Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3449 Liu Zhiyun's Hiding

Chapter 3449 Liu Zhiyun's Hiding
Although Liu Zhiyun won.

But, it doesn't matter, it's Liu Zhiyun's duty to win.

And what they want to praise at this time is the soldiers.

In the eyes of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

At this moment, the ones who deserve the most praise are the soldiers.

If there were no soldiers, no matter how much equipment and ammunition Liu Zhiyun was given, this guy would not be able to win this battle.

So, Liu Zhiyun stood aside, they wanted to praise these fighters.

Of course, this is also related to Liu Zhiyun's attitude.

If this guy didn't cock his tail, if he didn't feel complacent, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili wouldn't do it either.

It's a pity that this fellow Liu Zhiyun has no awareness at all, and is swayed by emotions.

So, seeing this scene, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, how could they give him a good face? It's impossible.

They just wanted to do this, to make Liu Zhiyun feel this, and to arouse his vigilance, so that he could make a change.

Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, it can be said that they have put in a lot of thought into Liu Zhiyun's change.

From the little things in front of me, we can see the hard work of the two of them.

"Ha ha!"

"Look, our battalion commander is stunned!"


At this time, the soldiers who saw this situation also laughed.

After all, they seldom see their battalion commander deflated.

Now, it's a good thing, a good thing, to see his battalion commander slumped in front of Staff Officer Chen and Battalion Commander Zhao.

After the battle is over, they still hope to see such a scene.

After all, although there is no other effect, it can cheer up their mood.


When Liu Zhiyun saw the soldiers laughing at him, he also snorted coldly, and stopped talking to Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

Instead, he walked directly towards the truck where the cans were placed.

After a fight, he was already hungry.

Instead of wasting time here, he might as well go eat something.

As for the attitude of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili towards him, he didn't care at all.

Because, he is already making changes, and he is very clear in his heart.

As for the grinning look just now, it was completely pretended by him to play tricks on Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

He did it on purpose.

Besides, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili had no hope for him before.

He just wanted to shock the eyes of the two of them.

Let's not talk about it now, and don't show it. In the end, when he is about to succeed, or when he succeeds, he will directly burst out, and he has succeeded.

At that time, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili will definitely be stunned.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiyun's smile became stronger and stronger.

Even, at this moment, there is a trace of anticipation and excitement in his heart.

He very much hoped that that day would come. In this case, he would be able to slap Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili in the face.

In this way, Liu Zhiyun came to the truck full of cans.

"Liu Battalion Commander, you have grown up, you are so happy that you are hungry, haha!"

When the guard soldiers saw Liu Zhiyun coming, they immediately smiled and said.

"Hey, this special grandma, that's how you win a battle!"

Liu Zhiyun also said with a smile: "When you don't win a battle, no matter how much delicious food is in front of you, you don't want to eat it!"

"I have no appetite!"

"After winning the battle now, it will be completely different. I have a big appetite!"

"No, I'm hungry before it's time to eat, haha!"

"Quick, quick, give me two canned meat!"

Thinking of canned meat, Liu Zhiyun's saliva almost flowed out.

Compared with the previous meals, the canned meat of the captured little devil is still very fragrant and delicious.

The food was much better than when he was in the [-]th Brigade.

You know, the canned meat of these little devils is a real luxury at this time.

Even if most people want to eat, they don't have it.

After all, this is something from the little devil army, they won't sell it.

So, if you want to get the canned meat of the little devil, you can only get it after you kill the little devil and seize it.

Otherwise, just think about it!

"Okay, okay, Commander Liu, I'll get you a can and two, is that enough?"

The guarding soldier was also very enthusiastic, so he turned around and started picking up cans from the truck.

"One can, don't eat so much, one can will be full, and eating too much of this stuff is not bad, and it's too full!"

"If we are marching or fighting, we can eat more. After all, only when we are full can we fight and have the energy to fight."

"Now, a big victory has just been fought, and there has been no battle for a while."

"Under such circumstances, I'd better not eat too much, just eat a box!"

It can be said that Liu Zhiyun is already making changes.

If it were put on him before, he would not give up until he ate two cans. He had to eat enough to fill himself up.

But now, it was different, he began to control himself.

Even if he wanted to eat it in his heart, he directly rejected it with actions at this moment.

"Then, listen to you, Battalion Commander Liu!"

The guard soldier was surprised when he heard this.

After all, in the past, he remembered very clearly that Liu Zhiyun was a good eater, he could eat three boxes of canned food, but he would definitely not eat one box.

So, Liu Zhiyun's performance at this time took him by surprise.

However, he was not surprised. After all, Liu Zhiyun was the battalion commander, so he just obeyed orders.

Others are not important at all!
All he has to do is obey orders.

In this way, Liu Zhiyun took a box of canned food, stabbed it open with a bayonet, and began to eat.

Of course, his eyes were on Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

He watched Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili praise his soldiers, and he was actually very happy in his heart.

After all, if the soldiers under his command were praised, his face would also be very bright.

Therefore, at this moment, Liu Zhiyun, eating canned food, watching Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili praising his soldiers, he was delighted to see it, and he was also very happy in his heart.


"Soldiers, you are all good!"

Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were praising the soldiers under Liu Zhiyun's command.

"You were members of the [-]th Brigade before, and it hasn't been long since you joined our regiment!"

"Under such circumstances, you were able to adapt so quickly, and together with your Battalion Commander Liu, won the battle, you are all doing well!"

"During this battle, you proved your abilities. Most importantly, you didn't lose face to the [-]th Brigade. You are all doing well!"

Praise is actually very simple.

After all, there is nothing more important than recognizing their identities.

What is their origin?
It is the [-]th Brigade.

Now that the establishment of the [-]th Brigade has been dismantled, the praise they most hope to hear is that they have not lost face to the [-]th Brigade.

Otherwise, if they lose the face of the [-]th Brigade, they will go down and have no face to see their comrades.

(End of this chapter)

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