Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3425 Niu Shanshun's Secret Mission

Chapter 3425 Niu Shanshun's Secret Mission
In fact, the biggest reason for abandoning Liude City is because there are no more people in Liude City and outside of Liude City.

Since the little devils from the Ninth Regiment came here, they burned, killed and looted everywhere.

Under such circumstances, the people fled and died.

So, inside and outside Liude City, there are no common people at all.

Since there are no people living here, there is no need for them to continue guarding the place now.

Otherwise, there will be only casualties.

Yang Fei had already considered this point.

Otherwise, he would have already made a plan to defend Liude City.

The geographical location of Liude City, to be honest, is not important at all.

If there are people, it is their duty to guard,
And without the common people, if they guard Liude City, it would be risky.

The surrounding area of ​​Liude City is very open.

Once the little devils arrive and surround their people in Liude City, there will be only one result, besieging and annihilating the city.

After all, although they gathered the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade here, they suffered a lot during the siege of the little devils.

Even half of the previous strength could not be reached.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Yang Fei to take this risk.

Although, under his plan, the risk of defending Liude City may be reduced.

However, these little devils are beasts. Since they are beasts, they are uncertain.

Under such circumstances, once these little devils see that they can't take Liude City for a long time and can't annihilate them, they will mobilize heavy infantry artillery or howitzers.

At that time, there is really only one result waiting for them.

That is, the city was destroyed!

There will be no other end, only this one.

Therefore, after considering many aspects, Yang Fei gave up his plan to make a plan around Liude City.

Anyway, it's just a Liude City. If Liude City is handed over to the little devils, they will be able to reverse their situation just in time.

At that time, they can go outside Liude City to attack the little devils inside and outside the city at any time.

Even, when there is nothing to do, he can still shoot these little devils a few times, bombard him a few times, and disgust these beasts.

Yang Fei has planned and thought about all these things.

Therefore, Liude City must be reserved for the little devils.

That way, they can take control of the initiative.

As long as they monitored the little devils in Liude City, what happened after that was up to them.

It's that simple.

In the next time, Yang Fei will fight an information war with these little devils.

Let these brutes understand what a real lightning control battle is.

The speed of intelligence transmission, the troops strike like lightning.

Yang Fei believed that under such a combination of punches, the little devils who came to Liude City would easily be overwhelmed.


Liude City is three miles away.

The trucks are moving forward, pulling a lot of supplies, guns and ammunition and so on.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun walked behind the truck with the soldiers from the [-]th Brigade.

After all, at this time, without the danger of fighting, supplies, guns and ammunition are the most important.

So, all the supplies, guns and ammunition were loaded on the truck, and people followed behind.

After arriving three miles away from Liude City.

Niu Shanshun found Staff Officer Chen.

"Mr. Chen, for the rest of the journey, you have to go on your own!"

After finding the three staff officers, Niu Shanshun said directly.

"Oh, why is that?"

Staff Officer Chen was a little puzzled.

"Aren't you going back with us?"

The same goes for Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili.

However, Zhao Yili thought in his heart that this happened, it should be that Yang Fei gave these guys a secret mission.

Otherwise, Niu Shanshun would not have made this request at this time.

"I won't go back with you!"

Niu Shanshun smiled and said: "It's like this. When we were in Liude City, the team leader gave our platoon a task, so, in the next time, we will carry out our task."

"After all, the battle here is over, and there is no danger in the next journey, so, you go back first!"

Niu Shanshun directly explained the reason.

After all, there is nothing to hide.

In the army, it is quite normal for some soldiers and squads to accept some secret missions.

After all, some missions are to be carried out secretly.

Otherwise, if you do it blatantly, you may fail directly.

"Haha, so it is like this!"

Hearing Staff Officer Chen here, he immediately understood this, and said with a smile: "Then I wish you all the best in the next mission. In addition, what do you need, I will dispatch it to you immediately, such as guns and ammunition. , all strongly support!"

Staff Officer Chen still has this right.

So, he waved his hand directly, very generously.

"Hey, Lao Yang, Lao Yang, I even arranged a secret mission for you, it's not interesting, haha!"

As for Liu Zhiyun, he also laughed and joked at this time.

"Okay, okay, let's not waste Lao Niu's time!"

As for Zhao Yili, he waved his hand, signaling Niu Shanshun and the others to complete their tasks quickly and not to waste time here.


Niu Shanshun nodded: "We have prepared weapons and ammunition before, as well as supplies. Two radio stations are enough for us to complete this task in this period of time. Staff Officer Chen, Company Commander Zhao, Company Commander Liu, you all go back!"

This is the power given to him by Yang Fei. After the battle, he can dispatch all the spoils for the mission.

As for this situation, Staff Officer Chen discovered it earlier.

Because Niu Shanshun belongs to Yang Fei, so under such circumstances, he didn't speak.

At this moment, he understood everything.


Staff Officer Chen nodded heavily: "Lao Niu, then we won't waste your time. In the next time, the little devil's reinforcements will arrive soon in Liude City, so, you guys pay attention!"

"be careful!"

"After all, this time, we beat these beasts, and they won't let it go. So, pay attention, the most important thing is to protect yourself!"

To be honest, Staff Officer Chen was a little worried.

After all, Niu Shanshun's people are really too few, only one platoon of troops.

As for the little devils who came to support, it is likely to be an alliance.

A platoon, facing a devil's alliance.

There is a huge disparity in strength.

So, Staff Officer Chen was very worried about this.

The same is true for Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun.

However, a task is a task.

Let alone a secret mission.

So, under such circumstances, they can only exhort them.

The rest of the support, they give, Niu Shanshun will not ask for it.

"Don't worry, the three leaders, I have a good idea of ​​this matter."

Niu Shan said to himself: "Besides, the little devils have a lot of troops, but we are gophers. If we don't meet them, they can't do anything to us, haha!"

Niu Shanshun's words actually set the tone for their mission.

Be a gopher where the enemy is.

This is, engage in intelligence!
(End of this chapter)

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