Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3445 True Despair and Destruction

Chapter 3445 True Despair and Destruction
Liu Zhiyun's order was conveyed as quickly as possible.

The soldiers who heard the order were instantly ready for battle, and checked their guns and ammunition to avoid accidents when the battle started.

This time, all the soldiers who were ready for battle were waiting for the arrival of the little devil.

A straight light machine gun and two heavy machine guns were all aimed at the main road that the little devil must pass through.

As long as these little devils arrive, the soldiers will directly pour the most powerful firepower on them, completely suppress these little devils, and control the battlefield to win the battle.

Of course, this was what Liu Zhiyun and the soldiers had in mind.

As for whether it can become a reality, they need to fight and work hard!




At this moment, the convoy of the devils chasing the squadron was already roaring, and came outside the ambush position.

On the front of the two trucks in front, there are two light machine guns.

Moreover, there is also a devil's observer, who constantly observes the surroundings through his eyes and binoculars.

Intention can detect accidents and directly use machine guns to kill them in the bud.

In the hearts of these little devils at this moment, they are actually looking forward to an accident happening at this time.

In this case, they might be able to catch people and find some clues.

As for being ambushed, to be honest, these little devils are not afraid at all.

Because they also know the situation of the [-]th Brigade in the Liude theater.

It's nothing more than some Chinese soldiers with weak combat effectiveness.

Not to mention, these Chinese soldiers of the [-]th Brigade at this time do not have enough weapons and ammunition, etc., they don't need to be afraid of ambushes or anything.

As for what happened in Liude City, these little devils also knew in their hearts that it was nothing more than a few people from the [-]th Brigade who had a good brain and fooled the people from the Imperial Independent Brigade, which triggered the battle with the Ninth Regiment , a series of things happened.

These little devils all thought in their hearts that under such circumstances, even if they encountered an ambush, according to their powerful firepower, it would not be a problem at all to kill these people from the [-]th brigade who ambushed them.

As the imperial army, weapons and ammunition equipment, etc., they still have self-confidence beyond everything.

Even if they are at the disadvantage of being ambushed, they, the Imperial Army, can reverse the situation in an instant.

This is what the little devil soldiers of the chasing squadron are thinking in their hearts at this time.

In fact, not only these little devil soldiers, but other little devils also thought the same way when fighting against Huaxia soldiers. They had this confidence in their hearts.

The heart is completely beyond the people of Huaxia.

It is with this mentality of contempt for everything that these little devils fight like mad dogs and lunatics on the battlefield.

At the same time, Major Rumura Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu in the truck compartment were still chatting happily.

Whether there will be accidents on the road, whether they will be ambushed, etc., in these situations, Major Rumura Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu are not worried at all.

Although they were cautious in their hearts, their actual thoughts were no different from those of these little devil soldiers.

That's why Major Rumura Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu can feel at ease talking happily here.

Otherwise, the two of them would not have such an easy conversation.



The truck roared, and the little devil ran to follow, and just like that, he entered the ambush circle defenselessly.


"Ha ha!"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun was just holding the binoculars, watching the little devils of this squadron enter the ambush circle.

The soldiers in the position are all ready to fight.

Looking at the little devils in front of them, some soldiers were so excited that their bodies trembled.

Therefore, under such circumstances, at this time, the only thought in the hearts of the soldiers is to immediately hear the battle order and enter the fighting state.

Thus, annihilate these little devils.


Liu Zhiyun watched these little devils enter the predetermined position, immediately raised the [-] cover in his hand, aimed at the devil's machine gunner on the truck, roared, and pulled the trigger in his hand.


The crisp gunshots and Liu Zhiyun's excited roar were perfectly intertwined.


In an instant, the devil machine gunner on the front of the first truck was shocked and fell on the front of the truck.

"Enemy attack!"

The devil next to him observed his hand, his expression changed instantly, and he let out a stern roar.


The second shot was fired, and the devil's observer also fell down.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Da da da!"


At this moment, there was an instant burst of gunfire.

The little devils on top of the truck, and the little devils running behind, didn't react at all, and were completely enveloped by the violent, dense raindrop-like firepower.




"Counterattack, ba..."


Under such circumstances, these little devils who were hit were desperate in an instant.

There is no longer their confident look and mentality before.

A large number of little devils were thinking about it before they died.

This is completely different from the intelligence situation they know.

How could the broken troops of the [-]th Brigade have such powerful firepower?

They have met the main force.

Otherwise, how could this be the case.

This firepower, even if they go to ambush, can't match it.

At this moment, these little devils fell into despair instantly.

In their hearts, they faintly understood that they were all finished today.

There is only one result waiting for them, and that is death!
"Bang bang bang!"



The dense bullets pierced through the first truck in an instant, and the little devils in it all died without reacting.

As for the second truck, because it is a headquarters truck, there are thick steel plates for bulletproof and protection.

It's just that, under such intensive firepower at the moment, the protective steel plate is also crumbling.




At this moment, Major Liucunshu and Captain Oki Miharu in the carriage no longer had the calmness they had before.

The two of them looked terrified, hugging their heads, and curled up in the corner of the truck compartment.

Frightened, pale, trembling all over.

At this moment, Shao Zuo Liucun Shuxia and Captain Oki Miharu knew in their hearts that at this time, they encountered such a powerful firepower ambush, and there was no second result.

At this moment, Shao Zuo Liucunshu and Captain Oki Miharu were really desperate.

What they face next is hell.


"How could this be?"

"The information is wrong, the information is wrong!"

"Among the alliance, the brigade in charge of intelligence investigation is trash. Their analysis of the situation in Liude City is completely wrong, absolutely not true, absolutely not true!"



Under the tree of Liucun, Major roared in fear.

It seemed that only such anger could alleviate the fear in his heart at this moment.

Captain Oki Miharu was nowhere to be found either.

He was shaking all over, and he was so scared that he was about to pee his pants.

Especially when he thought of dying soon, he couldn't accept it at all.

You know, just now, they were still talking loudly about their plans for the future, and they were going to become generals of the empire.

Now, everything will come to naught, everything will be empty.

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, we are finished!"

"I can't drink your wine!"




At this moment, Captain Oki Miharu didn't finish his sentence, a bullet successfully penetrated the steel plate, and directly penetrated Captain Oki Miharu's head again.

Captain Oki Miharu stared angrily like this, and fell to the side.







The death of Captain Oki Miharu seemed to break the straw of hope.

Let Shao Zuo Liucun Shuxia completely fall into despair.

His eyes, complexion, and body showed only fear and despair.

There is no other performance.


Finally, with a piercing sound, the fate of Major Liucunshu also came to an end.

Shao Zuo Liucun Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu died immediately.

Even with the protection of steel plates, their fate has not been changed.

Under the blow of such violent firepower, the steel plate, which can only protect against light firepower, can't stand it at all.

The fate of Shao Zuo Liucunshu and Captain Oki Miharu was completely frozen at this moment.

You know, a few minutes ago, the two of them were still discussing what would happen in the future.

In the future, they will succeed, and in this war of aggression, they will gain enough military merit and get everything they want.

And at this time.

With the deaths of Major Rumura Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu, everything became empty talk.

Sometimes, that's how fate is.

It's as if it was a joke for you, you were still planning a minute ago.

In the next minute, another arrangement of fate was obtained.

Major Rumura Shushita and Captain Oki Miharu are like this now.

"Da da da!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Clap clap clap!"


The berserk firepower continued.

Liu Zhiyun and the soldiers were all venting their hatred for the devils in their hearts.

After all, the disappearance of the [-]th Brigade left them without a home.

At this moment, the only thing they can do is to vent their anger and kill all the little devils in front of them, leaving no one behind.



At the same time, these little devils who were chasing the squadron didn't even have the ability to fight back, so they had no hope at all.

Even the little devil who found a temporary bunker, under the blow of such violent firepower, the bunker was blown up, and thus stepped into the road of death, into hell.

The fate of these little devils is completely doomed at this moment!

No one can change it!
This group of beasts paid the price for the evil they did on the land of China!
(End of this chapter)

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