Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3433 Find out who the traitor is

Chapter 3433 Find out who the traitor is

What these little devils and officers have done is impeccable in their conduct and deeds.

Hiraga Kusao gave Muki Tokie Nakasa a sweet date, and Muki Tokoe Nakasa returned a big apple backhanded.

Yuma Nakasa, who was watching this operation, had his eyelids twitching.

He thought in his heart, in this respect, he still needs to learn.

He felt that only after he had learned these things well, his position in front of Colonel Hiraga Kusao would be more stable.

At this time, Hiraga Kusao and Kiki Tokoe Nakasa ignored Akata Yuma Nakasa at all and continued to talk.

"Mumu-jun, from this series of explosions and the booby traps laid by the enemy, what did you see?"

Hiraga Kusao asked while looking at Mumu.

At this time, he also saved Jiang Zhongzuo, Mu Mu Shi Jiang, who was an examiner.

Of course, it's also to understand the scene, to understand the enemy.

Otherwise, if you don't understand these situations, it is unrealistic to want to kill the enemy.

Only by analyzing everything about the enemy can the enemy be dissected and the enemy killed.

Regarding this, Colonel Hiraga Kusao did this in the past.

At this moment, he still wants to use this method to listen to the opinions of the people below.

Besides, he knew it, and he, the captain of the Second Combat Brigade, Mu Mu Shijiang Nakasa, was a person with considerable intelligence and skills, and was very careful.

He believed that he would definitely be able to get a satisfactory answer to this matter from Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo.

"Then, Your Excellency, Alliance Captain, I'll just talk about my opinion!"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo knew that he could not postpone this matter, he could only tell the truth.

At this time, if he didn't tell the truth, he would undoubtedly offend his own captain, His Excellency.

You know, if you offend your immediate boss, the consequences will be very serious.

Mu Mushi Jiang Zhongzuo knew the severity.

"From the moment we received the call for help, we were actually in the enemy's calculations!"

"Even, when the enemy targeted the imperial brigade, they had already started to calculate, and even calculated all these possible situations!"

"Afterwards, they began to calculate in Jiuping Town, where the Imperial Independent Brigade is located!"

"Of course, regarding the fact that they fooled the Imperial Independent Brigade, it can also be said that they counted some officers of the Imperial Independent Brigade in advance!"

"Otherwise, they wouldn't even be able to enter Jiuping Town, which is controlled by the Imperial Independent Brigade!"

"I feel that this is what they did. First, they took control of the imperial officers who went out to fight outside, and then entered Jiuping Town, and began to plan this matter!"

I have to say that Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo is very good in his analysis.

He analyzed the point directly.

Even, the analysis is quite correct.

This is terrible.

"You mean, the officers of the Imperial Independent Brigade betrayed the Empire and became theirs?"

Regarding this matter, Colonel Hiraga Kusao didn't think about it.

At this moment, when Jiang Zhongzuo heard what Mu Mushi said, his expression became serious in an instant.

I don’t know if I don’t say it, I don’t know if I don’t want to, but now that I say it and think about it, the result is really terrible.

After all, he firmly believed before that it was impossible for the imperial army to betray the empire.

The officers of the empire are the most loyal defenders and defenders of the empire.

So, he didn't think about this before, and he didn't think about it at all.

At this moment, it is not the case.

After Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo mentioned this matter, his mind became fully active.

The betrayal of the imperial army of the empire may not necessarily happen.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the matter of the Imperial Independent Brigade and the Third Imperial Regiment this time.

Letting the imperial army fight against the imperial army and die in a bloody fight, even if he did it himself, it would be very difficult, even difficult to complete.

So, now there is an explanation.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Captain, that's it!"

For this, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo has always insisted.

After all, he had been thinking about it on the road since he received the support order.

He still couldn't figure out what was so strange about it.

He made a lot of comparisons and assumptions.

Undoubtedly, the imperial army cannot be allowed to fight the imperial army, and it is so fierce.

In the end, he fixed the answer on one point. There must be imperial officers who betrayed the empire on the side of the Imperial Independent Brigade.

Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to operate this matter.

"There is only one explanation for everything!"

"Besides, it's not that the Imperial Army hasn't been betrayed before!"

"Since we invaded China and launched the war of aggression against China, there have been incidents of betrayal by the Imperial Army. Although they have not caused any major impact after they betrayed the Imperial Bell, it has indeed happened. !"

"It's just that, for this matter this time, we can only say that the betrayed imperial army, and even the officers, are their own reasons!"

"Yes, I feel that in this regard, there should also be reasons for these traitorous imperial officers!"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo's analysis is getting closer and closer to the truth.

"Oh, what you mean is that the intention in this may also be what the betrayed imperial officer thought and wanted!"

At this time, in fact, Colonel Hiraga Kusao already had this answer in his mind.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Captain, that's it!"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo continued to analyze:
"You think, the imperial officer who chooses to betray, or the imperial army of the empire, is absolutely afraid of death!"

"Under such circumstances, if there is any promise made to them, the imperial army who is afraid of death will definitely continue to betray and betray the empire!"

"Under such circumstances, these bastards who betrayed the empire will even suggest themselves to help each other and damage the interests of the empire!"

"So, I feel that there must be these betrayal bastards who are contributing!"

"If these bastards who betrayed the empire are helping to plan, Your Excellency, Captain, everything can be explained this time!"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo articulated his own analysis.

He insisted that the most important point where this happened was on the traitorous Imperial soldiers.

Things wouldn't have gone so smoothly without these guys.

Therefore, he believes that his analysis and persistence are correct.


Hearing this, Colonel Hiraga Kusao's face was gloomy, with murderous intent in his eyes.

If it's anything else, he can bear it now.

But this incident at this time happened because of the betrayal of the imperial officer, and this was the reason why he could hardly suppress his anger.

Traitors have always been a heavy topic.

Often, every extra traitor will cause major losses.

Because, all the traitors who betrayed have a lot of information in their hands.

Once leaked, it is killing.

Of course, even if the guy who didn't control the intelligence betrayed him, he might bring people to kill him, so that he could show his importance, get credit for it, and live a better life!

"These damn bastards, check, this matter must be investigated clearly, and it must be found out who betrayed the empire. I will kill them when the time comes, even their family members in the mainland, I will not let them go. Kill them all. I want to warn all the Imperial Army and tell them that if they dare to betray, they will have to bear a price they cannot bear!"

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao, full of murderous intent, with strong murderous intent erupting in his eyes, yelled these words!
(End of this chapter)

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