Chapter 3435

At this time, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo was telling the truth.

After all, he has never met Yang Fei, and he doesn't even know who the enemy is.

I just analyzed it through the scene without important clues.

Under such circumstances, if he was allowed to have a unique opinion on this matter, it would be completely embarrassing for him.

So, now, he can only say this first, otherwise, if he makes a mistake later, he will have to bear the responsibility.

These immediate bosses and immediate officers speak very well, say what they say boldly, say what they think of, and say whatever they think, and they will not judge crimes with their words.

But, having said that, just listen to it.

If you really believe it because of this matter, and you still boldly say it, say whatever you think, then there will definitely be no good results waiting for you.

Once your immediate superior, immediate officer, etc. grasp a certain point in your opinions and words, it is entirely possible, and it is entirely possible to blame and punish you.

So, if this is the case, you can just listen to it, and when you express your own opinion, you must carefully consider it.

Otherwise, it will be another result.

"Well, I know this, Mu Mu-jun!"

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao obviously understood this point: "Don't say it's you, even I have no clue about the situation in front of me now, no, I also want to hear your opinion, see Let's see what you think, if that's the case, can you enlighten me!"

"If you can enlighten me, that would be great, maybe I can immediately think of a solution and plan for the current situation!"

"Mu Mu-jun, go ahead and say it boldly. It's okay. At this moment, the more unconstrained your thoughts, the better, and the more helpful you will be to me!"


"I'm all ears to your opinion on this matter!"

It has to be said that the attitude of Colonel Hiraga Kusao is very good at this time.

It's the same old saying.

It's just that Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo is not a fool, he really knows how to say anything.

Isn't it nonsense to think so wildly?

He is not a fool.

"Okay, Your Excellency, Captain, let me talk about my thoughts on the current situation!"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo said directly:

"You have just sent a squadron to Jiuping Town to investigate intelligence!"

"This move is very important. You have done a lot with this move, and this is where your subordinates should learn a lot!"

Do not wear flattery.

No, when Mu Mushi Jiang Zhongzuo spoke, it was a flattery.

From this point, it can be seen that this guy is very good at doing things and talking.

"However, it's not enough to just take this step in front of you!"

"We are not only going to send a squadron of troops to Jiuping Town to find out the news!"

"Even in secret, we must send heavy troops to Jiuping Town and hide them."

"It's hidden outside Jiuping Town. Once the squadron of the empire finds out the news about Jiuping Town, don't hesitate, and don't continue to report it. It will directly strike the enemies in Jiuping Town."

"Just kill all the hateful Chinese people among them, leaving no one behind!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, you also understand how terrifying our opponent is this time!"

"The more it is under such circumstances, when we find them, we will kill them immediately and kill them in the bud. Don't hesitate, otherwise, we will hesitate. During the time when we convey the order, we will probably be killed by these people." The guy got noticed."

"At that time, they are cunning and will definitely escape as quickly as possible. So, please think about this point, Your Excellency, the captain. If possible, send heavy troops to follow the reconnaissance squadron immediately. In this case, It is a foolproof decision!"

"After all, according to the development of the current time, these Chinese soldiers in Jiuping Town should have just cleaned our place, which is the battlefield in Liude City!"

"After they go back, they won't transfer immediately. This is our chance, Your Excellency, Captain!"

"As long as they don't move immediately, we can catch them, or even annihilate them!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, what do you think of my opinion?"

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo expressed his opinion directly.

What he said is also right, soldiers are expensive and fast.

At some point, especially on the battlefield, it is absolutely impossible to waste time.

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, under such circumstances, his opinion is that a quick battle is the most important thing.

Otherwise, once the time is delayed, who knows what kind of accident will happen when the time is delayed.

After all, if these guys who are targeting their imperial army cannot stop them in the fastest time in the next time, once they escape, the result will be difficult.


Hearing Muki Tokoe's opinion, Hiraga Kusao nodded cautiously. He felt that what Muki Tokoe Nakasa said was right.

Soldiers are very fast.

During the march, if the speed is reached, if you are one step faster, you will have a great chance of winning the battle.

"Your opinion is very good, I will consider it carefully, Mu Mu-jun, you continue to speak!"

After Hiraga Kusao finished speaking, he looked expectantly at Mumu Tokie Nakasa, beckoning him to continue talking.


As for Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo, he cursed loudly in his heart.

This guy, you've said you're paying attention, but you haven't acted immediately.

Still waiting for me to go on, this is fucked.

You still have to re-plan!

Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo dared to think so in his heart at this moment, but he didn't dare to show it in the slightest.

After all, he is just a captain of the third wing, and this guy in front of him is the real controller of the third wing, Your Excellency the captain.

"The second point is actually not difficult, that is, we need to say hello to the nearby imperial garrison troops outside the Liude theater, and ask them to pay attention to whether there are any anti-Japanese armed forces operating on the fringes of the two theaters recently! "

"Once there are any, wipe them out immediately, and still have to mobilize troops, the ones that are really wiped out!"

"In this case, I feel that there is no problem!"

"These guys from Jiuping Town, if they want to escape, they just take advantage of this loophole. They escaped from the edge of the two major zones."

"Under such circumstances, as long as we say hello in advance, it will cut off their hope!"

"At that time, under the encirclement and suppression of our imperial forces, they will have no way to survive in the end!"

Mumu Shi Jiang Zhongzuo expressed his second thought.

It's also a very simple idea.

If you do it and execute it, you won't waste much time at all.

Of course, he is just suggesting now.

The one who really made the decision was the Alliance Captain in front of him, Your Excellency!


Hearing Muki Tokoe's opinion, Hiraga Kusao became serious and pondered.

(End of this chapter)

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