Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3424 The idea of ​​planting booby traps

Chapter 3424 The idea of ​​planting booby traps

In fact, the finishing and cleaning of the battlefield is very simple.

Just search for everything useful and just load it into the car.

After that, leave the battlefield directly!

For this, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun, the tireless and excited soldiers, cleaned the battlefield as quickly as possible.

After all, the things on and around these little devils are all good things.

The ocean, tobacco and alcohol, and more importantly, guns and ammunition.

These are hard currencies on the battlefield.

With these things, they are all armed, and their leader Yang can make more plans and lead them to fight more little devils.

This is what they want most. Killing devils is the only persistence in their hearts.

Others, at this time, are all secondary to killing the little devil.

Nothing is as important as killing devils!

At this time, that's it.

In the whole of China, everyone who hates little devils thinks so.

Nothing is as important as driving the invaders and these beasts out of the land of China.

Only by driving these beasts out of China will they have time to do other things.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk, everything is in vain!
Only by driving out these invaders and calming Huaxia, so that all people, the common people, will think about other things.

But at this time, these little devil invaders are raging and killing here, and the lives of the people are in dire straits, and there will be no tomorrow.

East hide XZ.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange to think of anything else.

So, everything should be at this time, mainly to fight against the Japanese invaders and kill devils.

time flies.



Thirty miles away from the Liude area, a long convoy came towards the Liude area.

This is the reinforcements, the Third Wing.

Colonel Nanahong Nabeshima, the captain of the Ninth Regiment, has actually asked for help.

However, he didn't have any hope for reinforcements.

Chief Nabeshima Nanami knew very well in his heart that the purpose of his asking for help was just to report a message.

Report what happened in the Liude war zone and the situation he faced.

In this case, if he dies, there will be people from the empire who can avenge him.

For these situations, the clever Nabeshima Nanakon has long thought about it and made arrangements.

Only Lieutenant Assistant Nagasaki Shibu didn't know about this matter and situation.

And the commander of the Devil's Theater Command who received the news was immediately furious.

The third wing was sent directly.

I don't want the rescue to be successful, but I just want to wipe out all the forces that resist the imperial army in the Liude theater, and kill them all, leaving no one behind.

After receiving the order, the [-]rd Regiment, under the leadership of Regiment Captain Hiraga Kusao, headed towards the Rutoku War Zone at the fastest speed.

Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain of the third regiment, was also burning with anger, and the killing intent in his heart erupted like a volcano.

His angry wish is that the encounter between the Ninth Wing and the Independent Battalion is a disgrace to the empire, a huge and incomparable shame.

The empire came to China to plunder, and was invincible all the way. Even if there was a slight failure, it was not the result.

But at this time, the Ninth Alliance and the Independent Brigade encountered such an end.

After being fooled, their own people beat their own people.

The imperial army is fighting the imperial army, isn't this a shame, what is it?
Shame, great shame.

Just because the imperial soldiers beat the imperial soldiers, the Independent Brigade and the Ninth Wing were completely wiped out.


A real shame!

On top of the history of the empire's invasion of China, there is a shame that will never be erased.

So, this is the reason why Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain of the third regiment, was so angry and murderous.

Let alone Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain of the third regiment.

As long as a devil officer, or even a little devil soldier knows about this, he will be like Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

After all, what happened in the Liude war zone has already trampled on the dignity of their empire, everything in the empire.



The convoy drove fast, rushing towards the Liude war zone.

They wanted to rush to the Liude theater, the Liude city, as quickly as possible.

These little devils were worried.

If they go late, the Huaxia soldiers in Liude City will flee with their spoils.

According to the Chinese soldiers they encountered before, once they escaped, it would be too difficult to find and annihilate them.

These Huaxia soldiers are really too cunning.

They don't want this to happen.

And shorten the time on the road as much as possible.

However, the road conditions are complicated, and it is obvious that the speed of their team cannot be improved quickly.

In this regard, even Colonel Hiraga Kusao has nothing to do.


Staff Chen and the others were still unclear about the support from the Devil's Third Wing.

However, for this point, they also had expectations in their hearts.

The devils will definitely have reinforcements coming, it's just a matter of time.

At this time, they cleaned the battlefield as quickly as possible and left here.

At this moment, the battlefield is almost cleaned up.

Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun came to Staff Officer Chen's side again.

After the two looked at each other, Liu Zhiyun said directly: "Old Chen, Lao Zhao and I have thought of something, can you see if it can be done?"


Hearing this and glancing at the two of them, Staff Officer Chen was also curious and interested, and asked directly, "What is it, tell me!"

After all, the battlefield is about to be cleaned up, and there is still time to talk.

Besides, it's nothing but just listening to opinions now.

"It's like this. I discussed it with Lao Zhao. We are leaving here soon, so, can the two of us leave some gifts for these little devils?"

Liu Zhiyun said with a dark smile: "In this case, after the little devils come, no matter what, as long as they trigger it, there will be losses. If there are too many devils to blow up, it will be our gain if one is killed. !"

This is what he discussed with Zhao Yili.

In fact, more of it is Liu Zhiyun's opinion.

This guy has always been unwilling.

I really don't want to hand over this Liude City to the little devil.

He felt such a pity.

Since it doesn't work.

It is really impossible to stay.

Then before leaving, leave some booby traps, some explosive bombs, etc. for these little devils.

In this case, as long as it is triggered by the little devil.

That would blow up some little devils.

Anyway, if a little devil is killed by blowing up, they will make money.

It would be even better if more people could be killed!

Anyway, it is simply impossible for him to give up Liude City to the little devil so easily.

These arrogant beasts must be dealt a head-on blow, even if they can't be beaten hard, they must be disgusted and disgusting to make them feel unhappy.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's thoughts, Staff Officer Chen took a deep look at him, and said with a smile: "You boy, I still don't give up!"


Liu Zhiyun immediately laughed.

"As long as we don't stay, this is okay!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded: "To be honest, handing over Liude City to these bastards directly, let alone you, I am not reconciled in my heart!"

"It's just that we have nothing to do now, otherwise, I also want to fight these little devils!"

"At this time, it is very good for you to propose a booby trap arrangement!"

"Old Zhao, go and give orders!"

Staff Officer Chen directly agreed to this point.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of another thing: "By the way, didn't Lao Yang give us a dozen of his people when he came to carry out the mission this time?"

"His people are very professional about this. Lao Yang mentioned to me before that although the soldiers under his command and the soldiers he trains are not all-round, they are similar."

"In this case, this task should be handed over to professionals like them!"

"So, you go and tell them about this, I believe they must be better than us!"

"After all, they are much more experienced than us!"

Staff Officer Chen had no doubts about this at all.

After all, Yang Fei's ability is there, and they can't keep up with driving.

And the soldiers trained by such capable officers are all capable fighters.

Than these people robbed them.

Although the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade are not bad, they are still inferior to Yang Fei's people in this professional issue.

Staff Officer Chen is very self-aware about this!

When he was in the regiment headquarters before, he also insisted on this.

Professional things should be handed over to professional people.

Otherwise, if non-professionals do it, the efficiency will not keep up, and the effect will not be good.

"Well, this is no problem!"

Zhao Yili has no opinion on this.

Obviously, he also knew in his heart that the people under Yang Fei were very powerful!

"Haha, in this case, I am even more looking forward to the result!"

Liu Zhiyun also laughed heartily: "Now, we must give these little devils a head-on blow and let them know that we Huaxia soldiers are not easy to mess with!"

"Hmph, our retreat now is only strategic, but if we leave, we have to break the fangs of these beasts!"

Seeing Staff Chen supporting him so much, Liu Zhiyun was very happy in his heart.

Of course, what he is looking forward to more now is actually the expected effect after planting the booby trap.

If possible, Liu Zhiyun would like to hide here, waiting for the booby trap to explode.

He fantasized in his mind that if it exploded, the little devil who triggered the booby trap would be killed. That scene must be very beautiful.

Just like that, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun immediately went to find Yang Fei's people without stopping.

The battlefield is about to be cleaned up, so we must hurry up.

Otherwise, there is not enough time, and the effect of planting booby traps is not the best!
Only with sufficient time can a more powerful booby trap be deployed.

Even, serial booby traps.

No time, no way.

As long as there is enough time and the booby traps are arranged, everything is possible.

So, while there is still time, they must hurry up and do these things.

As for the soldiers of Yang Fei, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun quickly found them.

"Commander Zhao, Commander Liu, who are you?"

Niu Shanshun, the platoon leader who was busy, saw Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun approaching, and immediately asked with a smile.

"That's right, Steak Master!"

Liu Zhiyun was not polite, and directly stated his purpose:

"We don't want to just give Liude City to the little devil for nothing, so with your help, we want to lay some booby traps and give the little devil's reinforcements a head-on blow!"

"Although it is impossible to blow up more little devils, but even if it is disgusting, I must disgust these little devils, and I can't let these beasts feel so happy!"

When Liu Zhiyun said the purpose, it can be said that he was gnashing his teeth, full of killing intent.


Hearing this, Niu Shanshun laughed immediately: "Don't worry, Company Commander Liu, Company Commander Zhao, leave this matter to us, and we will handle the booby traps!"

Niu Shanshun couldn't wait for such a thing.

Before, they also had some ideas of their own.

However, when they came, Yang Fei told them not to intervene, just to help.

If there is a request, they will be found.

In this case, they are doing a little favor.

In fact, the role of Niu Shanshun's platoon played a role in turning the tide in critical moments.

If there is no crisis situation, just do a little favor.

Now, Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yi tried their best to come to the door, so it's easy to say.

He wished he had other tasks.

"Okay, Steak Master, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Liu Zhiyun said with a smile.

After all, he is still polite to Yang Fei's people.

"Master Steak, what mine do you need, just go directly to the confiscator and tell them, those people will send it all to you!"

Zhao Yili thought of this and said directly.

"Well, I see, Company Commander Zhao!"

Niu Shanshun smiled and nodded.

Since it is for him to be the discharger, then it is easy to say.

Before, there was no chance to set up booby traps.

Now that they have the opportunity, they want to arrange a happy event.

In this way, in the following time, Niu Shanshun led his platoon and with the help of the rest of the soldiers from the [-]th Brigade, he began to set up a large chain in Liude City. booby trap.

As for this serial booby trap, the trigger device is in the middle and the center of Liude City.

Couldn't trigger it at first.

Little devils will not encounter any accidents.

But, as long as the little devils entered the Liude City and triggered the booby trap inside.

If you don't kill or injure dozens of little devils, you won't give up at all.

Even, if you're lucky, it's still possible to blow up some devil's officers.

time flies.

The soldiers who had arranged everything, under the orders of Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili, began to retreat towards Jiuping Town.

Not long after, Liude City became quiet and silent!
(End of this chapter)

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