Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3426 Arrival of the 3rd Wing

Chapter 3426 Arrival of the Third Wing
Intelligence is what Yang Fei has always emphasized.

Because, no matter what kind of battle it is, detailed information, incomparably real information, and the battle situation that can be fought will play a decisive role.

So, at the same time as the disinformation plan was formulated, Yang Fei formulated the task of this intelligence station.

After all the little devils from the Ninth Wing and the Independent Brigade are wiped out.

Outside Liude City, leave a platoon of troops and set up an intelligence station.

Two radio stations.

It is specially responsible for collecting and monitoring the little devils who come and go in and out of Liude City.

Under such circumstances, they can control the movements of these little devils in Liude City at any time. At that time, these little devils can make plans and make decisions at will.

So, information is really important.

In this way, Niu Shanshun led the soldiers of his platoon into the woods on the side of the road with the radio station, supplies, and guns and ammunition prepared earlier.

This forest is the only forest outside Liude City.

It's not very big, but it's not small either.

Outside of Liude City, it can be said to be the best place to set up an intelligence station.

Even if the little devils found them, they would not be able to find them in a short time.

As for them, they can use this time to quietly leave the mountain forest and successfully evacuate.

For this ability, Niu Shanshun still has it.


on the road.

As Liu Zhiyun walked, he sighed with emotion: "Secret mission, this is, Lao Yang hasn't given us a secret mission yet, I think this secret mission must be very interesting."

To be honest, among the three of them, the most inconspicuous person is Liu Zhiyun, who is very detached.

In terms of thinking, it is even more detached.

All he can think about now is that Yang Fei can give him a secret mission when the time comes, and ask him to take someone to try it.

"You ah you!"

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, Staff Officer Chen shook his head with a smile: "You think it's just playing tricks, the secret mission is not so easy to complete, do you understand?"

"As far as I know, secret missions include spying on intelligence, going behind enemy lines, assassinating enemy leaders, and other difficult missions!"

"What do you think, in your current situation, what can you accomplish?"

"So, you are still on the battlefield, and perform some combat missions. Secret missions are not suitable for people with your personality!"

He knew Liu Zhiyun very well, and the judgment he made was extremely correct.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Liu Zhiyun with an unnatural expression, Zhao Yili immediately laughed.

He thought, Liu Zhiyun just doesn't know how to stop for a moment.

It was only after many games that he thought of this again.

The secret mission is not so easy to complete.

Regardless of spying on intelligence, going deep behind enemy lines, assassinating enemy leaders, etc. are very difficult.

And, it takes time to sneak in, lurk and wait.

With Liu Zhiyun's personality, he would feel uncomfortable without speaking for a minute. It's a joke that he can complete such a task!

Liu Zhiyun laughed embarrassingly, and said: "I've been addicted to my mouth, so I want to find something for you to talk about. Look, why are you so serious?"

"Really boring!"

Liu Zhiyun shook his head, not wanting to talk.

He felt that these two guys were really boring.

Jokes, jokes, and boredom will not work.

Although, this is the truest thought in his heart.

But, he is not a fool, he is just curious.

"The secret mission carried out by Lao Niu and the others, if you are asked to do it, it can suffocate you to death, do you believe it?"

Staff Officer Chen did not accept Liu Zhiyun's words, but said seriously: "The mission he is performing this time must be an intelligence mission, to monitor the little devils in Liude City, what kind of situation is it, how many troops, weapons and equipment, etc.!"

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, if Lao Niu and the others do this, if they complete this task, it is entirely for the outside world!"

Hearing what Staff Officer Chen said, Liu Zhiyun was a little puzzled.

But Zhao Yili's expression was stupefied.

He got it.

"Our battle this time will definitely attract a large number of little devils to avenge the Devil's Independent Brigade and the Devil's Ninth Regiment that we killed before!"

"Under such circumstances, we must find out the movements of the little devils, how many little devils have come, the strength of the troops, the equipment of weapons, etc., all of which must be clarified!"

"As long as we can figure this out, the subsequent battles will be for us!"

"After everything is clarified, the people who execute the battle are still ours!"

"So, Lao Niu and the others stayed here for us!"

I have to say that Staff Officer Chen's analysis is still very good.

At that time, after the information is found out, they will be the ones who will carry out the combat mission.

Speaking of which, it really is.

"Then are they going to hold back here for a long time?"

Liu Zhiyun asked with a serious face.

At this time, he knew that he could no longer joke.

Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to Lao Niu and others.

"Well, if you really complete such a task, it's normal to hold back here for a long time!"

Zhao Yili still has some experience in this area. He had performed tasks similar to this before.

"As long as the mission starts, it must wait in one place and stare at Liude City without moving. Under such circumstances, think about it, isn't it so? Can you bear it?"

Zhao Yili put himself in his shoes and thought about it. He could accomplish such a task.

After all, that's his personality. What he likes most is that he stays motionless like an old turtle except for fighting and charging.

He felt that after the battle, he just wanted to realize it quietly.

In this way, it is also of great help to improve one's combat effectiveness.

This is his perception.


Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun shook his head.

That's true, he is not suitable for fighting in one place for such a long time.

He likes to run, gallop on the battlefield, and be in the middle of the battle.

Even sacrifice.

"So, you should work hard to correct yourself!"

Staff Officer Chen patted Liu Zhiyun on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Anyway, if Liu Zhiyun can't get rid of his own problems, let alone such tasks, there will be very few other tasks.


Liu Zhiyun nodded heavily.

The decision in my heart deepened a bit!

Outside Liude City.



The truck roared, and the long convoy stopped outside.



The ear-piercing sound of brakes completely broke Liude City, which had just calmed down.




The back doors of the trucks were opened.

"Tap Tap!"


In an instant, two squadrons of little devils jumped off the truck.

Vigilant vigilance, probing probing.

As for Colonel Hiraga Kusao, who was in the truck headquarters in the middle, his face was so gloomy that he was about to drop water when he heard the dead silence of Liude City.

Especially his eyes, like a hungry wolf who chooses to eat someone, is full of killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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