Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3446 The fruits of victory, cleaning the battlefield

Chapter 3446 The fruits of victory, cleaning the battlefield

There was no suspense in this ambush battle.

Victory is achieved so naturally.

This point was completely within the expectations of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

Otherwise, how could the two of them be so happy and let Liu Zhiyun come to carry out this ambush mission without the slightest worry.

It was because of the confidence in his heart that he confidently handed over the ambush mission to Liu Zhiyun, and let Liu Zhiyun lead the team to complete it independently.

Besides, there are more than 700 fighters under Liu Zhiyun's command, and the weapon configuration, firepower, etc. are all first-class.

They had just captured the little devil before, and they were very rich.

Under such circumstances, if Liu Zhiyun cannot win the battle, then he is a real waste.

More than 700, compared with more than 200 little devils.

It is still rolling over weapons and ammunition, as well as terrain advantages.

The result of this battle can be imagined.



Accompanied by the subside of the gunfire.

This time the ambush battle is officially over.


Of course, it's not without losses.

It's not that the little devil who pursued the squadron didn't fight back.

However, they counterattacked too few times and were not organized at all.

Under such circumstances, only a few unlucky fighters were hit vitally by the random bullets and died.

Not many soldiers were lightly injured.

Comparing the results, it can be said to be a big victory.


"Ha ha!"

"These damned bastards can finally stop being arrogant and continue to do evil!"

"Haha, we won!"

"We wiped out these little devils!"

"Ha ha!"


At this time, the soldiers standing up with their guns raised on the ambush battlefield roared excitedly.

You must know that the victory in this battle is completely different from the victory they achieved in Liude City before.

The victory in Liude City, although they personally participated in and won the victory.

However, it was because the little devils were beating little devils, and they were constantly consuming their troops, and finally they came out to finish the battle, and the battle was quickly over.

This is completely different from the ambush this time.

The ambush in front of them was a battle they fought face to face with the heavily armed devils in their heyday.

So, psychologically, what these fighters like the most is the ambush in front of them.

This stop truly proved their strength.

Although they also have various advantages, weapons and ammunition equipment, as well as terrain.

But, when they were in the [-]th Brigade, wasn't this the case with the little devils they met.

Occupying advantages in all aspects, especially in terms of weapons, equipment and ammunition, is even more so, surpassing them too much.

So, this is also the reason why they couldn't win the battle with the little devil.

But at this time, they now have a strong advantage.

It is completely normal to have such a victory.

Since they have it now, it represents their full strength.

It's that simple!
The soldiers roared excitedly.

The morale is high and the fighting spirit is full.

Looking at the appearance of these soldiers at this time, they can't wait to enter the fighting state again and wipe out some little devils again.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zhiyun was also very satisfied and nodded happily.

The soldiers under his command did not disappoint him.

He believed that with these fighters who were full of fighting spirit and high morale, in the next time, he would be able to win more victories in the battle with the little devils.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiyun's smile became even stronger at the moment.

All he wanted in his heart was to fight the devils one after another on the battlefield and win.

As for the others, to be honest, he didn't think about it.

It was like the things Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili had told him before.

Although it is very important.

But, he just didn't think about it.

It can't be said that he didn't think about it at all, but that he didn't care about that at all.

But, he really didn't expect that after following Yang Fei's command, the things he didn't think about before would become one after another.

If one link is not good, it will face the situation of being eliminated.

So, under such circumstances, he really didn't expect it to be so important and have such a big impact.

Otherwise, he only thought that he was on the battlefield, fighting the little devil.

As for the others, don't think too much about it.

Look at it now, don’t want to.

He must make a change.

As for the difficulties, they can only be overcome slowly.

He still doesn't believe it, how long it will take him to overcome this character defect little by little.

He believes that it won't take long to completely change it.

When the time comes, the one who welcomes Liu Zhiyun will be a new student.

He, Liu Zhiyun, must be reborn and Nirvana!

Thinking of this, after Liu Zhiyun strengthened his mind, he kept all these things deep in his heart.

After banishing distracting thoughts, Liu Zhiyun looked directly at the excited soldiers and shouted loudly:

"Okay, okay, I know you are excited, but the most important thing now is to clean up the battlefield and evacuate immediately!"

Liu Zhiyun's roar made the excited soldiers stop slowly.

"We have won the battle now, but we are not sure whether there will be chasing little devils in the future!"

"Although I am looking forward to it in my heart, I hope that there will be little devils who will come after him. If this is the case, we are fighting him!"

"Unfortunately, the order we received was to kill this chasing devil squadron, after that, clean up the battlefield and evacuate immediately!"

"So, soldiers, suppress the excitement in your hearts now, and hurry to clean up the battlefield, collect all the things that are useful to us from the bodies, sides, trucks, etc. of these little devils, and take them back!"

"These things are the capital for us to kill devils!"

"Brothers, hurry up and clean the battlefield!"

Liu Zhiyun's order was immediately issued.

Excited soldiers, after receiving Liu Zhiyun's order, began to clean the battlefield as quickly as possible.

What the soldiers thought in their hearts was to continue killing devils.

However, they also knew that Liu Zhiyun was right.

What are the orders and combat missions received, they must complete this immediately, and put everything else later.

There are no follow-up orders, unless they immediately encounter the devils and enter the battle.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fight casually by yourself.

In this case, it will affect the command above.

Regarding this point, these soldiers under Liu Zhiyun's command knew it very well.

Soldiers run on the battlefield, and some specialize in collecting spoils.

Similarly, there are also soldiers who collect corpses for the devils.

After all, when the weather is hot, if the corpses of these little devils are not disposed of, there will be big troubles in the future.

For this point, the soldiers learned it very early.

When time permits, we must clean up the battlefield and dispose of the little devil's body.

Once it rots, it can cause serious consequences.

Another point is to destroy evidence and clues.

If no one can be found, even if other little devils come, it will be of no use.

For this point, the soldiers have experience in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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