Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3461 Liu Zhiyun's bold idea

Chapter 3461 Liu Zhiyun's bold idea
What's going on with Liu Zhiyun, here at this moment, no one knows better than Yang Fei.

However, what Liu Zhiyun showed was indeed a bit beyond Yang Fei's expectations.

According to Liu Zhiyun's previous performance, he would never show himself so actively at this time.

But at this moment, Liu Zhiyun is expressing himself as much as possible, completely releasing his personality.

Of course, what Yang Fei meant was not that it was wrong.

Rather, Liu Zhiyun has already begun to adjust his state and personality, and Yang Fei is very satisfied with this.

At the same time, he was also looking forward to what Liu Zhiyun would become.

Is it a further transformation, or is it a failure to change and completely let go of oneself?

These, in Yang Fei's heart, are very much looking forward to.

What he likes to watch most is these fighters, who have completed their transformation and improved themselves a lot.

Yang Fei believed that as a qualified commander, he would think so.

"According to the news from Lao Niu, the little devils who supported Liude City directly dispatched two brigades to attack Jiuping Town where we are."

"Under such circumstances, the strength of the devils in the two brigades is probably between [-] and [-]!"

"After all, there will be two battle brigades in each of these little devils' brigades. The strength of these battle brigades is more than that of ordinary devil brigades!"

"So, compared to our current strength, we are at a disadvantage!"

"Under such circumstances, you say, how should we fight this battle?"

Although Yang Fei already had a plan to deal with it, given this opportunity, he still wanted to know the thoughts of Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili.

After all, this kind of thinking, as well as temporary ideas, etc., the three teammates, Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili, all have a little experience.

If it is done well, the three of them will be able to develop some small skills.

"Then let me talk about it first!"

With such an opportunity, Staff Officer Chen directly grasped it, and said directly: "According to my opinion, we can take advantage of this opportunity to evacuate Jiuping Town first. After all, once we are besieged in Jiuping Town, our The disadvantage is really too great."

"Although our current military strength is quite large, once we are besieged, our combat effectiveness is still inferior to these little devils!"

"After all, the soldiers we are gathering now are just the broken soldiers of the [-]th Brigade!"

"So, if we want to change this disadvantage in front of us, there is only one way, and that is to evacuate Jiuping Town and let the little devil enter Jiuping Town!"

"In this way, we can counter-siege these little devils and constantly harass these little devils outside, thereby consuming the strength of these little devils to achieve our goal of annihilating the enemy!"

"Lao Yang, this is my idea, that's all!"

Staff Officer Chen said everything he thought in his heart in one breath.

In front of Yang Fei, Staff Officer Chen was never worried that he would say something wrong.

After all, only if you boldly speak out what you think in your heart, then you will have a chance.

If you don't say it, then you don't have this opportunity.

So, without hesitation or concealment, Staff Officer Chen spoke out all of his thoughts.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Yang Fei nodded: "Your idea is very good, avoiding the enemy's large forces, so as to consume the enemy's strength from the side, this is very good!"

"It's a good way. You two should remember what Old Chen said. In some cases, you can do this. It's a good way!"

This is indeed the case. Yang Fei also thought of this method before, but this method is not the best, so he directly rejected it.

However, in his plan, there is such a plan.

Just one of the backup plans.

The best is not this.

As for what Staff Officer Chen said, the combat effectiveness of soldiers is not as good as that of little devils. Yang Fei disagrees with this point.

The fighting power of the soldiers is not as good as that of the little devil. That was before he came, the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, when they were defeated.

But now, it's different.

He, Yang Fei, arrived and gathered the defeated soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

And let these rout soldiers all participate in the battle with the little devil, and even won the battle with the little devil.

So, under such circumstances, the combat effectiveness of these fighters is no worse than that of these little devils.

Even, in terms of morale, it definitely surpassed the little devil.

As long as the morale is higher than that of the little devil, then everything is possible.

Combat power, to be honest, is just that.

Morale, sometimes directly represents combat effectiveness.

And if there is no morale, no matter how powerful your combat power is, it is still a fighter without high morale, and the combat power expressed and displayed is strong.

In this case, because Staff Officer Chen had little experience, he was only a regiment staff officer before and had no experience in leading troops, so he didn't understand or didn't know.

However, Yang Fei is experienced in many battles.

He is very clear about this situation.

Of course, he didn't say it directly at this time because it wasn't necessary.

He might not be able to hear this thing in his heart when he said it. It's better for Staff Chen to experience it slowly in the next time.

Anyway, in the experience of his professor, all this knowledge is available.

At that time, Staff Officer Chen will be able to learn.

In combination with the examples that happened, etc., you can learn it soon.

"You two, who will talk about it?"

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun.

He wanted to see if these two guys had any unique insights.

"Old Chen and I have similar thoughts. Since we don't have an advantage, if we stick to Jiuping Town, we will be completely at a disadvantage. Then let's evacuate here, take it slowly, don't worry!"

Zhao Yili's thinking was similar to Staff Officer Chen's.

Although, Zhao Yili's experience in leading a team is better than Staff Officer Chen's.

However, in terms of vision and vision, it is not so easy to increase and shorten the distance.

This takes time and the experience of a big battle.


Yang Fei nodded, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

However, he didn't show it, and looked directly at Liu Zhiyun.


Being watched by Yang Fei, Liu Zhiyun smiled embarrassedly and said directly:
"My thoughts are different from theirs!"

"I feel that since the little devil is here, don't hesitate, don't be polite, and don't retreat!"

"At the same time, because we now have the information, we have an advantage over the little devil!"

"So, with such an advantage, it would be a pity if we evacuated Jiuping Town!"

"I feel that we can completely seize this advantage, use this advantage, and create a greater advantage!"

"Thus, to achieve the victory we want, as for the retreat, I really don't support it. Once we retreat now and spend time on the way to retreat, it will completely discard the advantage of our current knowledge of intelligence. !"

"So, in the current situation, we still don't want to retreat. We must seize this advantage, fight, and fight with the little devils, let alone the little devils of the two brigades. Under the circumstances, there is no need for us to be afraid of devils from one or two alliances!"

"As long as it's done well, not to mention killing the devils, but injuring the devils and seriously injuring the little devils, this is completely possible!"

"Old Yang, this is my idea, look!"

I have to say that although Liu Zhiyun didn't say what he did in detail, he expressed his attitude.

Absolutely do not retreat, hit directly!
Anyway, it has the advantage of intelligence, so don't be afraid, just fight!

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's thoughts, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction.

What Liu Zhiyun said was indeed beyond Yang Fei's expectations.

He didn't expect that Liu Zhiyun would be so bold that he would fight the little devil without retreating.

it is good!

Yang Fei thought, based on this idea, he could tell the difference between Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili.

"Old Liu, your idea is too radical. If you fight like this, our losses will be even greater!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen directly opposed this point!
(End of this chapter)

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