Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3421 Do you want to part ways?

Chapter 3421 Do you want to part ways?

What Staff Officer Chen said was the truth.

An officer must remain absolutely calm on the battlefield.

Otherwise, once the calmness is affected, a wrong judgment is made, and the wrong order is given, the consequences will be too serious.

Therefore, at this time, Staff Officer Chen had to warn Liu Zhiyun to wake him up.

Otherwise, in the future military career, once he makes a wrong decision, it is very likely that there will be no redemption and his military career will be terminated.

Even, lost his own life.

These are all possible.


Zhao Yili didn't smile anymore, he looked at Liu Zhiyun and nodded with a very serious expression.

This is indeed the case.

You know, after he was rescued by the [-]th brigade, his first master was a veteran soldier.

At that time, the veterans and soldiers were handed over to him. On the battlefield, you must not run around. No matter what the situation is, the first thing to do is to find a place, calm down, and then fight the devils.

Otherwise, there is only one result of rushing and killing indiscriminately, and that is to be beaten to death.

As long as you don't receive an order to charge, you must stay where you are and calm down before going to fight and shoot!
It is by relying on these things taught to him by his veteran master that he can live smoothly until now.

At the beginning, Zhao Yili thought, isn't this just cowardice?

If he was cowardly, he wouldn't do it.

However, his veteran master told him:

"When charging, when you receive an order to charge, you should keep a belief and charge forward!"

"However, for the rest of the time, calm down and fight, this is not cowardice, this is wisdom!"

"In anger, in panic, or even in fear, you can't beat a devil to death, and even put yourself in!"

"However, after you calm down, you will find that your shooting is more accurate and you can shoot the enemy more easily!"

These words were taught to him by his veteran master.

Although, his veteran master was not an officer.

But, after teaching him these things, he was made an officer.

Although it is only a company commander, the company commander is also an officer.

Zhao Yili knew very well in his heart that if he hadn't met his veteran master at that time, he would have been beaten to death on the battlefield by now.

So, calm is very important, very important.

Calmness determines your achievement and height.

Even, your life!

As for Liu Zhiyun at this time, after hearing these words, his expression became serious.

Although, he understands this in his heart, and he also knows that if he does not correct himself, there will be serious consequences.

But this belongs to a person's character, character as such.

You know, if the character is like this, it is really too difficult to change a person's character.

It depends on the perseverance of the person.

Anyway, Liu Zhiyun finds it difficult to correct this point.

He had warned himself more than once before.

However, for such a long time, he has not corrected himself. .

Every time something big happens, I feel a little happy, and I can't calm down at all.

"I understand what you said!"

Liu Zhiyun smiled wryly: "I actually made such a decision before, but it all failed!"

"This is completely subconscious. Every time before something major happens, I warn myself, don't get excited, and be calm!"

"However, every time I get excited first, only after I get excited can I really calm down!"

"So, I made this kind of decision before, but I haven't corrected it!"

Regarding this point, Liu Zhiyun at this time was also very distressed.

It is very difficult to change your own personality.

"I know this, I understand it too!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded, and said with a serious face: "It is difficult to change a person's character, but I believe that as long as you have strong willpower, you will be able to succeed."

"This is not without examples. Let's say that our [-]th Brigade, how many soldiers there were in the past, had very contradictory personalities, etc. In the end, didn't they all correct themselves?"

"So, as long as you have perseverance, there is nothing you can't do. Now you understand."

"You have to persevere and inspire yourself to have a stronger willpower. Do you understand?"

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen actually had experience.

He is the regimental staff officer of the [-]th brigade, and he has seen and experienced much more than what Liu Zhiyun has seen and experienced.

Under such circumstances, what he said was more credible, and to Liu Zhiyun, it was more convincing.

After all, when he was in the [-]th brigade, his status was there.

As for Zhao Yili?

It can't be said that Zhao Yili's ability is not good, it can only be said that Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun's status are figured out.

Under such circumstances, what he said must have been without Staff Officer Chen. Without Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun would be more convinced.

At this time, Zhao Yili was very sensible and did not continue to speak or persuade, because Zhao Yili was very clear about this point in his heart.

So, this matter still needs the persuasion of Staff Officer Chen.

Here, at this moment, no one can be more important than what Staff Officer Chen said.


Now, Liu Zhiyun nodded with a serious face.

He also felt that this was indeed the case. It wasn't that he hadn't made a decision in this regard before, but he didn't have that much perseverance and didn't really stick to it.

If he really gritted his teeth and persisted, mobilizing his strongest willpower, there should be no problem.

"I see, Old Chen!"

Liu Zhiyun expressed his attitude.

After all, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were doing it for his own good. Regardless of whether they succeeded in the end, at this moment, he had to show his own attitude.

"It's useless for you to express your opinion now. What we want to see is your actual actions, understand?"

Regarding Liu Zhiyun's statement, Staff Officer Chen didn't take it seriously, because it was actually useless.

Attitude is not the same as action.

There are too many people who have a good attitude, but in terms of action, they simply cannot implement it.

There are too many such situations.

So, Staff Officer Chen didn't believe Liu Zhiyun's statement at all.

What he wants to see most is to see Liu Zhiyun's actual actions in the future.

Zhao Yili also thinks so, and, on his own side, he also does the same.

However, now that Staff Officer Chen is speaking, he is no longer needed!

After all, under the same status, some things he said and Chen Staff said, the results and effects were completely different.

"Old Liu, we are all members of the [-]th Brigade. I don't want to watch you part ways with us in the future, do you know?"

Staff Officer Chen looked serious and said earnestly.


Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun exclaimed, puzzled, "What's the matter, old Chen, why are you going our separate ways in the future, this, this, this..."

At this time, Liu Zhiyun really didn't understand this point.

Now after hearing what Staff Officer Chen said, he panicked.

Staff Officer Chen was right. The three of them were the last officers of a regiment they met during this period.

Under such circumstances, to be honest, among the [-]th Brigade, that was also the closest to them.

But at this time, Staff Officer Chen actually said that he didn't want to see a parting of ways in the future.

How can this start?

Liu Zhiyun didn't understand.

Zhao Yili, who was on the side, was moved in his heart, and he understood what it meant.

What Staff Officer Chen meant was very simple.

He wanted Liu Zhiyun to improve himself and change his shortcoming, so that he could only go on by following Yang Fei.

Otherwise, the result is the opposite.

Zhao Yili understood this point.

At this time, Liu Zhiyun didn't understand this point.

If he had understood this point, he would not have asked this question at this time.

This is the gap between the three.

Staff Officer Chen is smart, and Zhao Yili is both rough and subtle, seeing things clearly.

As for Liu Zhiyun, he has abilities, but he also has many flaws and deficiencies.

Under such circumstances, Staff Officer Chen's opinion was very simple, that is, he and Zhao Yili could go on forever.

Make progress together.

As for Liu Zhiyun, if he can't change his fault, the result will be completely different.

That's what it means.

It's a pity that Liu Zhiyun just can't understand this point.

"Old Liu, you!"

When Staff Officer Chen saw Liu Zhiyun like this, he immediately became angry, but, after all, he was the closest person, so he still wanted to mention him and clarify this matter.

"My words are already very simple!"

"Lao Yang must have other arrangements for us in the coming time!"

"In this case, we may go further and enter a wider stage under Lao Yang's hands in the future!"

"The most important thing is that we can kill more little devils!"

"You know all of this, right?"

Liu Zhiyun nodded when he heard this, he understood all of this.

And, he also planned to do so before.

In the next time, do things well in front of Yang Fei. In this way, he can kill more little devils and go further.

However, he still didn't understand what Staff Officer Chen wanted to express.

After all, he has already decided in his heart that he will follow Yang Fei unswervingly to the end.

"You understand all of this, but if you don't correct your own faults, once Lao Yang entrusts you with the task in the next time, if your emotions fail, what will be the final result? Have you ever thought about it?"

Staff Officer Chen's words are already very clear.

All fools understand.


At this time, when Liu Zhiyun heard this, his eyes shrank suddenly, and his heart became a little flustered.

Is he a fool? I completely understand at this time.

This is indeed the case, an officer whose thoughts are controlled by emotions cannot be reused!
It can only be to complete some small tasks, and living is logistics.

Anyway, it's okay to charge forward, but it's very difficult to participate in the formulation and execution of big plans.

Once this happens, Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and Zhao Yili's position, status, etc. will be completely separated!

So, thinking of Liu Zhiyun who understood this at this moment, he panicked instantly.

This, he cannot accept.

He also thought about joining hands with Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili to do a big business under Yang Fei's hands.

Now, if he really can't change his faults, then he really has to part ways with Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

Liu Zhiyun subconsciously glanced at Zhao Yili.

At this moment, Zhao Yili also looked serious.

Obviously, Zhao Yili was also worried about him.

This gave Liu Zhiyun some comfort in his heart.

"I change!"

(End of this chapter)

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