This is the hardest part.

It's a pity that what they are facing is also the elite of the empire, and the soldiers of the empire who are more powerful than them can't resist at all.

This point, he also thought of before.

So, for this reason, he didn't even mention it.

But now, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu brought it up to him, so he just analyzed it.

Now, what he wanted to hear was Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu's opinion on what he just said.

This is the most important thing to him!
(End of this chapter)

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