Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3429 The serial explosion begins

Chapter 3429 The serial explosion begins

These little devils who opened the door really don't understand what the hemp rope in front of them is for.

After all, they had never seen such a thing before.

And, hemp rope is useless, right?

What's more, the hemp ropes on these gates have been directly ripped off by them.

"Ha ha!"


The little devils who pushed open the door just shook their heads and chuckled, not caring about this at all, and pushed open the door directly into the yard.





However, the moment these little devils entered the yard, the sound of the rope being snapped was transmitted again in an instant.

For some reason, when they heard the sound of the rope being snapped, they suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.

A sense of crisis.

It was as if he was about to face a catastrophe.

At this moment, the little devils who pushed the door panicked. They raised their heads and looked around like this, wanting to see what was going on.

It's a pity that wherever they look, what they see is normal.

Including their companions, too.


"Maybe I'm overthinking it!"

"Walking along the way, seeing so many imperial soldiers dying, made our nerves tense up!"

"That's right, finish the task quickly, search the yard, and then clean it out!"


"This matter is completed, and it is also a good task for us!"



At this moment, these little devils haven't noticed anything wrong yet.

They comforted each other, and during the conversation, they brought the topic back to cleaning the yard.

Indeed, they are cleaning the yard now, and this is for their [-]rd regiment to set up the regiment headquarters, anyway, this is an invisible credit.

For this, they like it very much in their hearts.

And what these little devils don't know is.

After they pulled off the hemp rope on the door, the booby-trapped minefield had been triggered.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the rope being snapped was the sound of the chain of booby-trapped mines being triggered.

Outside the ruins headquarters, among the ruins, the buried ropes were suddenly pulled straight in the ruins and bounced out.

Ruins, rubble, etc., shot directly in all directions, hitting the little devils who were searching nearby.


"What is this?"

"It's just twine!"

"Ha ha!"


These little devils who searched didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, hemp rope among the ruins is really normal.

In the past, they also encountered such a thing.

It's nothing at all.




However, at this moment, one grenade after another, one grenade after another, was ejected like this.

Just like that, spinning around in front of these little devils.

The height is directly on the same level as the heads of these little devils.



"Baga, this is a thunder formation. These hateful Chinese soldiers have set up a thunder formation here!"

"Baga, evade!"

"Get down!"


At this moment, all the little devils who witnessed this scene panicked, and their hearts became extremely frightened.

Grenades and grenades are very powerful.

Not to mention, the height of this thing is the same as they are now.

If this is an explosion, then don't even want their heads.

It will be like a watermelon bursting, and you will die directly.

So, under such circumstances, these little devil soldiers all took out their fastest speed and began to squat down, or lay down, or lie down towards the distance.

However, even so, the despair in the hearts of these little devil soldiers is still lingering.

After all, in such a situation, they had already anticipated what the outcome would be.



"Boom, boom!"


At this moment, grenades and grenades exploded in front of the little devils.


"Whoosh whoosh!"


The power of the explosion, the shock wave, mixed with extremely sharp fragments, cut and hurt the little devils who made moves like this.

The speed of the little devils is indeed fast enough.

However, Niu Shanshun and the soldiers who planted the booby trap were completely applying the knowledge Yang Fei taught them.

In such a situation, fully played out.

Delayed triggering of the grenade, direct explosion, etc., these are the lessons Yang Fei gave them at that time.

So, the little devils at this time are directly saddened.

This first explosion directly blasted out the twenty or so little devils who were being searched.

On their heads, bright red is all over.

Some of them were even cut open by the fragments.

Under such circumstances, these little devils have no way out.

It can be said that the little devils who were directly bombed and affected were immediately silent and could not survive at all.

And many little devils nearby who didn't know what happened were also affected.

Of course, what they suffered were only minor injuries.

But the little devils who faced them on the spot were directly blown to death.

"What happened?"

"Baga, why did it explode?"



At this moment, a large number of little devils were alarmed and put on alert.

There are also many little devil soldiers, military doctors, etc., rushing towards the explosion point at the fastest speed.

It's just that, the scene in front of them, even if they rushed over, it would be useless.

"Tap Tap!"


At this moment, a large number of little devils jumped off the truck and joined the security mission.

At this time, what they are most afraid of is a sudden attack.

After all, they are only relying on trucks now, and there are no fortifications at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain maximum firepower and strive for an advantage when an accident occurs and the moment the battle begins.





At this moment, the sound of more hemp ropes being snapped continued to pass.





Immediately afterwards, more grenades and grenades jumped out of the ruins.

And it exploded with a bang, blowing away all the little devils who came out to guard.

This time, the explosion did not stop.




From the beginning of the explosion, it was a series of explosions, rumbling apart along the way.

In an instant, a large number of little devils were blown to the ground.

These little devils are wailing fiercely, in incomparable pain.

As for the advancing Devil convoy, in the immediate situation, they stopped advancing immediately.

Intermediate Truck Command.

"Baga, what's going on!"

Anfang Youma Zhongzuo roared angrily again.

He really didn't expect, didn't he check it just now?
Why at this time, another accident happened.

The explosion came so violently, what happened?
Could it be that there are still Chinese soldiers hiding in Liude City, ambushing them.

At this time, he cursed angrily: "What the hell is going on with Mumu Shijiang? Is his brigade trash? Baga!"

(End of this chapter)

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