Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3439 reprimand Liu Zhiyun

Chapter 3439 reprimand Liu Zhiyun

you could put it that way.

Staff Officer Chen's analysis of the little devils of the third wing was very accurate.

Especially this point, he thought of how Hiraga Kusao did it.

Indeed, the final result is also this one.

The little devils of the third wing sent a squadron of troops to pursue and investigate.

Just like Staff Officer Chen said.

No matter what, even if these ghost officers of the third regiment wanted to show off to the people below, they still had to send people to pursue them.

Otherwise, in the fiasco that Liude City experienced just now, don’t look at the devils from the Third Alliance not getting involved, but you have seen it with your own eyes. If there is no action and practice, it will also greatly affect the Third Alliance of morale.

At this point, even a slightly experienced devil officer would do this and start saving the scene directly.

Otherwise, once the morale is affected, the consequences will be very serious.

Morale represents combat effectiveness.

Once morale drops, if it falls, if you don't adjust it and encounter a battle directly, although the result will not be dismal, but it will also suffer a lot of losses.

Staff Officer Chen analyzed this based on these circumstances.

Staff Officer Chen still has these experiences.

After all, he was the staff officer of the [-]th brigade before.

Moreover, it is still the kind of staff with real skills, who understands these things very well.

"So, if I were the little devil officer, after seeing the situation in Liude City, I would immediately send people to chase us."

"It doesn't matter whether you can pursue it or not, it doesn't matter, what matters is such an attitude!"

"After all, the situation in Liude City is that little devils kill little devils. For other little devils, as long as they see it, it will affect their morale."

"If it is serious, it will severely hit their morale and arrogance!"

"So, don't worry, some of us will be busy in the next time!"

Staff Officer Chen didn't say it, he didn't say it, but he analyzed a lot.

A comprehensive analysis of these things, the support of the devils, etc., before and after.

This is Staff Officer Chen. If it was someone else, even if he knew about these situations, his analysis would not be so clear.

So, Staff Officer Chen knew very well that in the situation before them, the moment the reinforcements from the little devils arrived, they should not expect to be able to calm down and develop steadily for a period of time, to train soldiers and so on. .

That is impossible.

If they had killed the Devil's Ninth Regiment before, without attracting the attention of other devils, and without reinforcements, then there might still be a chance to develop quietly and peacefully for a while.

Now, no more.

The devil's reinforcements will not give up encircling and annihilating them.

After all, this time Yang Fei calculated them a bit cruelly.

This is devils beating devils.

Let these little devils kill each other by themselves, is this something ordinary people can do?
Not at all possible.

It is very difficult to accomplish this.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei can be said to have shamed these little devils.

It was the most important dignity these little devils saw, as well as the majesty of the empire, which was ruthlessly trampled on the ground and trampled on.

And, still shit and piss on it.

Under such circumstances, if these other little devils can hold back, that is the real strange thing.

Impossible to hold back.

For these little devils, there is only one immediate result, and that is revenge.

Those who found Yang Fei, as well as the people from the [-]th Brigade that Yang Fei gathered, were all killed, leaving no one behind.

There is only one result.

Staff Officer Chen was very clear about this in his mind.

He believed that Zhao Yili also understood this point.

As for Liu Zhiyun's words, he didn't know what this guy was thinking.

Anyway, he knew one thing about Liu Zhiyun, and that was this guy. He definitely didn't think of what he and Zhao Yili thought of.

This guy's mind, at this moment, has probably drifted to fighting the devils, fighting with the devil's reinforcements, thinking of ways to kill the devil's reinforcements.


Indeed, at this moment, Liu Zhiyun thought of this, and after thinking about it, he suddenly laughed.

At this time, the only thought in his mind was to find a way to kill the devil's reinforcements in the next time.

Annihilate them all.

As for the rest, that's not important.

Nothing is as important as annihilating these little devils.

This was what Liu Zhiyun was thinking at this moment.

It has to be said that this guy's thinking is different from that of ordinary people.

When you should think about something, you definitely don't think about it.

That point in the mind is completely different from others.

"Okay, old Liu, stop laughing!"

Zhao Yili saw Liu Zhiyun, who was not knowing what to think, and was smiling happily, and immediately said: "Don't just laugh, tell me what is thinking in your heart at this moment, and say it, so that Lao Chen and I will be happy too! "

Zhao Yili also couldn't figure it out. This guy Liu Zhiyun was like this every time. He didn't know what he was pretending to be in his head.

"Nothing, nothing!"

When Liu Zhiyun heard Zhao Yili's words, he immediately waved his hands, indicating that it was nothing.

It is impossible for him to express his thoughts.

It's so shameful.

What was he thinking just now?
It was nothing more than that, with the soldiers under his command, he wiped out all the reinforcements of the devils from the Ninth Regiment, and made a big face in front of Yang Fei, Yang Fei regarded him extremely highly and so on.

This is just his obscenity, it is impossible to say it at this time.

He believed that if he said this idea at this time, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili would definitely laugh at him.

And it's the kind that laughs.

He didn't say it.

Don't even say that you are killed.


However, when Staff Officer Chen saw this, he curled his lips and smiled: "You, you, even if you don't say anything, I'll know what shit you're shitting when you poke your butt."

"So, I advise you, don't think too much, you can't do the things you think, so, you should be honest, put your mind at ease, and correct your problems , you will think about something unrealistic all day long. I really don’t know what you want to do all day long?”

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen taught Liu Zhiyun directly.

After all, this guy Liu Zhiyun is like this, if he doesn't talk about it for a while, he will turn his tail up.

So, at this moment, Staff Officer Chen directly spoke to him impolitely.





Now, Liu Zhiyun, who heard Staff Officer Chen's words, suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Yili, who got it, laughed out loud.

I don't know why, but he just wanted to laugh when he saw Liu Zhiyun like this.

It was so interesting.

"Did you hear that!"

Staff Officer Chen looked at Liu Zhiyun with a serious expression.

"I heard it, I heard it!"

Liu Zhiyun hurriedly responded, and said, "Old Chen, can you be more polite, your current appearance is a bit scary!"

He still liked Staff Officer Chen's amiable demeanor.

Instead of the extremely serious look now.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen just sneered and stopped answering!

(End of this chapter)

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