Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3450 Staff Officer Chen's Report

Chapter 3450 Staff Officer Chen's Report
For fighters, sometimes all they need is this kind of recognition.

In the past, when their [-] brigade was still organized, they didn't care much about this feeling.

Because the [-] brigade is there, so is the home.

At this time, the [-]th Brigade was gone.

The establishment of the [-]th Brigade has been completely broken up by the little devil, and there is no more to beat.

Under such circumstances, their foundation is the status of a defeated soldier.

Even after being incorporated by Yang Fei at this moment, and after winning the battle, their identities are also the defeated soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

So, under such circumstances, the approval of the officer is the most important thing to them.

With this recognition, they will be proud in their hearts, confident, and confident.

From this point, it can be seen how important this moment is to these soldiers.

This is also the cleverness of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

After all, the identities of the two of them were also from the [-]th Brigade.

Therefore, for this, they know best what to do, which is good for the soldiers in front of them.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili to see Liu Zhiyun bring the soldiers back, and they would come directly to talk to the soldiers and encourage them.

This is the smart officer.

Otherwise, ordinary officers, who don't know these things, won't care about the lives of the soldiers below.

"Come on!"


And Liu Zhiyun, who was eating canned food, watched this scene with a smile.

Liu Zhiyun understood the intentions of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

That's why he didn't bother.

After all, these are all soldiers under his command, and he should agree with them.

However, for the rest of the officers, the recognition of these soldiers is also the most important thing for these soldiers.

time flies.

In the evening, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun returned to the station in Jiuping Town with the soldiers and a wealth of spoils.

At this time, the soldiers in the garrison became excited after seeing Staff Officer Chen and others who had returned in victory.

Especially seeing this truckload of trophies, this is the reason why they are really excited.

After all, spoils of war represent combat effectiveness.

The more loot they have now, the more powerful they will be in the battle against the little devil in the coming time, and more victories will be won.

This is what these soldiers think in their hearts.

As for the others, they are all secondary to fighting devils.

"According to the classification, after recording, all will be returned to the library!"

After Staff Officer Chen gave the order, he took Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili and walked towards Yang Fei's office in the headquarters in Jiuping Town.

When they come back, they will report the details of this battle to Yang Fei.

This is the rule.

Soon, the three of Staff Chen came outside Yang Fei's office.


Staff Officer Chen shouted directly.

Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili on the side were just waiting.

"Come in!"

Yang Fei's voice came out.


Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun, upon hearing Yang Fei's voice, pushed open the office door with a smile and entered the office.

At this moment, Yang Fei is sitting at the desk, writing and drawing, as if he is planning something.

"Ha ha!"

Looking up at Staff Officer Chen and the three of them, Yang Fei smiled and said, "It seems that your harvest this time is not bad!"


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun immediately laughed.

Their harvest this time is not only not small, it is simply too big.

There are quite a lot of materials for a devil's alliance, as well as reserve materials, etc.

Now, it's all theirs.

Thinking of this, the three of them felt very excited and very happy.

It's just that, in front of the soldiers, they hid this joy.

That is Liu Zhiyun, smiling.

No, when they came in front of Yang Fei, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili couldn't help it immediately, they showed their true nature and started to laugh excitedly.

After all, Yang Fei is their regiment leader, and they are Yang Fei's soldiers.

Under such circumstances, just like a child in front of his parents, he can act like a baby.

Otherwise, they would have no chance outside.

"Okay, okay, stop smirking, sit down first, and wait for me to finish writing this point!"

Yang Fei waved his hands to the three of them, and started his busy work again.

He wanted to finish writing the things he had written before going to talk to Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun.

Otherwise, it would be bad if you forget what you planned in your mind just now.

After all, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

Everything has a contingency, once it is forgotten, it will be very difficult to think about it again.

"It's okay, you are busy first, anyway, we just came back now, and there is nothing to do."

After the three of Staff Officer Chen finished, they began to wait.

Indeed it is.

They have just returned from fighting, and they have nothing to do, so it's time to rest.

So, under such circumstances, they have time to wait.

Coincidentally, they also took advantage of this time to organize their language in their minds.

Save the time to say it later, it’s not good to say it.

There's nothing wrong with saying it's bad.

But, they still want to perform well in front of Yang Fei.

After all, they all want their own weight, and there is a little more in Yang Fei's heart.

Human nature!

time flies.

Half an hour passed.

Yang Fei put down the pen in his hand, lit a cigarette, and stood up.

Moreover, he threw the pack of cigarettes in his hand to Staff Officer Chen directly.

"I'll have one first!"

It's just that Liu Zhiyun, who has quick eyesight and quick hands, cut off the beard directly.

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili just smiled and had no opinion.

"Let's talk about the battle situation this time, and describe it in detail. I'll listen to it!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he sat on the sofa beside him.


The three of Liu Zhiyun also sat down after lighting a cigarette one after another.

The three of them have discussed it, and this time the report will be given by Staff Officer Chen.

This is normal and reasonable.

After all, the commander of this combat operation is Staff Officer Chen.

Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun assisted.

All three of them are qualified to report, but, among the three of them, Staff Officer Chen has the most qualifications.

"After we got outside Liude City..."


In this way, Staff Officer Chen told all about the battle situation in Liude City and other things.

Yang Fei listened while smoking a cigarette. Similarly, what Staff Officer Chen said had gone through in his mind.


After Staff Officer Chen finished his report, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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