Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3443 Excited Warriors

Chapter 3443 Excited Warriors
Ambition, they all have it.

Don't say it's them.

As long as he is an imperial soldier, an imperial soldier, he is ambitious.

Imperial soldier, wannabe imperial officer.

As for the officers of the empire, they wanted to become junior officers.

As for the junior officer, he wants to become an imperial general.

As for ordinary imperial generals, they all want to enter the Ministry of War while taking power.

Therefore, ambition is available.

Layer by layer, their respective needs and climbing goals are different.

Shusaku Liumura and Captain Oki Miharu at this moment are just a miniature version of these little devils.

It is entirely conceivable that Rumura Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu, who are only a major officer, both dared to set their targets on the imperial generals.

What about the other devil officers?
Lieutenant General or something?

What will their goals be?

It is simply unimaginable.

The ambitions of these little devils are really too heavy.

It's all just animals who can do whatever they want for their goals.

It can be clearly seen from the way these beasts do things and engage in massacres all over China.

Therefore, any little devil is not worthy of sympathy.

Not just unworthy of sympathy.

If there is a chance, we must kill all these little devils, leaving no one behind.

However, at this moment, what Major Liucunshuxia and Captain Oki Miharu didn't know was that an ambush position three miles away from them had been completely set up and set up.

Just wait for them to enter the urn.

If Shao Zuo Liucunshu and Captain Oki Miharu knew about the situation at this time, they might not be able to laugh, or even be scared to death.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for them to know this situation.

What awaits them is to enter the ambush circle.

Let them struggle in the ambush circle!

three miles away.

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun has already led and ordered the soldiers to set up an ambush position.

If the ambush position he built, from the outside, it can't be seen that it is an ambush position at all.

It has to be said that he has completely changed his previous fighting style.

It can be seen from the layout of the ambush position.

If he hadn't met Yang Fei before, he would definitely find a favorable terrain and set up an ambush position directly on the favorable terrain.

In a case like this, there are advantages.

However, there are also disadvantages.

That is, it is easy to be discovered by devils.

This led to the failure of the ambush battle.

And after he followed Yang Fei, he completely learned Yang Fei's fighting style, the new method of ambush battlefield and so on.

This time, he directly brought people to use it.

From this point of view, Liu Zhiyun still wants to make changes.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to learn Yang Fei's fighting style.

As far as his personality flaws are concerned, looking at it now, it will take time to make changes.

In the ambush position.

Beside Liu Zhiyun, several of his deputies followed.

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun has a smile and a look of anticipation on his face.

There is only one question in his mind now, and that is that the devil chasing squadron behind will come quickly. In this way, he can take these soldiers to kill all the devils chasing squadron, annihilate them all, and wipe out all the devils in the squadron. A credit has been given to me.

Of course, what he wants in his heart now is not credit at all, but a kind of recognition.

Yes, approved.

What he thought in his heart was that the more military achievements he gained, the more important he would be in front of Yang Fei.

The kind of thing Chen Staff and Zhao Yili said would not happen.

Of course, proving yourself with military exploits is one aspect.

In terms of his personality flaws, he still needs to correct them, but it will take time.

He, Liu Zhiyun, was not a fool. He remembered the kindness of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili to him.

Anyway, in the next time, he will not disappoint Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

"Battalion Commander, I really didn't expect that at this moment, we still have a chance to fight the devils again and kill some little devils. Thinking of this, my heart is so excited that I can't suppress it! "

"Yes, Battalion Commander, I also feel the same way in my heart. Originally, I thought that after we won the battle in Liude City, we would go back. There would be no accidents along the way. Who knows, these Little devils and bastards, they even came to your door at this time, haha!"

"It's only a squadron of troops. I don't know what these little devils think. A squadron of troops dares to chase thousands of us. I think these beasts are just lighting the latrines, haha!"

"Hey, that's it!"

"Grandma, all the devils were fighting the devils before. We were the last to end the battle and clean up the battlefield. It was not fun at all. This time, facing the strength of this devil squadron, fully armed, I must Have a good fight!"

"Me too!"



The deputy and soldiers beside Liu Zhiyun spoke excitedly at this moment.

For these fighters, in fact, they need a battle victory to prove themselves!

As the broken soldiers of the [-]th brigade, they were scattered by the devils.

It's a disgrace, a disgrace to being a soldier.

It's like a fishbone stuck in the throat.

They need to fight the kid, they need to win.

Only in this way can their psychology become stronger and they can wash away their shame.

At that time, they can be regarded as truly reborn warriors.

But now, they are still the disgraced soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

Although, no one said so.

However, they have not forgotten it themselves, because this is the fact, and they must not forget it.

Now is not the time to forget this.

Thinking of this, the company platoon leaders and soldiers beside Liu Zhiyun all had murderous intent in their eyes, and their fighting spirit was soaring!
"It's good for you to have this idea in your heart. I won't say anything else. The only thing I can tell you now is one sentence, one truth!"

"That is, Zhan Zhan Zhan, as long as we are alive, we will fight Zhan Zhan Zhan with the little devil, fight to the end, and shed the last drop of blood, that is enough!"

"Do you understand? My brothers!"

Liu Zhiyun's meaning is obvious.

He won't do anything else, say anything else.

At this time, the only thing that can be done is to fight the little devil, keep fighting with the little devil.

Until the death of the battle!

In this way, they can wash away the shame they received from the little devils who forcibly blessed them.

To die on the battlefield, for a soldier, that is the highest honor and the best destination.

As for whether they can survive to the end and witness the victory of the war against the Japanese invaders.

Then it's just luck.

At this point, they just have to do their best.

(End of this chapter)

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