Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3432 It Was Just an Accident

Chapter 3432 It Was Just an Accident

From Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo's point of view, he was slapped in the face at this time.

Moreover, the face was still slapped fiercely, and the fan made a crackling sound, the kind that directly swollen the fan.

How can he accept this?
The kind that is simply unacceptable.

This really made him angry.

You must know that his people had already been investigated before, and there was no danger in Liude City at this time.

Moreover, he is also following, which also confirms this point.

Unexpectedly, a series of explosions happened again.

Isn't this a slap in the face?
This time, when such a thing happened, he must have left an impression of incompetence in front of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Mu Mushi's Jiang Zhongzuo's heart became even stronger.

He thought, in the next time, he must strive for the opportunity to fight this mysterious opponent.

He wants revenge.

Wash away the humiliation of this time.


Mu Mushi Jiang Zhongzuo let out an angry roar, directed at the little devil soldier in front of him, and ordered again: "Explore again, this time dig three feet, and find out other accidents for me, Baga!"

He was really pissed off.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


At this moment, the little devils who heard the order took the order one after another, and started a new round of search directly again.


This is, a major military officer came to Mu Mushijiang Zhongzuo's side.


Mumushi Jiang Zhongzuo restrained his anger and said directly.

"Your Excellency, Captain, the statistics have come out. This time, the serial explosions have lost more than 90 imperial soldiers. If there are no other losses, the only loss is the imperial soldiers!"

The Shao Zuo officer didn't dare to delay, and reported the loss directly.


There are nearly a hundred jade fragments from the imperial army, which is half the strength of a squadron.

In this way, his combat brigade has been reduced by almost one-tenth of its staff.

After all, his combat brigade has more than 1000 combatants.

How could he accept the direct loss of nearly a hundred fighters now.

It was difficult for Mu Mu Shijiang Zhongzuo to accept this point of chess.

However, it was very clear in his heart.

At this time, when such a thing happened, he had no choice but to accept it.

Otherwise, he didn't even see the enemy now, what could he do?
You can still go directly to kill him.

This is simply not realistic.

"Go ahead, this time you must lead someone to conduct a thorough search, and this kind of thing must never happen again!"

Mumu Shi Jiang Zhongzuo gave orders to the major officer beside him and exhorted him.

Under the situation in front of him, he was really afraid that an accident would happen once.

If it really happened, then his impression would be even worse in front of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

This is very unfavorable to him.

He didn't want this to happen.

"Hey, Your Excellency Captain, don't worry, this time I will definitely lead people to search the side more carefully. If there is another accident, I will apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"

This Shaozuo officer was obviously a ruthless person, and he immediately issued a military order in front of Mu Mu Shijiang Zhongzuo.

If he can't complete this task and another accident occurs, then he is really going to be finished.

So, from this point, it can be seen that this little devil, Officer Major, is a ruthless person.


Mumushi Jiang Zhongzuo nodded and waved his hand to signal him to leave.

Just like that, Mu Mu Shi Jiang Zhongzuo also turned around and walked towards the motorcade that stopped behind.

He's going to see Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain, to receive his punishment.

After all, for such a thing to happen, his responsibility is great.

A bad word, if it leaves a bad impression on Colonel Hiraga Kusao, it will be a big blow to his future career.

He didn't want to affect his future path because of this incident.

"Mu Mu-jun!"

At this time, Lieutenant Zuo Hegang Yuki, the captain of the First Combat Battalion in charge of security, came in front of Zhongzuo Mumu Tokie:

"Relax, this matter is not as serious as you think, it's just an accident!"

For this kind of thing, to be honest, these officers are very helpless.

No major consequences have been triggered, and serious consequences are okay.

Once serious consequences are triggered, that is the real trouble.

At this moment, there is Ji Zhongzuo in Hegang, which is nothing more than what he means.

Persuade Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo that there was no major accident, so relax, it's not that serious.

"Well, I see, Mr. Hegang, thank you!"

When Jiang Zhongzuo Mu Mushi heard what He Gang Youji Zhongzuo said, the second lieutenant also relaxed a little.

This is indeed the case. This time, no major accident was caused. This is his luck and gratitude.

Otherwise, he simply cannot bear this responsibility.

It's okay now, if he went to Colonel Hiraga Kusao's place, at most he would be scolded.

Others are fine.


Hegang Youji Zhongzuo patted Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo on the shoulder, and went to perform his guard duty.


After Mumu Shijiang took a deep breath, he raised his foot and continued towards the truck headquarters in the middle of the convoy.

Soon, he was driving outside the truck headquarters.

"Your Excellency, Captain, I am Mumu Shijiang!"

When he came here, Mu Mushi Jiang Zhongzuo bowed his head and said.

"Come up!"

Soon, the voice of Chief Hiraga Kusao came from the compartment of the truck headquarters.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"

After Mumu Shijiang took the order, he climbed into the headquarters compartment.

As soon as he got into the carriage, he saw An Fang Yuma Zhongzuo's eyes, something was wrong.

Although this guy showed no anger.

However, he could tell from this guy's eyes that he was angry.

It must be because of my dereliction of duty that I rose above this juncture.

However, at this time, Mu Mu Shijiang Zhongzuo didn't talk to Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, but directly pleaded guilty to Senior Hiraga Kusao: "Your Excellency, Captain, this time is my dereliction of duty, please punish!"

Don't worry about other things, since you are here to confess your sins, you must have a good attitude towards confessing your sins.

"Ha ha!"

It's just that, at this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao smiled and shook his head, and said: "Mu Mu-kun, this is an accident, I know that the imperial army entered the city left by the enemy, or captured the city. Sometimes, something like this will definitely happen, it’s just a question of the size of the result!”

"So, for this, I am mentally prepared!"

"Besides, the imperial soldiers searched it all over again, so we can't blame them. If we want to blame, we should blame our opponents!"

"This time, the opponent we met is too powerful!"

"It's a tough guy!"

"So, for the next time, your focus, your battle brigades, and the captain's focus will be on our opponents!"

"I believe that you will be able to defeat our cunning opponent in the next time!"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao directly got to the point.

"Hey, don't worry, Your Majesty, Captain, Mumu knows what to do!"

At this moment, Muki Tokoe, who heard the words of Hiraga Kusao, felt relieved: "I believe that in the next time, under the leadership of the captain, we will be able to eliminate this cunning as soon as possible." The opponent's, definitely!"

And, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo, directly flattered him!

(End of this chapter)

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