Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3442 Ambition and emotion

Chapter 3442 Ambition and emotion

Major Liucun Shuxia likes to drink very much.

But, he is a major officer and a squadron leader.

When he wanted to drink, he couldn't go to the lieutenant officer to drink.

Even the squadron leader who is at the same level as him is not allowed.

They all have their own affairs, and if he makes a mistake by drinking, then he can't bear this responsibility.

It's not just him, as long as something happens and they drink together, no one can bear the responsibility together.

Under such circumstances, when drinking, Major Liucun Shushita drank alone.

In this case, there will be no accidents and no problems of taking responsibility.

However, drinking alone is really meaningless.

That's how he feels, drinking alone is very boring.

Even the local sake in my hometown doesn't feel like the taste of my hometown.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Major Liucun Shuxia still wanted to find a few partners to drink with.

This kind of wine is the most interesting wine to drink.

You know, drinking alone, drinking with a few friends, it feels completely different.

But at this time, the captain Oki Miharu in front of him wanted to drink with him, that would be great.

With a drinking partner, he must drink more and have a good time.

More importantly, this drinking partner is an imperial soldier in one of his squadrons. Under such circumstances, there will be no accidents if he gets drunk.

At most, when there is a task, because drinking can't perform it.

This is not a problem. There are many imperial officers who have experienced such problems.

There are many squadrons that can replace such squadrons for missions.

Normally, the headquarters will turn a blind eye and close one eye.

As long as it is not an urgent task, if the urgent task is delayed, there will be no problems or accidents.

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, don't worry, when the time comes to drink, I will definitely accompany you to have a good drink. The local sake in my hometown is very much on my mind now!"

Speaking of Captain Oki Miharu here, the look of memory suddenly appeared in his eyes and face.

He thought of his father, poured wine for his father, and took the opportunity to pour wine for his father, poured some for himself, and tasted the taste of sake.

After that, after I got married, it was my wife who poured wine for me.

It's really good to drink wine and warm up with my wife, it's really wonderful.

Thinking of this, Captain Oki Miharu at this time wanted to return to his native land.

He wanted to go back to his native land, meet his father, and his wife.

Even, according to the time, his child will have to be born, and he has grown up a lot.

Thinking of this, the memory and smile on Captain Oki Miharu's face became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Liucun Shuxia Shao Zuo also discovered this point, and he immediately understood it.

And said with a smile: "Mr. Damu, haha, you want to go home!"

In fact, so did he.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have drank so much when he was free.

When he drank, he was completely recalling his hometown and missing his family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't drink so much wine.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, I am homesick, and I miss my relatives who are far away from me!"

Regarding this, Captain Oki Miharu did not hide it, but said: "When I followed the empire to China and started the war of aggression, my wife was pregnant at that time. If you count the time, it must be this old now. It's a pity, as a father, I haven't seen my child with my own eyes, and my child certainly doesn't know at this moment that I am his father!"

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, when I think of this, my heart is very sad, it's very unpleasant!"

Speaking of this, Captain Oki Miharu suddenly choked up.

The feeling of licking a calf is human nature.

Captain Oki Miharu now has this idea and this performance, which is completely within the normal range.

Otherwise, he would not be alone.

Although the little devils are all beasts, they are not all beasts, but a combination of wicked people and beasts.

They are a group of beasts who will also miss their native families.

"Da Mu-jun, why am I not?!"

Upon hearing this, Shao Zuo Liucun Shuxia patted Captain Oki Miharu on the shoulder with a serious face, and said in agreement, "I feel the same way."

His tone was full of regret and emotion.

"Wars, especially the current war of aggression and the war of aggression against China, are also very important to us. For the sake of the empire, we must give up our family affection!"

"Mr. Damu, you have to think about it this way. You are fighting with all your heart for the empire in the war of aggression against China. In the hands of the Chinese, you are grabbing more territory and more resources for the empire!"

"Similarly, it's also for ourselves and our family!"

"We are on the battlefield of the empire's invasion of China, and we have given everything we have now. When the time comes, the empire will reward us!"

"After the war of aggression against China is over and the empire wins, then we will be the heroes!"

"At that time, the empire will definitely not treat us badly."

"Not to mention high-ranking officials and rich salary, at least let the family live a high-quality life and get rid of the bottom of the empire, there is no problem at all!"

"I said this, do you understand? Oki-kun!"

For this, Liucun Shuxia Shao Zuo was also very emotional.

After all, if it weren't for the order of the empire, if they didn't want to gain credit on the battlefield and change their own destiny, they would not have crossed the ocean, came to the land of China, and started the war of aggression.

Everything is for resources, to improve their status.

Who made the Chinese land owned by the Chinese people so rich and rich.

Under such circumstances, a rich and wealthy place like Huaxia should belong to their imperial army.

Their imperial army is extremely powerful and their guns are invincible. They should become the masters of this world, owning the best resources and the richest land in this world.

"I understand, Your Excellency Squadron Leader, all of this, in the final analysis, is for ourselves and our family!"

Regarding this point, Captain Oki Miharu still understood at this time.

Emotion is emotion.

If he had to choose again, he would still choose to come to the land of China with the empire and start the war of aggression.

He wanted to change his destiny, and the war of aggression against China was his only chance.

Otherwise, he would have no chance at all.

In the mainland, he endured so much without a backer, but in the end, there was only one, and that was just a lieutenant officer.

With no place to gain military merit, it is undoubtedly difficult for him to become a junior officer of the empire.

Therefore, emotion is emotion, and choice is choice!


Hearing what Captain Oki Miharu said, Major Rumura Shushita was even happier:

"Damu-jun, at this moment, if you can have this awareness, it's very good, very good, the empire needs such talents, haha!"

"I believe that in the coming time, with the cooperation of you and me, we will be able to win a bigger future for ourselves!"

"At that time, when the war is over, you and I will be awarded the title of Imperial General. That would be great, haha!"

At this moment, Major Liucun Shushita started imagining directly, and began to lust.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Captain Oki Miharu laughed heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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