Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3420 Liu Zhiyun Dazzled By Victory

Chapter 3420 Liu Zhiyun Dazzled By Victory

Looking at the cheering soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, Zhao Yili smiled and said: "This time, the harvest is good!"

For Zhao Yili, he is very satisfied with the result in front of him.

There is no dissatisfaction.

Under the current situation, it is already very good for the [-]th Brigade to do this.

Although they laid the groundwork well in the early stage, after the battle started, the performance of the [-]th Brigade was even better.

Dare to fight and kill.

With this, it is completely enough.


Staff Officer Chen also nodded with a smile: "Our members of the [-]th Brigade may not be as powerful as the front-line combat troops, but we dare to sacrifice, dare to fight, dare to fight, dare to kill and never retreat!"

"This is what I like most about the [-]th Brigade. If I didn't have these qualities, I wouldn't have stayed in the [-]th Brigade at that time!"

"The [-]th Brigade did not disappoint me, and at this time, our soldiers did not disappoint the [-]th Brigade either!"

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen was very emotional.

After all, he stayed in the [-]th Brigade back then because he fell in love with the [-]th Brigade's quality of daring to fight and kill.

Even if you know you can't beat the enemy, if you can't retreat, you don't surrender, but directly enter the combat state, and only one shot and one bullet are left until all are sacrificed.

He had seen this kind of scene before.

It was because after seeing this scene for the first time that he stayed in one of the regiments of the [-]th Brigade and served as a staff officer.

After that, he also met so many times.

This is always the case. In the battle with the little devils, after there is no bullet or bullet, they directly engage in hand-to-hand combat.

In the end, all of them died on the battlefield, and none of them returned.

This incident has always touched Staff Chen very much.

In any case, if these things hadn't happened, he wouldn't have stayed in the [-]th Brigade.

Back then, there were quite a few teams, and those officers were vying to get him.

Of course, that was back then.

Now, it's over, the Chen family is gone.

The huge Chen family has been completely reduced to ruins under the trampling of the little devil.

Now, hehe!
Putting these things to the bottom of his heart, Staff Officer Chen stopped thinking about it.

"By the way, after this mission, will we be able to completely control the Liude theater!"

Liu Zhiyun was puzzled at this moment: "But, is our current military strength enough?"

This guy is thinking long term.

At this moment, they haven't completely taken down the Liude war zone, and there are still many little devils in it, so he started to think about it.

"It's hard to say!"

Staff Officer Chen shook his head: "After all, for the plan of the [-]th Brigade, there is a lot of movement at the Little Devils Theater Command. Once they fail and the news of their complete annihilation is sent back, then In the end, there is only one result!"

"It's the little devil in anger, gathering more troops, coming to encircle and suppress us, this is the situation!"

"At that time, even if we win the Liude War Zone, we won't be able to defend it, or even, in the end, it may be possible to completely take us in!"

"We have to consider these situations. It's too early for you to think about this now!"

Staff Officer Chen has a very clear view of the situation in the Liude theater.

Regardless of whether it is military strength, weapons, or anything else, etc., they are now inferior to the little devils outside.

Once the little devils outside are alarmed, their ending can be imagined.

He didn't want to follow Yang Fei just now and win the current situation, and lose it soon.

Staff Chen thought, this matter should wait until after going back, listen to what Yang Fei has to say, and see if Yang Fei has any arrangements for this.

It's really too early for them to plan this here now.

It can even be said that it is a waste of time.

With Yang Fei around, they are just worrying about it.

"Hey, I'm not in a hurry!"

Liu Zhiyun smiled embarrassedly: "The Liude war zone, such a big place, before the [-]th Brigade, we didn't have complete control!"

This is indeed the case. Before that, the [-]th Brigade occupied only a small part of the Liude theater.

Of course, the Liude war zone is not big.

The combat effectiveness of the [-]th Brigade is not good, so it would be good to be able to resist the little devil.

It is simply unrealistic to want to take back more places in the hands of the little devil.

So, the [-]th Brigade didn't occupy many places in this Liude war zone before.

But at this time, Liu Zhiyun felt that now, after they had wiped out the Devil's Independent Brigade and the Ninth Regiment, they would be able to occupy the Liude theater.

But, he didn't even think about whether he could resist the arrival of the little devil in the future.

This is the most important thing.

Otherwise, even if they occupy the entire Liude theater, they won't occupy it for a long time at all.

Even, because of the division of troops to garrison in various places, the troops were empty, and the little devils took advantage of the loopholes to divide the battlefield and annihilate them separately.

At that time, once such a situation happens, there will be no place to regret it.

It also means that the contributions they made in the early stage are completely in vain.

Liu Zhiyun, whose head was hot and dazzled by the joy of victory, never thought of these things.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked such a naive question at this time.

"Ha ha!"

For this, Zhao Yili smiled lightly.

He has seen it before and knows Liu Zhiyun, this guy is prone to lose his cool when it comes to big things.

So, it is far worse than his calm and calm temperament.

Liu Zhiyun still needs practice.

Of course, Zhao Yili was just thinking about it in his heart, he couldn't say it.

After all, the three of them have the same status now, if he said anything, he would be educating Liu Zhiyun.

Liu Zhiyun must be unhappy.

"Hey, Old Zhao, what are you laughing at?"

No, Zhao Yili hadn't said anything yet, seeing Liu Zhiyun smiling, he asked directly.

Liu Zhiyun felt that if Zhao Yili laughed now, he was laughing at him.

Otherwise, why laugh at this moment.

Of course, Liu Zhiyun didn't ask this question because he was angry.

If he was angry, he wouldn't have asked such a question.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Zhao Yili smiled and said, "What I mean is, your temperament is still unstable, you have to change it!"

Zhao Yili still didn't hold back, and mentioned it a little bit.

"Hey, you idiot, you are calm, you are really calm!"

Liu Zhiyun was not angry, but smiled and said, "That's true, my temper is still unstable, you're right!"

Liu Zhiyun knew this.

He knows his own shortcomings.

"You know your own shortcomings, so go and correct them!"

Staff Officer Chen said directly: "After all, on the battlefield, you must not be affected by emotions, otherwise, once you make a wrong decision, the consequences will be unimaginable. Old Liu, you must pay attention to this point! "

This is indeed the case, there is no small matter on the battlefield.

Emotions have a huge impact.

If you don't pay attention, you will be lost forever!

(End of this chapter)

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