Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3451 Yang Fei's compliment

Chapter 3451 Yang Fei's compliment

For this process, Yang Fei has no opinion.

Everything seems to be going well.

However, the only shortcoming can be said to be the disappointment of Yang Fei.

That is, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun are too orderly.

As the saying goes, it is the kind of person who admits death and dare not jump out of the rules.

The three of them completely followed his arrangement to act and execute the plan.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

It can also be said that there is no innovation, and it is done completely according to the dead order.

Don't dare to go beyond.

It's just that Yang Fei doesn't like this.

Perhaps, some military officers would like the people below to act in full accordance with the rules and orders, without the slightest overstepping.

However, for Yang Fei, he didn't like this.

Because, once a soldier or a junior officer who does things completely according to the order is so familiar and his thinking is fixed, it will be very difficult to make breakthroughs and progress.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei didn't like it.

Because, he wants his soldiers, junior officers, etc. to make great progress, and there is still room for development in the future.

This is the most important reason for this.

Of course, it cannot be said that people who follow the rules are not good.

It can only be said that such a person has a limited future.

If you don't think outside the box, you won't have great prospects for development.

Just like himself, his thinking is very detached.

Don't forget that there is a saying that has been true throughout the ages: the king's life will not be accepted!

This sentence has explained everything.

No matter how good the plan is, no matter how perfect the plan is, it is not perfect and not so good in the face of fickle and chaotic battlefields.

Therefore, the general will not accept the order of the emperor outside.

As a qualified commander, one must judge the situation based on the battlefield, and improve plans, etc., to seize opportunities.

It is a pity that Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun disappointed him very much.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun were completely restrained by the rules of the [-]th Brigade.

Their persistence is to act in full accordance with Yang Fei's orders, and meticulously complete the tasks assigned to them by Yang Fei.

As long as they can successfully complete the tasks Yang Fei entrusted to them, their status in Yang Fei's heart will be improved a lot.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun directly restrained themselves, not daring to make a breakthrough based on Yang Fei's plan.

What Yang Fei didn't know was that Liu Zhiyun wanted to make a change at that time.

It's a pity that it was stopped by Staff Officer Chen.

In Zhao Yili's mind, although he thought the same as Liu Zhiyun, he also felt that it was better to follow Yang Fei's orders completely for the first mission.

Yang Fei didn't even know about this situation.

However, according to the final result, Yang Fei still judged that Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun had already reached the upper limit. It is not impossible to break through the upper limit, but it is very difficult.

Besides, Yang Fei might not have time to continue teaching the three of them.

After all, after the mission here is completed, who knows what kind of mission Lei Zhan will give him again, so that he can continue to perform the mission.

Once he went to carry out the task, then he and this place will be separated again.

At that time, it has nothing to do with him as to how the three of Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun will go down the road.

After all, everyone has their own destiny, and he can't control so much.

So, for this matter, Yang Fei didn't say much, but praised it verbally.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun, after all, successfully completed the task, and this should be commended.

Sure enough, seeing Yang Fei nodding in satisfaction, the smiles on the faces of Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun became more intense.

The excitement in my heart is also hard to suppress.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun felt that it was safe this time.

In the future, I will definitely be able to continue beating devils by Yang Fei's side.

It's just that, what Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun didn't expect was that Yang Fei might receive orders and tasks at any time and leave here.

If Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun knew this, how would they feel in their hearts?

"Very well, your performance this time is very good!"

Yang Fei praised directly with a smile: "Although I didn't make a breakthrough on my plan, but please be careful, you brought back everything, and also completed the annihilation of the devil's independent brigade, and The mission of the Devil's Ninth Regiment, this is very good!"

"The follow-up evacuation was also timely, without delay."

"Also, I also thought of setting up booby traps to give these little devils a heavy blow. This is very good. This is the point I am most satisfied with in your plans and tasks this time. It is very good!"

"In the end, on the way back, you also wiped out a squadron of devils that was pursuing. This performance is also very good, old Liu, you have not let me down!"

Yang Fei is very satisfied with Liu Zhiyun who has completed this task.

At the same time, for Liu Zhiyun, Yang Fei's senses have always been very good.

This guy is very similar to a company commander under him before.

If he hadn't sacrificed, he would have no problem being a battalion commander now.

His personality is very similar to Liu Zhiyun, almost two people.

It is because of this that there is more room for improvement.

However, Yang Fei did not point this out to Liu Zhiyun.

If you have such a personality, it will be beneficial to correct it.

Of course, even if it can't be corrected, there are benefits that can't be corrected.

This is the case with everything, there are pros and cons, it depends on how you do it and how you measure it.

Yang Fei would not talk about this kind of thing, nor would he participate in it.

"Hey, Lao Yang, this credit is not mine!"

Seeing Yang Fei performing himself like this, Liu Zhiyun was a little embarrassed, and said directly: "If you hadn't left the old Niu's platoon outside Liude City, I would have no chance to complete this task, right? Ambushing and annihilating the enemy can’t be done without the early intelligence support, so Lao Yang, this credit is not my own, and I don’t dare to take all the credit into myself in my arms!"

For this point, Liu Zhiyun is still self-aware.

On top of his character, though, is flawed.

However, a character flaw does not mean that he has a problem.

Some credits can be obtained, and some cannot be obtained.

Just like this ambush battle.

The credit belongs to everyone. Without Yang Fei's early arrangements, he would have been able to annihilate the chasing devils so smoothly.

It's simply not possible.

So, under the current situation, Liu Zhiyun is very self-aware and doesn't take the credit.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this, Yang Fei smiled and shook his head: "You, you, merit is merit, don't refuse this, it's not good, old Liu!"

For this, Yang Fei understood very well.

The distribution of credit is like a mirror in Yang Fei's mind.

Yes, the intelligence advantage is huge.

However, the fighters who fought hard also made great contributions.

Therefore, above this point, Yang Fei is very fair and fair!


Now, Liu Zhiyun chuckled and stopped talking.

He thought in his heart, since Yang Fei gave him this credit, then he wants it and accepts it!

On the other hand, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen were envious.

They also want to be praised and recognized by Yang Fei!

(End of this chapter)

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