Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3448 Liu Zhiyun returns victorious

Chapter 3448 Liu Zhiyun returns victorious

The reason why Staff Officer Chen didn't say everything he thought of was for this purpose.

He wanted to hear Zhao Yili's opinion first, and see what Zhao Yili had to say.

After all, one person counts short, two counts long.

Sometimes, if you can't figure out the problem, you are missing a key point.

If you tell a trustworthy bystander, the bystander will give you this key point, and after this inspiration, it will open your mind.

This kind of thing happened many times before.

At this time, Zhao Yili also saw the anticipation in Staff Officer Chen's eyes.

He understood what it meant.

Similarly, after Staff Officer Chen told him the beginning, his mind turned quickly as if he had a key to this matter.

When Staff Officer Chen didn't say the beginning, Zhao Yili also felt that he didn't have the slightest clue about this matter.

Although it's not like the mind is full of paste.

But, that's not too far off.

Until now, after Staff Officer Chen told him the beginning, it was completely different.

In an instant, the thing that imprisoned him seemed to be opened with a key.

After Zhao Yili thought for a while, he said directly:
"Could it be that it can be understood that the devil made canned oil instead of canned meat because the follow-up force was no longer available!"

"This also means that the local resources of these devils are no longer enough for them to continue fighting for a long time!"

"If this is the case, the consequences will be of great benefit to us, Old Chen!"

I have to say that Zhao Yili is a smart person.

Staff Officer Chen just mentioned this a little bit, and he immediately thought of the answer.

This is what Staff Chen analyzed before.

He believed that it was the same for Yang Fei to mention his answer.

From the top of the can, analyze the local resources of these little devils.

"Old Chen, if the situation is really like this, the local resources of the little devil will be insufficient. For us, this is great news!"

Zhao Yili said excitedly: "In this case, as long as we continue to develop steadily in the next time, then, as long as we can gain a firm foothold and survive, it must be these little devils who will fail in the end." ah!"

Zhao Yili spoke out what was in his heart.

I have to say that if this matter is true, as long as we contact the anti-Japanese teams in various war zones to collect the canned food resources of the devils, and analyze and integrate the information at that time, we can get this answer.

So, this matter is very important.

"Yes, it is!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded, indicating that this was the case.

It was indeed beyond his expectation that Zhao Yili could think of this so quickly.

However, this is normal.

After all, Zhao Yili is three points smarter than him in certain things.

Especially under all special circumstances, his sense of smell and sensitivity are even more powerful.

This is something he can't compare to.

Staff Officer Chen is very clear.

"According to our analysis, this is indeed the case. You can think about it. At the beginning, the resources and food of these little devils were all canned meat!"

"And, it's still pure canned meat, nothing else mixed in!"

"At this moment, the war has progressed to the present, and they have occupied so many places on our Chinese land. According to the normal development, the quality of their canned military supplies is not only getting better and better, but also to ensure the previous quality. of!"

"Unfortunately, the situation is completely opposite now, it is not the case at all!"

"Under the situation in front of us, if such a situation happened, it can only show that these little devils can no longer maintain the same pace and invincible momentum in the way of fighting and fighting at the beginning!"

Staff Officer Chen continued to analyze: "Don't forget, how arrogant these little devils were when they came to our land of China from the very beginning!"

"Advance quickly, every battle is sure to win!"

"Now, they are already in a stalemate. They can only keep their own occupied places. This is enough to explain some problems!"

"So, Old Zhao, your analysis is right. As long as we persevere in the early stage, then as long as we can resist these little devils in the follow-up, then victory belongs to us!"

Speaking of this, Staff Officer Chen was actually very happy in his heart.

different from before.

In the past, when I was in the [-]th Brigade, my daily life was the kind of hopeless one.

Although their [-]th brigade was also full of vigor at the time.

However, there is no hope of annihilating the devils and winning this battle every day.

But at this time, it was different. After learning so much and analyzing the detailed situation, I finally knew the result, and finally saw hope!

You must know that facing some things, seeing hope, having hope, and seeing no hope, no hope, the process and result are completely different.

No matter when, hope is the most important thing.

"Haha, that's true!"

Zhao Yili also laughed and said, "Hope is the most important thing!"

"We have been fighting the little devil for such a long time, with such difficulties, and the process is so desperate!"

"During the period, so many comrades-in-arms who were with us all died in the battle with the little devil."

"At that time, they couldn't see hope at all!"

"Even, when they sacrificed, their hearts were so desperate, because they couldn't see hope!"

"But at this time, it's completely different. From the beginning of the devil's invasion, our people couldn't resist it and retreated steadily!"

"The next struggle, the war of resistance, the fight against the Japanese aggressors."

"With the current stalemate in the war, our strength to fight against the Japanese invaders has grown. Coupled with our current analysis, there is hope!"

"There is really hope!"

Now Zhao Yili is very excited.

Don't watch him follow Yang Fei and win several battles one after another.

Killed a lot of little devils.

However, during this period, he still did not see hope.

Confused about the battle situation and the situation.

This kind of confusion is not something that can be seen after a few victories, and the fog in front of you can be cleared away.

As for Zhao Yili at this moment, after receiving Yang Fei's suggestion from Staff Officer Chen, after analyzing it, he saw hope in an instant.

real hope.

This is real hope.

It's not the kind of illusory hope that you can't see, the kind of hope you think.


Staff Officer Chen continued to laugh and said, "Old Zhao, you see hope now. You must know that I felt the same way as you did before!"

"However, since Lao Yang told me about this matter, I have been thinking about it, thinking about these things!"

"After that, I saw hope!"

"And at this moment, I realize that you also see hope, hope for the victory of the War of Resistance in the future, right?"

Staff Officer Chen looked at Zhao Yili seriously.

"That's true, Old Chen!"

Zhao Yili also said seriously: "I hope this thing, sometimes, is really illusory and illusory!"

"Sometimes, you feel like you see hope, and it feels like the hope you see is real!"

"Unfortunately, the final result, what you see is not even a fart!"

"It's not hope at all, but even greater despair!"

Regarding this, Zhao Yili also analyzed it before, but there was no result at all.

At this moment, it is different. After this analysis, he is real and sees real hope.

The kind of hope that can be seen with the eyes, not the hope that one comforts oneself without reasoning.

"Tell the truth, Old Chen!"

Zhao Yili looked at Staff Officer Chen seriously: "When I didn't meet Lao Yang before, there were devils everywhere in that situation. I felt that my soldiers and I were going to be doomed, and we couldn't escape this disaster."

"At that time, I made an agreement with the soldiers, and the soldiers also expressed their thoughts. We were all prepared, that is, to fight the little devil to the end and fight to the last drop of blood!"

"Really, we were all prepared at that time. As long as the little devil sees us and comes in front of us, we will fight bloody to the end. Killing one is enough money, and killing two is profitable!"

Zhao Yili explained the situation at that time.

It really is.

"Haha, the choices we made are the same!"

Staff Officer Chen also laughed at this moment: "Old Zhao, I have to say that although our [-]th Brigade's combat effectiveness is not very good, our blood spirit is unmatched by anyone else!"

"Don't be a traitor, never compromise with the little devil, fight to the end, and fight to the last drop of your blood."

"This is the tradition of our [-]th Brigade."

Speaking of this, Staff Officer Chen's face was full of pride.

Proud of the [-]th Brigade.

Proud of him as a member of the [-]th Brigade.

Proud of the [-]th Brigade he came from.


The combat effectiveness of the [-]th Brigade was not very strong, and every time they fought against the little devils, they were in a stalemate or even suffered a disastrous defeat.

However, the fighters of their [-]th brigade were all good, and none of them surrendered to the devils.

In the end, they all died in battle.

This was also the reason why he joined the [-]th Brigade at that time.

He is proud of the [-]th Brigade.

"Yes, our [-]th Brigade is indeed incomparable to other troops in terms of combat effectiveness and weapons!"

This is what Zhao Yili is proud of:

"However, the brothers of our [-]th brigade are all good, and there is not a single coward!"

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about my subordinates. After so many battles with devils, none of them surrendered!"

"I remember the most clearly, Xiao Zhang, my third platoon leader at that time!"

"His legs were blown off at the time, but he just gritted his teeth, strapped a grenade to his body, and crawled on the ground with his hands!"

"There was a piece of blood red behind him, he crawled outside the devil's fortification, and tore a hole in the little devil's strong fortification!"

"In that battle, my company suffered a lot of losses!"

"However, we played the bloody spirit of being a Chinese soldier, as well as our steel backbone!"

"I am very proud of this, very proud!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili's eyes are full of memories, and his face is full of nostalgia.

All his comrades-in-arms are good.

All are good!

"You can imagine!"

When Staff Officer Chen heard this, his face was serious.

He could imagine the scene at that time.

Xiao Zhang, who had personally experienced that situation, felt so much pain and despair.

But, he just gritted his teeth, persisted, and blew up the devil's fortifications.

So, Staff Officer Chen felt that if all Chinese soldiers, even Chinese people, had this kind of blood and spine, these damned little devils like animals would not last long.

The result of all being united is that the devils retreat!

Staff Chen firmly believed in this!
"Not much to say!"

"The more I talk about it, the more it hurts!"

Thinking of the sacrificed comrades, Zhao Yili's heart felt as if a knife had been cut in that scene.

"Well, it's better now, at least for now, we have corrected this situation!"

Staff Officer Chen patted Zhao Yili on the shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "Believe in yourself, believe in our soldiers, believe in our troops, our anti-Japanese armed forces, victory will definitely belong to us!"

"These little devils who are like animals will be driven out of China sooner or later by us!"

Staff Officer Chen's words were so sonorous and firm at this moment.


Zhao Yili also nodded heavily.

Because, at this moment, his persistence is also the same!

Victory will surely belong to them.

Now, it's just a matter of time.

Because the deadlocked battles in the major regions already represent this.

If it is said that the anti-Japanese armed forces are not so strong, they will not be able to fall into a stalemate and stalemate with the little devils at all.

This point represents their strength!
It represents their progress!

At this moment, the soldiers in charge of security reported back.

"Staff Chen, Battalion Commander Zhao, and Battalion Commander Liu have brought people back, and we are less than a mile away!"

It has to be said that Liu Zhiyun led the troops very quickly.

Not long after the battle ended, they rushed back.

"Ha ha!"

Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili burst into laughter when they heard this.

Sweep away all previous emotions.

When Liu Zhiyun came back, they wanted to see how this guy behaved after winning the battle?
Is it the cockpit that continues with what it was before?
Or have you already started to make changes and start to be humble?
They are looking forward to Liu Zhiyun's performance.

"Let's go, Old Zhao, let's meet the winner!"

Staff Officer Chen smiled and walked forward.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Yili followed immediately.

Soon, they saw Liu Zhiyun, who had returned from victory, with a smile on his face and high morale.

Seeing Liu Zhiyun's appearance, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili looked at each other, feeling that this kid must be cocky this time.

"Haha, Lao Chen, Lao Zhao, you all know that I wiped out the little devil, are you here to welcome me?"

Liu Zhiyun laughed and came forward, came to Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, and gave them a big bear hug together.

"go away!"

However, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili directly pulled Liu Zhiyun aside and looked at the soldiers behind.

(End of this chapter)

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