Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3447 Analysis of devils based on canned food

Chapter 3447 Analysis of devils based on canned food
Time passed, and an hour later, the soldiers cleaned the battlefield thoroughly.

In fact, cleaning the battlefield is very simple, no matter for which army, it is the same.

Because, cleaning the battlefield represents your victory in the battle.

You are a winner, and it's time to enjoy what a winner deserves.

When picking up the huge harvest of loot, can the soldiers not be good at it? They are very good at it.

In this way, in less than an hour, the soldiers cleaned up the battlefield and cleaned up the little devil's body.

"Battalion Commander, the battlefield is cleaned up, please give me instructions?"

The third company commander who was in charge of cleaning the battlefield came directly to Liu Zhiyun's side and reported the incident.

"it is good!"

Liu Zhiyun nodded heavily, and directly ordered: "Regroup the team immediately, leave here, and chase the big troops!"

In terms of time, it is already a bit urgent.

After all, they have spent an hour and a half from the beginning of the battle to the present. Under such circumstances, no one can predict what accidents and situations will happen in this hour and a half.

After all, if there are little devils who continue to chase after it, it will be impossible to stop the progress of the little devils in an hour and a half.

So, under such circumstances, since they have finished cleaning the battlefield now, they have to leave here.


The third company commander took the order and immediately conveyed the order.

In this way, after 10 minutes, the soldiers assembled.

With a wave of Liu Zhiyun's big hand, he rushed in the direction he came from.

When they came, the fighters carried only the ammunition they needed for battle and so on.

But at this moment, this is not the case. The harvest is full, supplies, guns and ammunition have been seized.


Very good!
Anyway, the fighters under Liu Zhiyun's command at this moment are completely different from when they came here before.

When I came here before, although the morale of these soldiers was also high, it always felt that something was missing.

Not so energetic.

But at this moment, it is completely different.

After experiencing the victory of this battle, these soldiers under his command have this extra energy.

It has to be said that victory in battle is always a shortcut to improve the morale and combat effectiveness of soldiers.

Anyway, at this moment, Liu Zhiyun and the soldiers under his command are all very excited!
Victory is rare, they should cherish it!


five miles away.

Staff Officer Chen looked at the time and the fast-moving troops. He looked at Zhao Yili, who was frowning and thinking beside him, and said, "It's almost time. Should we wait for Lao Liu or move on? I see, our The soldiers transporting supplies are also very tired now, after all, the weapons and ammunition they are carrying are very heavy!"

Staff Officer Chen thought of this.

Wait a minute for Liu Zhiyun, it doesn't mean that he doesn't believe that Liu Zhiyun can win this battle.

Rather, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity while waiting for Liu Zhiyun and his people to return to the team.

On the other side, let the soldiers transporting supplies in front of them have a good rest.

After all, after such a long journey, I am very tired!

Zhao Yili came to his senses when he heard Staff Officer Chen's words.

He glanced at the team in front of him and said, "Okay, I think it's better to let the soldiers take a break during this time."

Zhao Yili agreed with Staff Officer Chen's point of view.

After all, sometimes, taking a break, even for a short period of time, can achieve good efficiency.

Otherwise, if you keep moving forward in fatigue and exhaustion, the opposite will have the opposite effect.

Therefore, sometimes the combination of work and rest is very important and very important.


Staff Officer Chen also agreed with his own idea, he said with a smile: "Then do this, in this case, we can just wait for Old Liu to see what this guy should do after he wins this battle The tail is cocked, haha!"

Thinking of Liu Zhiyun's appearance, Staff Officer Chen immediately burst out laughing.


Now, even Zhao Yili couldn't hold back, and laughed directly.

That's true. In the past, if Liu Zhiyun had won the victory, his tail would have been up for several days.

With this victory, they felt that if Liu Zhiyun hadn't changed his personality flaws, he would definitely behave the same as before.

So, they are looking forward to this point.

At the same time, they also thought in their hearts that Liu Zhiyun could change this.

Change your flaws.

Make yourself stronger.

For this one, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were also looking forward to it.

"The order!"

After suppressing the smile in his heart, Staff Officer Chen directly issued an order to the soldiers beside him:
"Stop advancing, the third company and the ninth company are in charge of vigilance, and everyone else, rest in place for half an hour!"

Staff Officer Chen's order was passed on as quickly as possible.


"Finally I can take a break!"

"Haha, with so many guns and ammunition on my back, I was very excited at the beginning. I thought, with these guns and ammunition, I can walk a hundred miles on my back!"

"What about now? I think you're peeing, look at how tired you are, haha!"

"Hey, don't say it's me, look at you, you are so embarrassed, this mortar is a good thing, but you are carrying a box of ammunition, plus this mortar, the load is too heavy, right? Ha ha!"

"; Don't be afraid, as long as I can carry it on my back, don't talk about it, and give me a mortar, I can carry it on my back and run!"

"Hey, look at me, the latest little devil light machine gun, look at this bullet, haha, it's all mine!"

"You're thinking about farting. I'll return yours. When I go back, all these weapons and ammunition will be stored in the warehouse. Now it's just for you to carry them for fun. You really know how to dream!"

"That's right, while you're resting now, hurry up and dream, so you can wake up later!"

"Ha ha!"


At this moment, these soldiers who heard the rest order were actually relieved in their hearts.

Carrying the exhaustion and continuing to move forward, in fact, they can do it. It is no problem to persist until Jiuping Town.

But, it's really tiring.

At that time, maybe you will be tired and lie down, and you will have to sleep for several days.

Well now, with the rest command.

Half an hour is enough for them to recover.

The soldiers began to rest, drinking water and eating canned food.

They are very rich now.

Yang Fei has an order. During the collection and delivery of materials this time, there are enough cans, as long as the materials and military supplies can be brought back.

So, under such circumstances, the tired soldiers were unambiguous at all, firmly seized this opportunity, and began to feast on the military cans of these little devils.

Needless to say, these little devils are beasts, and what they do is not human affairs.

And these cans of theirs are still good, real materials.

Of course, from this point, it can be fully seen that these little devils are determined to invade China.

After all, as the old saying goes, eating well and being well fed gives you strength to work.

I believe this is what the top bastards of these little devils think.

Only by feeding the little devil soldiers will they be able to exert greater combat power and achieve greater results on the battlefield of aggression against China!
"Staff Chen!"

"Battalion Commander Zhao!"

"Canned food and water!"

At this time, in front of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, soldiers also brought canned food and water.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the opened can, Staff Officer Chen laughed: "Old Zhao, look, you still have to win the battle!"

"When we were in the [-]th Brigade, although we didn't eat bran swallowed vegetables, it was very difficult to eat canned meat from little devils!"

"Look now, we are fighting against the little devils, and what we eat is their canned meat!"

"We still have to win the battle. Only in this way can we seize the canned meat of the little devils, haha!"

Staff Officer Chen's laughter made the soldiers beside him laugh too.

After all, Staff Officer Chen was telling the truth. If he didn't defeat the little devil, how could he possibly be able to eat canned meat.

"That's it!"

Zhao Yili put the meat in his mouth, chewed it beautifully, and continued: "Old Chen, don't tell me, these little devils are animals, but the canned meat they make is really good!"

"Including when I was in the [-]th Brigade, I seized the little devil's canned meat for the first time. I still remember the taste of that!"

"Since then, I've been thinking about the canned meat of these little devils. I'm thinking of a way to eat some of the devil's canned meat!"

"It's a pity that it's too difficult to fight against the little devil. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to do this!"

"No, since that time, although there have been many battles with the little devils. It's a pity that they have never won a big victory and captured the canned meat of the little devils!"

"This taste, tsk tsk, very good!"

"Old Chen, I have decided. We must kill more devils and win more battles in the future. Only in this way, with enough captured, can we eat this canned meat!"

"Ha ha!"

Of course, the conversation between Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen at this time was mostly joking.

Compared to eating canned meat from captured devils, what they most want to do, what they want to do most, is to kill devils!

Kill the devil without leaving one!

This is their real pursuit, the real goal.

Eat, just by the way!
"Well, you're right!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded: "To get these, the only thing we have to do is to fight the devils endlessly, fight endlessly, and win!"

Regarding this point, Staff Officer Chen absolutely agreed.

Indeed it is, it is the truth.

"By the way, Lao Zhao, I heard from Lao Yang before that the military cans of these little devils are not from the same batch now."

At this time, Staff Officer Chen thought of a situation that Yang Fei told him when he was talking with Yang Fei.

When Yang Fei said that, he didn't care.

But at this moment, eating the canned meat of the captured devils, he thought of this again, and had a different feeling.


When Zhao Yili heard this, he immediately became interested, and asked: "What are you talking about? Tell me, let me open my eyes at this time. Haha!"

Zhao Yili's heart is actually very clear.

As long as things are hooked up with Yang Fei, nothing is simple.

Because Zhao Yili knew Yang Fei well.

Definitely not that kind of aimless person.

So, Yang Fei's point of view must be very important.

He wants to know, maybe if he thinks about it, he can make himself better.

"Is such that."

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen will not be stingy, and said directly: "What Lao Yang said before is that from the military supplies of these little devils, we can judge that these little devils can still fight on the Chinese battlefield. Come on, how long will you hold on?"

"I've thought about it before, but it feels quite difficult. After all, how can I judge this from the aspect of eating?"

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen did not understand it before.

As for Yang Fei, he just mentioned it to him a little bit.

Did not tell him the answer.

Staff Officer Chen also understood what Yang Fei meant.

This is to test him.

Let him find out for himself, to think about this.

Now, he already has an answer to this question in his mind.

"In this case?"

Zhao Yili fell silent when he heard this.

According to what Staff Officer Chen said, he also quickly thought about this in his mind.

Are these two points connected?
Eat, and fight!
Food, and fights!

Is there really an inevitable connection between the two?

Zhao Yili thought about it in his own mind, but had no idea.

He couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Staff Officer Chen.

"Ha ha!"

As for Staff Officer Chen, he immediately laughed, because, from Zhao Yili's performance at this time, he saw himself before.

"I've thought about it for a long time, and I finally thought of fur. Now I'll tell you, analyze it and see if it's the case?"

Although Staff Officer Chen thought of a clue, he was still very uncertain about this clue.

It can only be said first, let Zhao Yili listen to it, and analyze it to see if it is the case.

As the saying goes, one person counts the short, and two count the long. This is the truth.

If you can't figure out things by yourself, maybe talk to someone, discuss it with two people, and the real answer will come out.

"you say!"

Zhao Yili's heart also immediately looked forward to it.

"Lao Yang meant that it should be above the devil's supplies!"

"And, it's the kind that is directly supplied in batches by the local people!"

"Think about it, not all of the devil's canned food in our previous seizures were canned meat!"

"There are other cans, oil cans, which are made by mixing various messy foods and getting a lot of oil!"

"It's not as good as canned meat at all!"

"What did you think of when I said this? Old Zhao!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen said what he thought of, the most important clue.

He thought, let's start by himself first, and see if Zhao Yili can think of more based on what he started!
If he can think of more words based on this point, that would be the best result.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, Staff Officer Chen is looking forward to this!

(End of this chapter)

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