Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3416 Let's start, Your Excellency, Captain

Chapter 3416 Let's start, Your Excellency, Captain
All Nabeshima Nanhong thought about was to listen to the opinion of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu.


Sure enough, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu sighed in disappointment when he heard Nabeshima Nanakon's words.

The fighting style of the Imperial Army is just this template, using artillery to control the battlefield and shelling bombardment.

After that, the infantry attacked to further control the battlefield.

Under such circumstances, their Ninth Wing now has no artillery at all.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to resist, unable to fight for time, and unable to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

The end result is to work hard and waste time.


Taking a few deep breaths again, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, who temporarily calmed himself down, began to express his opinion.

"Your Excellency, Captain, since it is what you said, then I really have no objection, let's just execute it!"

"Anyway, you also said that the probability of our success is more than half. Under such circumstances, we don't need to plan anything else!"

"If you plan again, it's actually a waste of time!"

This is the opinion of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu.

If it is said that if the probability of success is not so high, then he may think about it carefully and express his opinion.

With such a high success rate, it is completely unnecessary.

It's better to execute it directly.

Thinking about any opinions at this time is a waste of time.

"it is good!"

Hearing the words of Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, Nabeshima Nanakon nodded in satisfaction, without any disappointment.

Pretty much what he thought it was, that's all.

It's best to have an opinion, and if you don't have an opinion, it's completely expected.

After all, the success rate of this method is above 50.00%. If it goes well, it can reach 80.00%.

This is also the best way he can think of at this time.

There is no other way that is suitable for this time.

"Okay, then let's go!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu agreed.

"Well, immediately arrange someone to choose a safe place!"

Chief Nabeshima Nanami ordered directly.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu took a deep breath to calm himself down completely, and his eyes returned to the former light.

He turned around and walked outside.

Soon, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu gave orders for this matter.

The little devils of the Ninth Regiment, now that they know about this and have hope, they are all desperately looking for a suitable place.

After 10 minutes, these little devils finally found a suitable place.

The three-story building has not been bombed yet.

The fence is relatively high and the security is great.

And, if you take a detour, it is very close to the battle place.

As long as it is shouting loudly or raising a flag, it will definitely be seen by both sides of the battle.

Nabeshima Qihong Colonel and Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant in the temporary headquarters received the news.

"Your Excellency, Captain, let's go now, otherwise, if the soldiers of the regiment are defeated after a long time, then we will lose this good place!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu didn't want to hesitate, and wanted to do this immediately.

He was worried that the imperial soldiers under his command would not be able to resist. Without such a safe place, he would lose this opportunity.

The most important thing is that if you lose this place and look for other places, it will be a waste of time.

So, he thought, it was time to go there.

"Well, Nagasaki, you're right!"

Nabeshima Qihong also agrees with this point.

Now that the decision has been made, no time should be wasted.

In this way, Nabeshima Nanakon and Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant quickly decided on this matter.

Under the escort of more than [-] little devil soldiers, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant and Nabeshima Nanhong Colonel rushed towards the three-story building they found.


"Da da da!"


On the battlefield at this moment, the battle is still very fierce.

A famous little devil just fell into the rain of bullets and pool of blood.

It has to be said that the scene of devils beating devils is still very rare.

Anyway, Staff Officer Chen and others who had lurked into Liude City were like watching a play.

At this time, the sky is not so dark anymore.

He could vaguely see the battle scene in front of him.

All the soldiers who sneaked in looked at the scene in front of them with joy.

Of course, this is the soldier who followed Yang Fei before, and he is in the same group as Staff Officer Chen and others.

As for the fighters of the [-]th Brigade who were gathered just now, all their eyes widened, and at the same time they were happy, extremely excited, and also mixed with disbelief.

To be able to see such a thing.

This is so, so much fun.

If it was placed before, they would not dare to believe that they could see such a thing.

To let the devils beat the devils, Yang Fei, the head of the regiment, is really too powerful.

He was able to fool the little devils into doing things, and even beat their own people.

This kind of thing, in the past, they didn't even dare to think about it.

But at this time, it has become a reality.

To be honest, the scene in front of me was like a dream.

Excited in their hearts, they felt that their feet were light and light.

You know, when they saw this scene in front of them, they were almost shocked.

Even, if Yang Fei's soldiers hadn't stopped them, they would have shot with guns just now.

Now, they finally know the reason for blocking them.

Very good.

Very good.

Very happy.

Seeing this scene in front of them is even more enjoyable than killing these little devils themselves.

More importantly, revenge came.

It's revenge.

This time, their comrades who died tragically in the little devil can finally rest in peace!


At the same time, Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant and Nabeshima Nanhong Colonel, as well as being escorted, came to the three-story building that they had found.

At this moment, Nabeshima Nanahong and Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Commander from above the three-story building watched the battle below.


Looking at the imperial soldiers lying in a pool of blood, Nabeshima Nanakon sighed helplessly, feeling all regret in his heart.

These are all their imperial soldiers, but at this moment they are their own people beating their own people!
As for the Lieutenant Assistant of Nagasaki Shibu, he was very angry in his heart.

After all, if the scene in front of me is spread outside the Liude war zone, it would be a real embarrassment.

It's a shame!

What a shame!


Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Your Excellency, Captain, let's begin!"

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu didn't want to see the scene in front of him any more, so he said directly.

His tone was full of pain and loneliness!

(End of this chapter)

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