Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3419 The ending is over, the fruit of victory

Chapter 3419 The ending is over, the fruit of victory
In fact, this is the military.

For their place of origin, that is their home.

Zhao Yili was trained by the [-]th Brigade.

It can be said that in the situation at that time, the family was massacred by the little devil, and he escaped with serious injuries.

If the people from the [-]th Brigade hadn't taken him in and treated his injuries, there would be no him now.

For him, the [-]th Brigade was his home, a place where he regained his new life.

Although, in the battle against the devils, the contribution of the [-]th Brigade was not very great.

In the battle with the devils, the victories obtained are also very few.

However, this does not change his origin from the [-]th Brigade, which is his home.

Not to mention that because of this, the [-]th Brigade should not be underestimated.

In Zhao Yili's heart, this point is very clear.

So, at this time, he will say these words to the soldiers of the [-]th brigade.

After all, he is a family, and he still hopes that these soldiers of the [-]th brigade can perform well in the next battle.

In this way, these guys can have a long face in front of Yang Fei, which is good for the [-]th brigade and these fighters.

Although, Zhao Yili and Yang Fei didn't spend much time together.

However, he still has a clear understanding of Yang Fei.

Yang Fei likes soldiers who are responsible, responsible, and have the blood of Chinese people.

So, under such circumstances, the only thing Zhao Yili can do is to let the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade perform as well as possible.

In this way, he had an explanation for the [-]th Brigade.

After all, since they joined Yang Fei's command, they have only one name, and that is the Eighth Route Army.

The [-]th Brigade has officially become a thing of the past.

The better performance now can be regarded as a tribute to the [-]th Brigade, a farewell.

Zhao Yili's words reached the ears of the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, and an unprecedented light burst out in the eyes of the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

In their hearts, they also want to use the battle in front of them to show the prestige of their [-] brigade.

Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen on the side nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, Zhao Yili did what they wanted to do.

However, Zhao Yili was one step faster than them.

In any case, the [-]th Brigade was also their home.

They also came out of the [-]th Brigade. If there was no [-]th Brigade, they would not be where they are today.

As a human being, you must not forget your roots!

Otherwise, once you forget about this, it will definitely not end well.

You may not be able to see it in a short period of time, but after a long time, you will definitely be able to see it.

And the encouraging eyes of Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen strengthened the faith and confidence of the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade!

The soldiers of the [-]th Brigade all secretly vowed in their hearts that they will perform well in the next time!

He has lived up to the expectations of Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, Liu Zhiyun and others.

"Okay, let's get ready!"

Following Staff Officer Chen's words, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade started checking their guns and ammunition one at a time, preparing for the next battle!

After all, the sky is about to dawn, and the total battle is about to begin!
The closer it is to this time, the more we must prepare for battle.

After all, success is at hand.

If it is not at this time and the final preparations are made, once it really fails, it will be a huge regret.

Of course, it's not only a pity, but it can even lower their status in front of Yang Fei a lot.

This is the most important.

Similarly, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun were also worried.

Otherwise, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun wouldn't waste so much effort to tell them at this moment.

They thought, let these people from the [-]th brigade that had just been recruited perform well.

In this case, it will be better for them to arrange in the future if they have more weight in front of Yang Fei.


"Da da da!"

"Clap clap clap!"


At this time, the battle in Liude City is still going on.

The battle is fierce.

At this moment, both the devils from the Ninth Wing and the Independent Brigade suffered heavy losses.

Of course, the ones who suffered the most were actually the little devils of the Ninth Regiment.

In any case, they were hit suddenly, and they didn't have the ability to fight back.

How long has passed before they organized the ability to fight back.

During this period of time, they suffered heavy losses.

Many officers were directly killed by shelling.

Without the command of an officer, relying on these people below, they want to accomplish this and start counterattacking as quickly as possible.

That is simply impossible.

So, the ones who suffered the most were the devils from the Ninth Regiment.

Without any advantage, it is too difficult to organize a counterattack.

Not to mention, the little devils in the independent brigade at this time are attacking them desperately like crazy monsters.

The little devils of the Ninth Regiment, don't look at the crowds, but they can't bear it at all.

The battle continued, and on the divided battlefields, some of the little devils of the Ninth Regiment retreated steadily, and were even annihilated.

In some cases, the little devils of the independent brigade retreated steadily, and were even wiped out.

All in all, the little devils of the Independent Brigade and the [-]th Regiment are all depleting their troops, and the depletion is still serious.

It is the most beneficial for Yang Fei's people that such a situation happened.

At this moment, in the battlefield of Liude City, the more little devils are consumed, the easier it will be for them to finish later.

Therefore, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade who had been prepared long ago, as well as Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun, did not issue a battle order.

Anyway, it's still early, let these little devils spend it.

As for whether these little devils will react in the end, they will directly fight back and point their guns at them.

Don't be afraid!
Even at this time, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, Liu Zhiyun and others led the soldiers into the battlefield, and they could still suppress these guys, but it was just a waste of time.

So, the time has come to the present, the battle in Liude City has progressed to the present, and the ending has been set.

The little devils in Liude City, no matter whether they are the little devils of the Ninth Regiment or the little devils of the Independent Brigade, they have lost any ability to turn things around.

time flies.

The little devils of the independent brigade in Liude City have also discovered something is wrong now.

After all, the battle has progressed to the present, and their top three commanders have no news at all.

This is completely different from previous battles.

Before, nothing like this had ever happened.

"what is the problem?"

"Why until now, the enemies we shoot and the shouts before dying are all in the language of the empire!"

"How is this going?"


In fact, for this point, the little devils in the independent brigade already had an answer in their hearts.

However, they dare not admit it.

After all, once they admit this, their ending will be bad!

"Da da da!"

"Clap clap clap!"



However, at this moment, a large number of soldiers wearing soldiers from the [-]th Brigade directly entered the battlefield.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, regardless of anyone's identity, whether it is the little devils of the Ninth Regiment or the little devils of the Independent Brigade, they all shoot and shoot.

And it's still densely enveloped shooting.

This time, the little devils from the Independent Brigade and the Ninth Regiment lost a lot in an instant.

They screamed.

They flee.

They even knelt down and begged for mercy.

It's a pity that at this moment, what they are facing are soldiers who are full of anger and killing intent, and are determined to avenge the [-]th Brigade.

Surrender was out of the question.

It is impossible for these soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, who are like vengeful wolves, to let them go!

For the revenge fighters of the [-]th Brigade, they had only one goal at the moment, and that was to kill all the little devils they saw in front of them, leaving no one behind.

After all, they knew it too.

Their [-]th Brigade has fallen into this situation now, which is entirely the reason for the Devil's Independent Brigade and the Ninth Wing.

Under such circumstances, the only option is to kill!

Only kill!


time flies.

At noon, the gunshots in Liude City gradually faded away.

The gunfire was sparse and stopped, which meant that the ending battle went smoothly.

"Ha ha!"


"Ha ha!"



And, at this moment, excited shouts came from Liude City.

"Comrades, rest in peace!"

"Brothers of the [-]th Brigade, you have a good journey!"

"The chief of the brigade, our brothers of the [-]th brigade, there are no cowards, we have given face to the commander of the [-]th brigade, you all have a good journey!"

"Don't worry, we will definitely fight the little devil to the end in the next time!"


In Liude City, after the finishing touches, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade roared angrily. They wanted to tell the news of victory to their comrades who had died tragically at the hands of the little devil, as well as the officers of the brigade.

They want to tell these people who died tragically that they have revenge for them!

Tell these people that you may rest in peace.

Similarly, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade are also proud.

After all, they were victorious in front of them.

Although this victory came quite trickily, it wasn't too difficult.

But, victory is victory.

This is the fruit of victory.

And they, in the time to come, will cherish the fruit of this victory even more.

Seeing the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade roaring and venting their anger, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun nodded in satisfaction.

They also achieved their desired goals.

The morale of the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade has completely improved at this time.

Not to mention anything else, it is actually very difficult for soldiers to improve morale.

At this time, these defeated troops, the [-]th brigade, had already inspired their morale.

In this case, in the next time, it will be easy to improve the combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, it will not have much effect at all if it only improves combat power without morale.

What Yang Fei has always done is to improve morale first when training soldiers.

Only when the morale is stimulated can the combat effectiveness be easily improved, which is a natural relationship.

So, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun achieved their goals.

The [-]th Brigade was defeated and defeated, and the status changed.

Paying homage to the little devils from the Independent Brigade and the Ninth Regiment, in exchange for the transformation of these soldiers from the [-]th Brigade!
(End of this chapter)

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