Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3434 Hear Your Opinion

Chapter 3434 Hear Your Opinion
Regarding this issue, it can be said that every senior officer of the devils does not want it to happen.

Betrayal, this is undoubtedly a very cruel reality, and a very heavy topic.

No one wants to face this situation.

It's a pity that things have already happened, forcing yourself to face this matter with a strong scalp.

This was the case with Hiraga Kusao at this time.

Don't look at him as the commander of the regiment now, there are some things that he is also unwilling to face.

At this moment, he had to face it, and even called the theater command, and through his theater command, he would issue the levers and guidelines for punishing traitors.

In this case, he believes that with his suggestion and this telegram, those imperial soldiers and officers who want to betray the empire will have to weigh it carefully.

Otherwise, after you betray, your family on the mainland cannot escape.

When the time comes, it will be a shame, and your family will be punished, or even wiped out.

Under such circumstances, he did not believe that there were imperial soldiers, imperial officers, who dared to do this thing again, dared to betray the empire again.

At that time, as long as such a thing happens, as long as it is timid to kill, no one will dare to do it again, no one will dare to betray the empire.

At that time, once the real effect is achieved, this suggestion was made by him, and the Imperial War Department will definitely remember his name.

You know, letting the people of the Imperial War Department know the name of his Colonel Hiraga Kusao is more important than credit.

As you can imagine, if your name is known by a big shot, then it's time for you to make a fortune.

After all, sometimes, it's not that you don't have opportunities, it's not that you lack opportunities, all you lack is a suggestion from a big shot.

With this reminder from a big shot, your fate can be truly changed.

Without him, at this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao, while being angry, was thinking of this.

Although angry, but maintain enough reason, even if you make plans and suggestions, you have to think about whether there is any benefit in it.

Such a suggestion can only be made if it has its own benefits.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to try and make such suggestions and think about such suggestions.

He is the captain of the third regiment, a dignified officer, and he has no time to waste on such things.

"Hi Yi!"

Anfang Youma, who was waiting next to him, immediately took orders when he heard this.

After all, he has always been responsible for such things as the transmission of telegrams.

Again, this is his duty in the position he is in now.

If he didn't have this role, then the position of his deputy would be gone.

Don't look at him as the lieutenant officer of the empire.

However, a lieutenant officer like him is only a civilian job.

And there is still no civilian background.

Just follow the civilians who lead the captain.

There is not a single soldier under his command, if he doesn't do well, once he is looked down upon by the commander of the regiment, Hiraga Kusao, then his fate will come to an end.

It will definitely be sent to an unimportant place to fend for itself.

It is simply impossible to get credit for progress again.

It is because he knows this in his heart that at this time, Anfang Youma Zhongzuo will do his duty conscientiously when doing things, and he will not dare to overstep, fool or be sloppy at all.

You know, at some point, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo completely substituted himself into the body of the regiment leader Hiraga Kusao.

Especially when he was doing things, he seemed to be Colonel Hiraga Kusao himself.

It is because of this that he has never done anything wrong.

If he let himself go, something must have happened.

After An Fang was led by Ma Zhongzuo, he turned around and walked out of the truck.

Immediately, in the truck headquarters, there were only Hiraga Kusao and Kiki Tokie Nakasa left.

"Mu Mu-jun, what do you think of my opinion?"

Chief Hiraga Kusao wanted to hear what Muki Tokoe Nakasa thought of his opinion.

After all, sometimes, the most important thing is the opinion of these junior officers.

Their opinions, in some cases, represent the opinions of the soldiers of the empire at the bottom.

very important.

"Your Excellency, Captain, your opinion is very good!"

Mumu Shi Jiang Zhongzuo nodded in agreement directly:

"In comparison, although it is a bit harsh, but in the face of the great cause of the empire, these are negligible."

"Besides, if you do something wrong, someone will always have to bear it, right?!"

"If you do something wrong and don't need to take responsibility, then there will be no rules. At that time, once the imperial soldiers are captured, they will all surrender and betray. The final result will be the collapse of the imperial army!"

"As a result, the war of aggression against China and the battle to seize all resources have all failed."

"At that time, the loss of the empire will be truly great!"

"So, Your Excellency, Captain, your idea is very good, and I support your idea!"

"And, when I go back, I will tell all the imperial soldiers under my command to keep this in mind and keep it in their hearts!"

To be honest, on this point, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo really has no other opinions and completely agrees.

He absolutely does not allow the betrayal of imperial soldiers.

To do that is to violate the faith, the empire, and His Majesty the Emperor, and you must die!


Hearing Muki Tokie's words, Hiraga Kusao immediately nodded with a smile.

What Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo said could be said to have reached his heart.

Indeed it is.

His opinion may seem harsh, but if you don't betray the empire, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Conversely, since you have chosen to betray the empire, it means that you have accepted the punishment from the empire.

At that time, you can live on your own, and other family members in the mainland, etc., will all die.

He believes that once his opinion is popularized among the Imperial Army, the Imperial Military Headquarters, etc., there will definitely be more imperial soldiers who, after encountering the same thing, will choose Yu Sui to serve His Majesty the Emperor .

Instead of surrendering and betraying the empire, putting one's own interests first and harming the interests of the empire.

Colonel Hiraga Kusao knew that this matter was settled.

At that time, this matter will be completely popularized, and those bigwigs in the Ministry of the Army will definitely ask who he is.

After getting to know him at that time, his good life and the road to promotion will begin.

"By the way, Mu Mu-jun, this time, what do you think about our mysterious enemy? Tell me!"

Regarding this, Hiraga Kusao also wanted to hear Muki Tokoe's opinion.

It can also be seen from this aspect that he attaches great importance to Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo.


Hearing this, Mumushi Jiang Zhongzuo was silent for a while, his thoughts turned rapidly.

This question, he must answer.

After all, he was working under Hiraga Kusao.

Answering such questions will be of great help to his future promotion.

At that time, with his military achievements accumulated enough, it will be much easier with Colonel Hiraga Kusao's correct advice.

After all, by the time he was promoted to the rank of officer, his regimental commander, Colonel Hiraga Kusao, had already been promoted to major general of the empire.

"Your Excellency, Captain, to be honest, I don't have any information about our mysterious opponent, so ah, my heart is also in a mess!"

After thinking about it for a while, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo first told the truth.

After all, it is necessary to use retreat as advance, or advance as retreat!
Don't worry about whether it works or not, let's make a foreshadowing first.

(End of this chapter)

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