Chapter 3423
Indeed it is.

In fact, they are not the only ones who have this idea and feel the heavy responsibility on their shoulders.

It is the responsibility of everyone who wants to fight against the invaders and kill the little devil.

There are too many passionate people who act with this goal, and there are too many heroes who sacrificed.

In the Liude war zone, compared to the huge anti-Japanese battlefield, compared to the people of the whole country fighting against the Japanese invaders, it is just the tip of the iceberg.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. They killed the Devil's Independent Brigade and the Ninth Wing here and now.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

After Mr. Chen patted Liu Zhiyun on the shoulder heavily, he looked at the two of them and said, "The next time is to clean up the battlefield. We can't stay in Liude City any longer. The order in Lao Yang's plan is that we finish cleaning the battlefield." After the battlefield, bring everything that is useful to us and return to Jiuping Town!"

"As for Liude City, we can't stay here for a long time. The little devils of the Ninth Regiment must have asked for help. We can't occupy Liude City, and our troops can't be dispersed. Otherwise, once the little devils give us If you hold it back, there will be big trouble, you know?"

Regarding this point, Staff Officer Chen will carry it out to the end.

After all, this is Yang Fei's plan.

And they are here to carry out Yang Fei's plan.

You can't go beyond a step, and you can't step out.

Otherwise, they would have no way to explain to Yang Fei once they caused a big trouble.
Similarly, this is absolutely not allowed by Staff Officer Chen.


For this, Zhao Yili has no opinion.

He had the same idea as Staff Officer Chen.

Now is not the time to do other things.

Otherwise, if it really deviates from the plan, small accidents are okay, they can solve them.

However, once there is a bigger trouble, they can't solve it at all.

Most importantly, Zhao Yili didn't want to disappoint Yang Fei either.

After all, the task this time was the first big plan entrusted to them by Yang Fei.

He was worried that if there was a big accident in this big plan, it might cause Yang Fei to distrust them in the future.

If that's the case, it's over.

He doesn't want to lose the big for a small one.

Now the most important thing is to complete the task, clean the battlefield, and go back quickly with all the gains.

Otherwise, it might be picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon!
Only Liu Zhiyun, in the eyes at this moment, was somewhat unwilling.

After all, Liude City was finally taken down, so it would be a pity to just leave it alone.

If it is said, what he thinks in his heart is that if he can really stay here and be stationed here, it will be much, much better than that small place in Jiuping Town.

This is what Liu Zhiyun is thinking now.

However, because he promised to change himself before, he didn't say what he thought in his heart again at this time.

As for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, their gazes now fell on Liu Zhiyun.

Liu Zhiyun has already made a decision, they want to see this guy, on top of the decision on this matter, will say so.

Otherwise, Liu Zhiyun is talking nonsense again.

Of course, they still believed in Liu Zhiyun.

"Let's go!"

In the end, Liu Zhiyun still severely suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

He can say these two words at this moment, it is obvious that he has taken the first step towards changing himself.

As long as you dare to take the first step.

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as it is a good start, if the beginning goes well, then everything will be fine.

I am afraid that because of the subconscious unwillingness in my heart, I will resist and not take the first step.

If that's the case, it's the real trouble.

Fortunately, this guy Liu Zhiyun didn't disappoint them, he just took this step, good, good.

"Haha, Lao Liu, you have made the most correct choice now, and you will do so in the future. Suppress the irrational thoughts in your heart, and treat everything calmly, especially when you are tempted by the big results and victories, you must Be calm, don't be blinded by the victory and the results of your thinking, otherwise, the choices you make and the orders you give must be wrong!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded with a smile. He was very satisfied that Liu Zhiyun could take this step.

Zhao Yili was also smiling, he was also happy for Liu Zhiyun.

This guy is still good.

This time, he really did what he said.

As long as you continue to work hard in the future, there will be no problem at all.


This time, Liu Zhiyun touched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's go, hurry up and lead the soldiers to work, finish the work early, let's go back early!"

Staff Officer Chen continued with a smile: "Otherwise, once the little devil's reinforcements arrive, we won't be able to leave!"

Regarding this point, Staff Officer Chen was not very worried.

After all, the Devil Theater Command in this area is seventy or eighty miles away from Liude City, which is the small theater of Liude Theater.

Given the rugged road conditions, it was simply impossible for these little devils to provide quick support.

Of course, the devil is cunning and ruthless, who knows if any accidents will happen.

It's better to finish the busy work here earlier and leave here earlier.


Zhao Yili nodded.

Liu Zhiyun said jokingly: "Come on, just let the brothers with high morale in our [-]th Brigade have a good time again, and fight against the arrogance of these little devils, and let these beasts know that our Huaxia All the men are not cowards, they can beat them all, and they can kill them all!"

Liu Zhiyun's words relieved his anger.

"Ha, yes, yes!"

Staff Officer Chen said with a smile: "If we really prepare in advance, let's make an ambush with these little devil reinforcements, hit head-on, and there is still a chance of victory!"

"I actually support this point, but since Lao Yang's orders and plans don't contain these, we can't do it!"

What Staff Officer Chen said was very reasonable.

His previous identity was the staff officer of the regiment headquarters.

The orders of the chief must be obeyed.

After all, soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty.

"That's true, we must obey orders!"

Zhao Yili also smiled and said: "If the reinforcements from these little devils arrive here, it will be an encounter, and there is nothing we can do!"

"Unfortunately, we don't know when the devil's reinforcements will arrive, so we can't waste time here waiting for the devils to arrive!"

"More importantly, we don't know the information now!"

"Lao Yang was right the other day. Knowing the information, the chances of winning the battle are great!"

"If you don't know the information, you're gambling, and the chance of losing the bet is the greatest!"

"So, let's evacuate, after all, we don't have any channels for intelligence now!"

In Zhao Yili's mind, he actually had an idea. If he could kill the devil's reinforcements again, the harvest would be even greater.

It's a pity that I don't know the intelligence, how many reinforcements the little devil has, the firepower situation, etc.

Once the devils come with a lot of troops and carry heavy weapons, etc., they will suffer a lot of losses.

At this time, they managed to win a victory, and if they experienced such a loss, it would be a big loss.

Therefore, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen absolutely would not allow such a thing to happen.

In this way, after the three of them had a chat, they each went to the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield, and began to urge them to help them clean the battlefield together.

(End of this chapter)

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