Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3418 The battle is coming to an end

Chapter 3418 The battle is coming to an end

Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu and Nabeshima Nanakon Colonel, at this moment, really feel like falling into hell.

At that moment just now, they really saw hope.

Hope is at hand.

But now, the cannonballs with tail lights shattered their hard-won hopes.

This is providence.

Or just play them?

Hope has appeared!
It looks like it will be a success.

Now, kick them directly into hell!
At this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu, after being frightened, his eyes changed, and gradually became helpless.

Destiny is so wonderful.

The dream before, can only be a dream, it can't become a reality at all.




Now the opposite is Nabeshima Nanami's reaction, which is incomparably huge.

It's completely different from the previous one.

Before, he didn't show such despair and anger.

But at this moment, it was as if he had changed into a different person, roaring with fear and hysteria.

It seems to be venting the last time of life.

Actually, it is.

Under the situation in front of you, you are already desperate, there is no hope, and it is the easiest to expose your human nature.

For example, the collapsed Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant, he burst into tears.

It was just crying, nothing else.

At this time, Nabeshima Seven Rainbow Colonel is in this situation.

He has broken down.

The reason why he had no problems before was because he had a plan in his heart, and there was still some hope, and there was no despair at all.

Without despair, there is no breakdown.

After all, there is something similar to a pure land in the heart.

Don't despair, don't break down.

But at this time, there is no hope.

And there is no hope, only despair.

So, he just collapsed.

He had previously given hope to Lieutenant Commander Nagasaki Shibu.

Let Nagasaki Shibu Lieutenant recover from the collapse.

At this time, no one can give him hope to recover him from this state of collapse.




In the blink of an eye, the three-story building where Nagasaki Shibu Nagasaki and Nabeshima Nanakon lived was in ruins.



"What exactly is going on?"


But at this time, these little devils below, both sides are in a state of confusion.

What exactly happened here?
Who should they trust?

Of course, it was actually only the little devils in the independent brigade who had this idea.

They are a little confused and don't know what to do?

After all, once the seeds of doubt start, they will crazily breed and grow!
These little devils of the independent brigade, that's it!

As for the little devils from the Ninth Regiment on the opposite side, they don't think so.

After all, these little devils of the Ninth Wing don't know what the real truth is?
Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu and Nabeshima Nanhong Colonel did not tell the soldiers of the Ninth Regiment at all.

It's not that they didn't think of it, but that they really didn't have time.

Even, the two of them don't think this is that important.

I thought that as long as I could grasp the hope, it would be fine.

But in such a place, I was negligent!

At this time, the little devils of the Ninth Regiment were thinking in their hearts that the enemy on the opposite side was stunned, so they took this opportunity to fight well.

As for what their captain and deputy captain said just now, they don't care.

How many of these guys on the opposite side have killed them.

It is impossible to let them go, the only way is to fight on.

Besides, their team leader and deputy team leader are already dead, and they have no choice but to fight!

At this moment, the little devils of the Ninth Regiment, who had this idea, became agitated in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


However, the shelling started again.

And the falling point of the shell is where the hesitant little devils from the Independent Brigade are.


"Run away!"



As for the hesitant little devils from the independent brigade, they were frightened at this moment, roaring and trying to avoid them.

It's a pity that the time is too short, and they are simply too late.




The violent explosion started instantly.

The hesitant little devils from the independent brigade fell into a difficult situation directly.


"Warriors of the Empire, shoot!"



As for the little devils of the Ninth Regiment, seeing this situation, they were instantly overjoyed.

The opportunity is here.

So, under the yelling of the officer, the little devils of the Ninth Regiment all started to fight back.

He shot at the devils of the Ninth Regiment who were already in chaos and screaming.

The little devils of the Ninth Regiment will never let go of this opportunity at this moment.

"Da da da!"



Fight back and start again.


"Ha ha!"

At the same time, Staff Officer Chen and others who were hiding 100 meters away burst into laughter after witnessing all this.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Yili laughed heartily.

Liu Zhiyun, who was still worried in his heart just now, is also relieved at this moment.

As long as the shelling starts, the result is completely expected.

After all, a plan is a plan, and if you have a way to prevent accidents, just implement it directly.

As for those who watched the battle from the sidelines, the defeated soldiers of the [-]th Brigade who had just been recruited and gathered together had their eyes widened.

They really didn't expect that there was such a way of fighting when the enemy was strong and we were weak.

So, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade were all thinking in their hearts, Commander Yang is really amazing!

Even, they are much better than the officers of their [-]th brigade before.

Otherwise, they would have been able to fight such a battle before the [-]th Brigade.

Since no such situation has happened, it means that the officers of their [-]th Brigade are not as good as Commander Yang's.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade had this idea in their hearts.

"Okay, pass the order and prepare to fight!"

Staff Officer Chen observed the battlefield again and ordered directly.

After all, the sky has gradually brightened.

The battle is about to begin.

It will take some time, but you have to be prepared first.

Otherwise, how can we firmly grasp the opportunity.

"it is good!"

Liu Zhiyun immediately took orders.

"Grandma, you guys listen to me, the battle that belongs to you will start in a short time, you guys, you must give me your heart, give me a good performance, fight a good fight, give me [-] Brigade, you have such a long face!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili turned around and encouraged the soldiers of the [-]th brigade who were gathered.

He, he still misses the old love of the [-]th Brigade!

(End of this chapter)

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