Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3417 Falling into Hell

Chapter 3417 Falling into Hell
Regarding the scene that happened before him, Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu believed that any officer of the empire would not want to see it.

It is so distressing.

This is the imperial army killing each other.

Shame it is.

A shame that will never change.

If it spread, it would be a shame that the imperial army of the empire would be laughed to death.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu was anxious at this time.

Hurry to do it, hurry to finish.


After Nabeshima Nanakon nodded, he said to the little devil soldiers behind him: "Raise the flag and show our identities!"

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

The little devil soldiers who received the order immediately began to prepare.

The imperial military flag that they had prepared before was raised high.

And, seeing this scene, Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu took a step forward and yelled loudly at the little devils fighting below.

As for Chief Nabeshima Nanami, she took a small step back silently.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu did not realize this, at this moment, he was still yelling loudly.

"Imperial soldiers below, listen up, we are all our own people, and we all have the identity of the Imperial Army!"

"We belong to the Ninth Wing. This is the base of the Ninth Wing. And you are from the Independent Brigade. Don't fight, we are all on our own!"

"You have been deceived, your officers may be fake now, or even, they are no longer commanding battles with you!"

It has to be said that from the moment when the devil plaster flag was erected high, it attracted the little devils who were fighting.

After all, for this plaster flag, this is their belief.

Represents the empire, represents the imperial army of the empire.

While the plaster flag attracted these little devils, the yelling Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant also attracted these little devils.

Originally, some of the little devils in the independent brigade wanted to shoot directly.

However, they were stopped by the Sergeant Cao and Cao Chang around them, as well as some veterans.

They are not fools. From the beginning of the battle to the present, they, veterans and military commanders, feel that something is wrong.

Why did the people from the [-]th brigade on the opposite side who they killed all speak the imperial language, and some people even spoke more purely than theirs.

When such a situation happened, it directly aroused their suspicion.

Therefore, at this moment, the roar of Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu made some people start to wake up among the vanguard troops of these independent brigades.

They have heard of where the Ninth Regiment is stationed.

Liude City!
Is this Liude City?
After all, they marched in the dark, and no one told them where they were going.

I just told them that after going there, just fight immediately, and leave the rest alone.

This is the brilliance of Major Miharu Xiao Mazi.

From the start of the battle until now, these little devils from the independent brigade who have been fooled still don't know where this place is.

If they had known that this was Liude City, they might have woken up a long time ago.

At this time, the yelling of Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu really played a role.

At the very least, let these little devils who are fighting stop.

"it works!"

Similarly, Nabeshima Qihong, who saw this scene, nodded in satisfaction. It was almost as he thought. The military commander Cao in the imperial army, and the officers above Cao Chang, they are not fools.

As long as it is under special circumstances, if you remind them well, they will definitely succeed.

This is good, this method is feasible, and I can survive.

Can survive successfully.

Not to mention Nabeshima Nanakon, even Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant who is yelling at the moment.

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu felt a lot more relaxed, and he shouted harder and more vigorously.

After all, it is related to whether they can survive or not, so it is the most correct way for him to work hard at this time.

Work hard at this time, you may really survive later, really seize this opportunity!
Otherwise, if he is negative at this time, he is cheating himself.

There was a chance, because if you are negative, you may not have the chance directly.

Meanwhile, 100 meters away.

"Ha ha!"

Staff Officer Chen immediately laughed when he saw this scene.

"Old Chen, this little devil is going to make trouble!"

Zhao Yili also saw this scene with an unfriendly look on his face.

This devil officer came out at this time, this is the rhythm of making trouble, and making trouble.

According to the plan, they can't finish it yet, and they still have to let the little devils continue to fight.

But, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Of course, the battles in other parts of Liude City still started here.

It's just that the main attack direction here, but because of this incident, the fighting gradually stopped.

It won't work.

"Yes, old Chen, give the order!"

At this time, Liu Zhiyun became anxious.

After all, he had seen that some of the little devils from the Independent Brigade, who had been fooled successfully, had begun to waver, and began to trust the little devils from the Ninth Regiment on the opposite side.

Once you really believe it, and the two groups get together again, then it is likely that they will be the ones who will be hurt.

Although they are performing the finishing mission and there are quite a number of troops now, they still want to minimize the loss, as low as possible.

They don't want to enter early and enter the battle early.

The loss was huge, and they felt that it would be difficult for them to explain to Yang Fei.


Staff Officer Chen nodded. The result of such an accident was not what he wanted.

So, he directly issued an order: "No. [-] Artillery Squad, kill this three-story building, and after that, directly aim the artillery fire at the little devils of the Independent Brigade, which gave the Ninth Squad The little devils hope that the battle will begin immediately!"

Staff Officer Chen's order was conveyed as quickly as possible.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

And above the No. [-] artillery position, six mortar shells streaked across the night sky and fell towards the three-story building where Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant and Nabeshima Nanhong were located at the fastest speed.


Three-story building.

Nabeshima Nanami and Lieutenant Nagasaki Shibu, who are full of hope, have already started planning how to find potential enemies and take revenge in the next time.

Because, they are about to succeed now.

The battle in front of him must be completely stopped.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

But, at this moment, the mortar fired, and six shells flew towards them with their tail lights flickering.






Nabeshima Nanahong and Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant Assistant, who discovered this scene, were instantly desperate.

How do they feel at this moment?

It's that kind of time when you just ascended to heaven, opened the gate of heaven, and greeted the victory.

Suddenly, someone kicked them down and fell into hell!

(End of this chapter)

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