Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3440 Excited Liu Zhiyun

Chapter 3440 Excited Liu Zhiyun
From Staff Chen's point of view, this Liu Zhiyun was completely obsessed with eating but not beating.

As for Liu Zhiyun, he said it before, and he said it now.

Anyway, all that needs to be said has been said, and the next time, he needs to look at his own.

That's about all he can say.

Whether it is useful or not depends on how Liu Zhiyun does it.

We are all adults, what we do, we know in our hearts and measure it by ourselves.

It is impossible for others to help you all the time.

Staff Officer Chen thought, as a comrade in arms, he had done enough for Liu Zhiyun.


"Old Liu, don't think too much about it now, and get rid of your little problems first, that's what you should do most now!"

"As for the rest, don't think too much about it, it's useless!"

Zhao Yili patted Liu Zhiyun on the shoulder: "Be realistic, I corrected my little problem, everything is easy to talk about, isn't it, Old Chen!"

Looking at Liu Zhiyun with an unnatural expression, Zhao Yili chose to make peace.

After all, we are all comrades-in-arms, life and death brothers who eat in the same pot.

"Well, that's right!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded.

In fact, he didn't mean to put face on Liu Zhiyun.

It's really Liu Zhiyun, it's too worrying for him.

There is nothing in a day, but I just don’t think about something that is practical.

I know nonsense all day long.

This is not good.

If it weren't for the sake of his comrades in arms, and the fact that everyone was from the [-]th Brigade, he wouldn't be salty and caring about Liu Zhiyun.

"Okay, Lao Liu, show your opinion to Lao Chen too!"

Zhao Yili said to Liu Zhiyun again.


Liu Zhiyun nodded, and said directly: "Old Chen, I understand, don't be angry, I will definitely live up to it in the next time, I will definitely live up to it, you just see how I do it, absolutely not Let you waste your time in vain, and definitely won't let you waste your time in vain!"

Liu Zhiyun is also a donkey.

No, with Zhao Yili as the intermediary peacemaker, he went straight down the slope.

And, express your opinion to Staff Officer Chen again.


Staff Officer Chen nodded.

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, his expression was not so serious anymore.

That's actually the case.

Liu Zhiyun lacks a supervisor, but he himself is willing to be the supervisor.

This is the reason why Liu Zhiyun will be angry when he sees Liu Zhiyun not living up to expectations.


At this moment, a soldier quickly ran to the side of the three staff officers.

The soldier looked excited, holding a translation paper in his hand.

"what happened?"

Staff Officer Chen asked directly.

Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun also looked at this excited soldier.

When the two of them saw the excited look on the soldier's face, they knew that this time was a good thing.

Otherwise, there would be no smile on the face of this messenger soldier.

It's good if it's a good thing.

At this moment, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun immediately looked forward to it.

They want to know, what is this good thing?

"Staff Chen, the head of the regiment is calling!"

The soldier didn't say much, and with a look of excitement on his face, he handed the electronic translation paper in his hand to Staff Officer Chen.


After Staff Officer Chen took the translation paper, he looked at the content on it.


When Staff Officer Chen looked at the content on the translation paper, he immediately burst out laughing.

What the hell, things coincided with him.

He has analyzed it before.

This is what I think in my heart.

This is the case.

These little devils who came to support will definitely not miss this opportunity.

They will definitely send people to chase after them.

No, the soldiers in Niu Shanshun's platoon passed the news back.

Staff Officer Chen knew that since Yang Fei was a soldier in Niu Shanshun's platoon.

It won't take long, and it will definitely work.

Otherwise, this move would be a waste.

Now look, the effect is here.

"What, you are so happy!"

Liu Zhiyun didn't hold back, and walked up directly.

"Give you!"

Staff Officer Chen directly handed the electronic translation paper to Liu Zhiyun.

"Let me see!"

Zhao Yili also followed Liu Zhiyun, and together with Liu Zhiyun, they looked at the content on the translated paper.

Immediately, the two of them who saw the content on the translation paper became excited immediately.

What do they most want to do?
Isn't that just beating devils!

Originally, they were unwilling to evacuate Liude City.

After all, the good Liude City was given over to the little devils, so it's no wonder they are reconciled.

So, this time the opportunity finally came.

These little devils actually dispatched a squadron of troops to chase them.

Courting death ah this is not.

It's completely fat meat delivered to your door.

Very good.

Very good.

"Old Chen, what should we do?"

Zhao Yili asked directly with murderous intent in his eyes.

And Liu Zhiyun next to him is even more eager to try.

Fighting with the little devil, he will definitely charge forward and be the first fighter.

I have to say that this point of Liu Zhiyun is still worthy of praise.

Never mind what's wrong with it.

It's good that he didn't back down in the fight after meeting the little devil.

With this, there will be morale and combat effectiveness.

"With the strength of a devil squadron, the three of us can't all go!"

Staff Officer Chen said with a serious face: "After all, the supplies and ammunition we are escorting are also extremely important, and no accidents can occur, so, the three of us can't all go!"

Staff Officer Chen was right.

As far as the supplies, guns and ammunition they are escorting now.

Speaking of it, the importance is much more important than the devils in this squadron who came after them.

So, under such circumstances, among the three of them, one of them must escort these supplies back.

Otherwise, if there is an accident with these materials, the responsibility will be great.

None of the three of them can afford it.

As far as Staff Officer Chen knew, Yang Fei had other arrangements for this batch of supplies and ammunition.

It can even be said that they cannot do without these guns and ammunition in the next time to fight the devils.

Once they don't have these guns and ammunition, they won't have the qualifications to compete and fight with the coming little devils in the next time.

On the battlefield, without weapons and ammunition, everything is empty talk.

So, these supplies and ammunition are much more important than the strength of the little devils in this squadron who came after them.

"I'll stay!"

Zhao Yili made a decision without even thinking about it.

There is nothing to say, although he also wants to fight devils, but, he knows which one is serious.

As for Liu Zhiyun, he didn't say anything. From his attitude, he knew that he didn't want to stay, he wanted to fight and wipe out the devils in the squadron behind.


Staff Officer Chen nodded: "Then I will stay with you, Lao Liu, you, take someone to ambush this little devil in the squadron!"

Staff Officer Chen didn't say any more, and made a decision directly.

To be honest, he was still disappointed with Liu Zhiyun.

He had clearly stated his position just now, but after encountering such a thing, he still only thought about rushing as usual, without considering the overall situation at all.

I don't think about whether it is important to stay or to fight.

In fact, Staff Officer Chen also wanted Liu Zhiyun to complete this battle.

However, he needs an attitude from Liu Zhiyun.

It's a pity that Liu Zhiyun didn't do this.

This disappointed Staff Officer Chen.

However, this is not the time to talk about these things.



"Old Chen, don't worry, I will definitely wipe out the devils in this squadron and bring back all their weapons and ammunition!"

Excited in his heart, Liu Zhiyun immediately issued a military order.

It was as if the victory already belonged to him.

Regarding this, Zhao Yili shook his head slightly.

"Well, pay attention to yourself!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded and said no more.

As for the arrangement of troops, the carrying of weapons and ammunition, etc., Liu Zhiyun can do it by himself, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.


Just like that, Liu Zhiyun was extremely excited, and walked quickly towards the soldiers under his command.

After Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen looked at each other, their eyes were full of helplessness!
At the same time, both of them felt in their hearts that this person's character is really hard to change.

For a period of time, it really can't be changed!

A long way to go!
(End of this chapter)

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