Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3430 Booby traps are about to trigger

Chapter 3430 Booby traps are about to trigger

Hearing these words, Colonel Hiraga Kusao's eyes, which were originally very stern, became even more stern.

"Your Excellency, Captain, we have found the remains of His Excellency, Captain of the Ninth Regiment, and the rest of the officers. Together with the imperial soldiers, they are all broken!"

"However, no officers above the rank of lieutenant of the Independent Brigade were found, and the rest are all soldiers of the Imperial Independent Brigade!"

"More importantly, not a single corpse of the enemy was left behind. It can also be said that apart from some irrelevant and useful clues, there was not a single bit left!"

"The current situation is like this, as for other dangers, I haven't found it!"

Mumushijiang Zhongzuo said it very clearly.

His tone was actually full of anger and grief.

After all, the ones who died this time were the captain of the empire and the rest of the lieutenant officers.

The loss is simply too great.

"Bagaya Road!"

Hiraga Kusao hadn't spoken yet, but his deputy, Yasuka Yuma, began to curse angrily.

Just like a mad dog.

"These damn Chinese people, they dare to do this, they dare to insult our imperial army and kill the officers of our imperial army, they deserve to die!"

"Damn them, I must find this group of damn Chinese people, I will kill them all, leaving no one behind!"

Anfang Youma Zhongzuo roared angrily.

That's true, how long has it been since their imperial army lost so much.

In his memory, only at the beginning of the invasion of China, there were several major losses.

But after that, their imperial army swept invincibly, winning every battle, crushing all the way, and the Chinese soldiers they fought were retreating steadily.

Even if there is a failure, it is at most the loss of some imperial soldiers and junior officers.

But this time, even the Imperial Commander-in-Chief and the Second Commander lost so much.

One alliance, one independent brigade, this is quite the establishment of two imperial alliances, and it was lost like this.

If he lost in a frontal battle, he would not be so angry in his heart.

However, this was a trick and was deceived. Their imperial army went to fight the imperial army, and their own people killed their own people, so they ended up like this.

So, under the situation in front of me, Yuma Zhongzuo Anfang was so angry.

It's a shame!

This is a great shame!

An indelible shame.

Colonel Hiraga Kusao, who heard the news, did not speak.

However, it can be seen from his selective and devouring eyes that his heart is not as peaceful as he has shown.

Otherwise, his current eyes and expression would not be like this at all.

"Go into the city!"

However, Colonel Hiraga Kusao didn't say anything, but ordered directly.

Because, Colonel Hiraga Kusao knew very well in his heart that the current anger and the current roar are of no use at all, and have no meaning at all.

The deputies around him, and even the captain officers under him, etc., can all be angry and growl after hearing the news at this time.

But, only he can't.

He is the captain of the [-]rd Wing. If he can't control his emotions at this time, if he shouts and roars angrily, it will affect the morale of the entire [-]rd Wing.

Regarding this point, Colonel Hiraga Kusao was very clear in his heart.

So, at this time, he will definitely not do this.

Controlling one's emotions is the most basic military quality of an imperial officer.

Otherwise, he would be overjoyed and unable to control his emotions, which would make him make wrong judgments.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

Hearing Hiraga Kusao's words, Muki Tokie immediately took orders.

They all knew about the joint captain, Hiraga Kusao.

They all said in private that their team leader has the personality of a poisonous snake or a dog that doesn't bark.

If you don't make a sound and make you don't know what's going on, it will kill you.



In this way, under the order of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the convoy started, roaring, and headed towards Rutoku City.

The little devils following on both sides belonged to the Third Regiment, the First Combat Brigade Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

Hiraga Kusao in the truck seemed calm.

And what he thought in his heart was that this time, he really met his opponent.

This opponent is not as simple as he imagined.

But a difficult, difficult guy.

This is true from the style of doing things, as well as planning.

Otherwise, on the scene and on the battlefield, this result would not have been the case.

What a horrible guy.

In his opinion, fighting and so on are easy, but the difficulty lies in the ending.

Otherwise, once an important clue is left, it may be a fatal flaw.

Unfortunately, this time his people did not find any valuable clues in Liude City.

Thinking of this, Colonel Hiraga Kusao raised the opponent's terrifying level to the highest level in his life against the opponent.

It's just that what this guy doesn't know is that Yang Fei actually has no plan in this regard at all.

Because, except for those who were in charge at the beginning, the people in charge of the battle this time were all broken soldiers from the [-]th Brigade.

So, under such circumstances, no matter how they searched, no matter how they were members of the Devil's Third Regiment, they would find nothing.

Even if a clue was found, it was a clue to the [-]th Brigade.

But at this time, the clues from the [-]th Brigade are of no use to Yang Fei.

It was because of this thought that Yang Fei didn't make a special plan for the ending. He just gave a few instructions to the three of Staff Chen.

In this situation, Colonel Hiraga Kusao couldn't think of it.

If he thought that the opponent he thought was terrible hadn't made a move at all, he would vomit three liters of blood in anger.

At this time, he is quite like that, he thinks, he thinks, he becomes what he really thinks.

In fact, there has been a huge deviation!



Just like that, the trucks of the Devil's Third Regiment entered Liude City mightily.


At the same time, the little devils of the Second Combat Brigade, following Mu Mu Shijiang Zhongzuo's order, began to look for a good yard near the ruined headquarters to use as the headquarters of their third regiment.

What these little devils didn't know was that behind the gate of the yard they were looking for, there were hemp ropes tied one by one.

Because outside, they didn't know about the situation at all, and they all came outside the yard. They wanted to open the gate of the yard at this time, go in and have a look, and clean it up!
Just like that, a dozen little devils pushed open the gates of more than a dozen nearby courtyards almost at the same time.


And the moment the door was pushed open, the sound of the hemp rope being pulled and broken was extremely clear in an instant, reaching the ears of the little devils who opened the door.

And, the drooping hemp rope, the little devil who clearly opened the door, saw it in his eyes!
And the eyes of the little devils who heard the sound and saw the drooping hemp rope were full of doubts?
Some of them don't understand, what is the hemp rope tied to the gate at this time?
(End of this chapter)

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